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Showing posts with label eu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eu. Show all posts

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Still Room for some Jews to Join "The Maggid" in Europe's earth soaked in Jewish blood.

What is it with this Rabbi Pesach Krohn,"The Maggid," that is so attracted to places that murdered Jews?

Just yesterday the Polish Bastards burned a Chassidic Jew In Effigy! 

"A Polish demonstration taking in Muslim refugees ended with the burning of an effigy of a haredi Orthodox Jew holding the flag of the European Union."
Can't he make trips to Israel? Isn't there enough history in Israel to tell his maasalich? 

Is it such a big mitzvah to  feed the descendants of the murderers and rapists of our ancestors ?
Is it so important to know in which bathroom in Baranovitz the students took a leak?

This "maggid" guy who calls himself a "history buff" hasn't learnt that Europe was and is a cesspool of Jewish hatred?

Doesn't he have eyes and ears? Hasn't he heard that the EU are now labeling Jewish products produced in the land that HKB"H gave us?
Does he even care? 

I say take all the bodies of the late Gedoilim and transfer them to Israel! Finished!
That's what Yaakov Aveenu and all his children wanted, to have their "bones" transferred to Israel, even if it took hundreds of years!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Obama approves of EU labeling of Jewish products

 President Hussein Obama's regime on Thursday voiced its approval of the discriminatory EU decision the day before to label Jewish goods from Judea, Samaria, eastern Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.

The administration said the move is only a "technical guideline," and is not a boycott, reports Associated Press - despite the obvious assumption that consumers would follow the labeling when choosing what products to buy.

US State Department spokesperson Mark Toner said, "we do not believe that labeling the origin of products is equivalent to a boycott. And as you know, we do not consider settlements to be part of Israel. We do not view labeling the origin of products as being from the settlements as a boycott of Israel."

Despite Toner's words, an expert at NGO Monitor spoke to Arutz Sheva about the labeling on Wednesday, and revealed that the move is the first step in a planned total boycott of Israel based on the stated goals of the groups who brought about the labeling.

The US had been slightly vague before the decision by the EU, with Toner saying the US opposes boycotting Israel but that the EU's position "shouldn't come as a surprise" given Israel's continued presence in its Biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria.

But on Thursday, Toner said, "we understand the objective is to provide EU consumers correct information on the origin of products, as required by EU law.

 The EU has made clear that measures are not a boycott, and the EU has also made very clear that they oppose boycotts against Israel. 

EU guidelines for products that are sold in EU countries are for the EU to determine."
"These are technical guidelines delineating the origin of products. Consumers will then be aware of the origin of a product when purchasing it, as they are made aware for products across the globe," he said.

Toner went further by saying the US similarly labels imports from Judea and Samaria, noting such products must be marked "products of the West Bank," although there is no distinction between Jewish and Arab products as is the case with the EU.

Israel reacted by furiously pointing out the discriminatory nature of the EU labeling, with many noting that there are hundreds of territorial disputes around the globe which have not been targeted for labeling or boycotts by the EU, such as in Western Sahara, Tibet, and northern Cyprus.
Regarding the legal status of Israel's presence in Judea and Samaria, and consequentially of products from the region, the 2012 Levy Report proved that Israel's presence is legal according to international law.

However, despite being commissioned by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, two consecutive governments led by him have yet to adopt the findings of the report.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

EU will boycott Jewish 'settlement' goods

The European Union (whose earth is soaked with Jewish Land) has approved a measure labeling Jewish-made goods from Judea and Samaria, in a long-anticipated move branded by the Israeli government as "anti-Semitic."

At a meeting in Brussels, the European Commissioner "adopted this morning the interpretative notice on indication of origin of goods from the territories occupied by Israel since June 1967," the EU's executive said.

The notice is effectively a set of guidelines for labeling products from Israeli communities in Judea, Samaria, the Golan Heights and neighborhoods of Jerusalem liberated during the 1967 Six Day War.

The first instructions are set to be for food and other industries, including potentially specifying the wording to be used on labels.  

Israel's ambassador to the EU warned on Tuesday that there would be "implications" from the decision.

The Israeli foreign ministry, meanwhile, has summoned the European Union's ambassador to the country in response to the move.

"Israel condemns the European Union's decision to label Israeli goods originating from over the '67 lines," the foreign ministry said in a statement following the decision.
"We regret that the EU has chosen, for political reasons, to take such an exceptional and discriminatory step, inspired by the boycott movement, particularly at this time, when Israel is confronting a wave of terrorism targeting any and all of its citizens," it added.

The foreign ministry further condemned the "shocking double-standard" of labeling Israeli goods in disputed territory, while not acting similarly in "some 200 territorial disputes current going on throughout the world."

Meanwhile, the EU insisted Wednesday that the decision is "technical, not political." 
"This is a technical issue not a political stance," European Commission vice-president Valdis Dombrovskis told AFP, adding that the bloc "does not support in any form a boycott or sanctions against Israel."

Dombrovskis said the labelling decision was related to consumer policy in the European Union, the world's biggest economy with a combined population of over 500 million.
"The Commission is providing guidance to the EU member states and economic operators to ensure the uniform application of the rules on indication of origins of Israeli settlement produce," he said.

He said the EU decision "is not a new legislation or new policy, it clarifies certain elements linked to the interpretation and effective
implementation of the existing EU legislation."

Ahead of the ruling, the NGO Monitor watchdog warned moves to label Jewish-made goods in Israel - even from only a specific part of the country - were being engineered and encouraged by far-left NGOs as a precursor for more extensive boycotts against the Jewish state.

"The European Union’s decision to label Israeli-made products from beyond the Green Line is another act in the ongoing NGO campaign to delegitimize Israel," 

NGO Monitor head Professor Gerald Steinberg of NGO Monitor said. "This strategy is also the driving force of BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) campaigns, and it is led by EU-funded NGOs that are detrimental a peaceful, negotiated solution."

NGO Monitor outlined how extremist NGOs whose only agenda was to attack Israel were being funded by the EU itself, and that those very groups were behind the latest measure.

"For years, the EU has given money earmarked for humanitarian aid and peace-building to political groups that abuse human rights to promote their own agendas. These organizations have lobbied hard for the EU to adopt their ideas, with the rhetoric of 'consumer choice' masking what is clearly an anti-Israel measure," the group said in a statement.
"NGO Monitor research shows that NGOs push labeling as a first step in the BDS process, aimed at all Israeli products and services. This allows these NGOs to talk about the pre-1967 lines while actually targeting Israel within the 1948 borders."

"The multiplicity of examples shows that many highly political NGOs are not only following the EU’s decision to label products, but that they were active in shaping the resolution and promoting it as a step in their long war against Israel,” 

Steinberg added. "The EU and its member countries are the primary supporters of many of these BDS-related NGOs. This support is inconsistent with Europe’s claims to promote international values and human rights."

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Jews Should Boycott EU Exports

Despite Israeli objections, the European Union is moving ahead with its new policy that compels marking items originating in yishuvim to be labeled as being manufactured in the “West Bank”. 

The exact guidelines for the new policy are to be announced on November 11, 2015.

Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotevely is planning to travel to Europe this week to hold official meetings ahead of the EU announcing its guidelines. She plans to continue lobbying against the new program, which Israel views as handing a prize to Israel’s enemies.
The move will likely fuel the growing fires of anti-Semitism in many European nations.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

EU has Israel sanctions ready, and Uncle Sam may not be able to help..but EU will lift sanctions on Iran!

Crazy headline but unfortunately true... the EU wants to immediately lift sanctions on the terrorist state of Iran but want to sanction Israel...
Euro-Pishers Flag, YM"S

Sounds like World War II.
The Europeans will go after the Jews and it's not certain that the U.S. can save Jews (or will want to do so).
The EU is asking us to commit national suicide or they will punish us.
They are the same bastards that killed so many of us in WWII, but The Europishers ought to realize: The days of the Jew in society addressing the Aryans as "yes, sir; no sir" are over. The days of the Jew in society bowing down to Arian's demands are over; the times of the Jew in society being led to the slaughter house without resistance are gone.
We, members of the People of Israel, i.e. the Jewish People, have no intention to bow down and kiss the soil on which our murderers stand.
We say to the Europeans: Never Again!!

Israel wishes to delay the signing of a nuclear deal between world powers and Iran, but not solely because such an agreement would be dangerous to the Jewish State.

The concern is that immediately following such an agreement, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will become the UN Security Council's and European Union's top priority, and the international community will be freed up to deal with the party it sees as responsible for the stagnation in the peace process - Israel.

This is the widely-held assumption in off-the-record conversations among diplomatic sources in New York and in Washington. "A diplomatic attack against Israel is expected soon that will surprise even the pessimists in Jerusalem," a senior Western diplomat toldThe Jerusalem Post's Hebrew-language sister publication, Ma'ariv. "In the Security Council, in western capitals and at EU headquarters, they are just waiting for the Iran deal to be signed and for it to be approved by the American Congress."

The estimate is that the forced period of waiting will end in September. Then, as the UN General Assembly opens, the signal will be given to start the diplomatic attack against Israel.

Diplomatic sources involved in the western European capitals' handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict say that the EU has already prepared documents which list a number of sanctions that will be levied against Israel in the fields of trade, agriculture, science and culture if Jerusalem does not soon present a diplomatic initiative that leads to a meaningful breakthrough toward a solution to the conflict.

"S‭enior officials in Jerusalem are aware of the existence of sanctions documents at EU headquarters, some of which have even fallen into their hands," a source told Ma'ariv. When US President Barack Obama said on numerous occasions recently that the US will have a difficult time defending Israel in international forums, he is referring especially to "the sanctions file" against Israel, which is waiting at EU headquarters.

The Americans are facing a difficult dilemma. The White House and the State Department are against interference by the Security Council and international forums  in diplomatic efforts to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a role that the Americans see as their own exclusively.

The White House has yet to decide on its response to the French draft resolution making the rounds at the Security Council, which Israel staunchly opposes, and Washington is still mulling its response to the EU sanctions plan.

Unfortunately, Western diplomats in New York say, the new Israeli government is not at all expected to present a new and daring diplomatic initiative. "The make-up of the government is such that no faction or minister will stand up to the lack of an initiative from Prime Minister Netanyahu," a diplomatic source in New York toldMa'ariv. "The coming months will be difficult for Israel. This time Israel will pay a heavy price for continued stagnation. This time, it is also uncertain if Uncle Sam will succeed in saving Israel, and maybe he won't want to do so."

Sunday, February 8, 2015

EU Prohibits JEWS from building in Maalei Adumim but builds 550 illegal Houses for Arabs !

Despite the 2012 Levy Report proving the legality of Israel's presence in Judea and Samaria under international lawthe European Union (EU) has bitterly opposed that presence and even threatened sanctions - however, a new report reveals that it is in fact the EU that is guilty of "illegal settlement" in the region.
EU bastards in Judea and Samaria

Judea and Samaria was divided into Areas A, B and C in the 1993 Oslo Accords which created the Palestinian Authority (PA), and under the agreements Area C is under complete Israeli administrative and security control.

However, the new report by Regavim, an NGO watchdog group for Jewish national property rights, reveals the extent of the EU's illegal actions aiding in PA land grabs in Area C.

In doing so, the EU is creating illegal facts on the ground to pave the way for a de facto Palestinian state in the Biblical heartland of Israel.

According to the report - which was first published several months ago on Arutz Sheva but has since made waves for the first time in the European press, featuring in the UK's Daily Mail - since 2009 European support has shifted from being passive diplomatic and financial aide to the PA, to becoming fully active cooperation in the PA's unilateral illegal construction.

One of the major goals in these EU efforts is to advance illegal Arab building precisely in Area C which is under full Israeli control, and therefore to slowly cede the areas and create a continuity between Arab-held land between Har Hevron in southern Judea, through Yericho (Jericho) and up into Samaria.

A continuity of this sort would critically harm the Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria, as well as endanger Israeli security and Israel's ability to guard itself along defensible borders. A full 550 illegal Arab buildings were put up in Area C in 2014 alone.

The report features a detailed mapping of hundreds of illegal Arab structures built by the EU in the corridor from Jerusalem out past Ma'ale Adumim to its east. It also expounds on the changing EU management as seen in official documents, and dissects the impact of the illegal building.

"European hypocristy"
"Between the lines rises in full force the European hypocrisy, which accuses Israel of taking unilateral steps, even as it is sunk up to its neck in illegal and unilateral activities for the benefit of the Palestinian Authority," Regavim stated.

The organization emphasizes that the construction it documented breaches international law which requires obedience to the sovereign power ruling a given area. It is also in complete contradiction of the Oslo Accords which the EU signed off on as a witness, and which establishes Israel as the authority for security and civilian matters in Area C.

In concluding the report, Regavim summed up that the EU's activities "are not legitimate. There is no avoiding a drastic change in terms of the Israeli government's treatment of the issue."

That change would come "firstly, by understanding and internalizing thatthe European Union is a problematic player that causes great damage to Israeli interests in Judea and Samaria," Regavim said. "Secondly, the supervision and checks on the Union's activities and organizations funded by it must be tightened."

The group also recommended that Israel "take a series of steps - political, legal and publicity based."

"The Israeli actions must be comprised of a combination of political actions through the accepted diplomatic channels, legal actions, intensive enforcement, and widening the publicity to create international legitimacy to end the delegitimate actions by the European Union," concluded Regavim.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Israeli Company's Vaccine Blocks 90% of Cancer Types! Will EU and Arabs Boycott this Company?

An Israeli biotech company is developing a vaccine for cancer that it says can help prevent the return of the lethal disease for 90% of the different types of cancer.

Just wondering how many Europisher & Arab Countries plan to boycott this Israeli Company? HMMM?

What about Satmar, the Romanian Arab supporters ... will they report this in Der Goy? 

Vaxil BioTherapeutics based in Nes Ziona has been developing ImMucin for more than five years, and already has seen strong success in testing indicating it can be a vital tool in combating cancer. The disease kills eight million people worldwide per year, and sees 14 million new cases diagnosed annually according to the World Health Organization.

"Vaxil is developing a drug to keep the cancer from coming back," Vaxil's CFO Julian Levy told NoCamels. "We are trying to harness the natural power of the immune system to fight against cancer by seeking out cancer cells and destroying them.

ImMucin is not intended to replace chemotherapy or other traditional cancer treatments, but rather is meant to halt the development of the disease at less intense periods of the process, during early stages of detection and remission.

Remarking on the concept of a cancer vaccine, Levy said "many preventative cancer vaccines today are not actual vaccines against cancer. Young women can take a vaccine for the HPV virus, which doesn’t combat cancer; it’s a vaccine against a virus that has been proven to lead to a more serious cervical cancer."

So how does ImMucin work?

The vaccine stimulates a certain part of the immune system, developing it to attack specific cells with markers indicating cancer. When used in early stages of cancer, the vaccine is expected to train the immune system to destroy the right cells as cancer develops and fight the disease.
Until last January the company focused its experiments on Multiple Myeloma patients, but then shifted to breast cancer patients. It may be some time before the vaccine sees its way onto the market though, with Levy expecting a release by 2020 at the latest.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

“We built in Jerusalem, we build in Jerusalem, and we will continue to build in Jerusalem.” Netanyahu

Finally telling the world the truth, that Yerushalyim is not going to be "Judenrein"! 
Bibi Netanyahu
It's time to talk "Arab talk." Hamas keeps telling the world  that they want to annihilate all of Jewry, but we don't take the truth seriously. 
So it's time for us  to tell the world the truth, as Netanyahu finally did.
“We built in Jerusalem, we build in Jerusalem, and we will continue to build in Jerusalem.”

And he is not even talking about the settlements, he is talking about building in the "green line" ...
This is  the area that the US State Department is criticizing. How crazy is that? 
Vote Republican, guys. Vote the Democrat bums out!

 It is the condemnation of Israeli building in Jerusalem, not Israeli developments beyond the Green Line in Jewish neighborhoods in the capital, that distances peace, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a combative response to US and EU condemnations of plans to move forward with another 1060 units in the capital.

Netanyahu, at a ground-breaking ceremony for a new port in Ashdod, said that Israel would continue to build new ports, pave roads, lay rail road tracks and “continue to build in our eternal capital.”
“I heard the claim that our building in Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem makes peace more distant, but it is the criticism itself that makes peace more distant,” Netanyahu said of criticism that poured in following his announcement of plans to develop 660 more units in Ramot Shlomo in the northern part of the city, and 400 in the southern neighborhood of Har Homa.
This criticism, he said, is “detached from reality” and feeds false Palestinian hopes.
US State Department Spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Monday that plans for new projects in Jerusalem were “incompatible with the pursuit of peace. And Maja Kocijancic, a spokeswoman for outgoing EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, said the move “once again” calls into question Israel’s commitment “to a negotiated solution with the Palestinians.” She warned that “the future development of relations between the EU and Israel will depend on [its] engagement towards a lasting peace based on a two-state solution.”
Netanyahu said that the international community remains quiet when Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas “incites to the murder of Jews in Jerusalem,” but strongly condemns Israel when it builds in Jerusalem.
“I don’t accept that double standard,” he said. “We built in Jerusalem, we build in Jerusalem, and we will continue to build in Jerusalem.”
Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, meanwhile, decried the move in an Israel Radio interview, saying these types of steps will make it more difficult for Israel to thwart Palestinian efforts in the UN Security Council .
Livni said that while she feels that Israel has the right to build in Jerusalem, these announcements not only hurt Israel diplomatically, but also worsen the volatile security situation in the capital.
Content is provided courtesy of the Jerusalem Post

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Time to Boycott all EU Products!

The EU just announced that they will Ban Israeli Dairy Products from over the Pre-1967 Lines as of January!

So why don't we boycott all their products?
We don't need anything they make, so the next time you see any product manufactured by any country that is part of the EU, don't buy it!

Israel’s Agriculture Ministry has informed dairies across the country that the EU will no longer accept dairy exports from Israeli communities in the West Bank beginning in January.
The European Commission no longer recognizes the authority of inspection agencies over the pre-1967 lines, and without such an inspection, dairy products from those areas cannot be sold in the EU.
Ministry spokesman Amnon Lieberman said the dairy market is primarily a local one, and the primary dairy export to Europe is powdered milk.
As of June, a similar ban was applied to poultry from over the pre-1967 lines and, beginning in February, fish will be included in the ban.

Monday, October 6, 2014

White House Upset that Netanyahu allows Jews to build in Israel

What's up with this Obama? 
Why can't a Jew build in Israel? Are they insane? Upset because Netanyahu allows Jews to build in their own country?
I understand the EU is against Jews living in parts of Israel; they were also against Jews living in Europe. 

The Euro-Pishers are responsible of millions and millions of Jews being slaughtered over 2 thousand year period. Anti-Semitism is in their cursed blood. But America??
If we Jews would all be united, we could, as a group tell the USA to back off, but unfortunately, we have our own groups, like Peace Now, Reform Rabbis, J Street, self-hating Jews, bleeding heart liberals and Satmar that agree with this ludicrous idea that parts of Israel should be Judenrein!

We make asifas against the internet, and asifas against serving in the Jewish army, and thousands show up, but no one wants to make an asifa when Israel is under attack!

Last week there was a local election in the Monsey, Spring Valley, New Hempstead areas, and it was a referendum on whether the residents are in favor of the "Ward System." 
To make a long story short, if the "Ward System" would be put in place, the Heimishe Oilim would have less influence in the running of the Town! If there would be less influence, the local zoning laws would be enforced and the Yiddilich wouldn't be able to place 40 families in a single family home!
So Agudath Israel of America got involved with local Monsey politics, to guarantee that people come and vote against the "Ward System." 
Where the are they now? Is the blood of Jews living in Israel less valued than the blood of Monsey Jews?
In Monsey its "Pikuach Nefesh" to allow 1,000 people to live on one block, but it's not "Pikuach Nefesh" to have more housing in Israel?
Do you know my friends, that if a goy in Israel is ready to sell a house in Israel, and he wants to go to contract on Shabbos, there is a mitzvah, yes, a mitzvah to be Mechalel Shabbos and go to contract on Shabbos! Absolutely!!!
This is paskened L'halacha!

Jerusalem is under Israeli rule. As such it can build. There's nothing else to it. It's not like they're building in Ramallah or any other town that is under Arabic rule. 
Maybe the U.S. Should stop building in California,Texas, New Mecico or any other land that Mexico lost in the war! I'm sure the Mexicans would love their land back! The Arabs were dumb enough to start a war with Israel and lost their part of Jerusalem. That's just too bad! 
Bottom line: when America stops building in Texas Israel will stop in Jerusalem.

The White House rejected criticism from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with a withering response on Monday, accusing him of refusing to acknowledge how much help the United States has been to Israel over the years.

A long-time split between President Barack Obama and Netanyahu appeared to widen further after the Israeli leader’s visit to the White House last week.
Netanyahu, on the CBS program “Face the Nation” on Sunday, said U.S. criticism of an Israeli move for a new Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem was “against American values.”
At his daily briefing, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said: “It did seem odd for him to try to defend the actions of his government by saying our response did not reflect American values.
“The fact is American policy has been clear and unchanged under several administrations, both Democrat and Republican.”
Earnest added: “We oppose any unilateral actions that attempt to prejudge final status issues including the status of Jerusalem. These can only be legitimately determined through direct negotiations through the parties that this president has worked hard to try to facilitate.”