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Showing posts with label ward system. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ward system. Show all posts

Monday, October 6, 2014

White House Upset that Netanyahu allows Jews to build in Israel

What's up with this Obama? 
Why can't a Jew build in Israel? Are they insane? Upset because Netanyahu allows Jews to build in their own country?
I understand the EU is against Jews living in parts of Israel; they were also against Jews living in Europe. 

The Euro-Pishers are responsible of millions and millions of Jews being slaughtered over 2 thousand year period. Anti-Semitism is in their cursed blood. But America??
If we Jews would all be united, we could, as a group tell the USA to back off, but unfortunately, we have our own groups, like Peace Now, Reform Rabbis, J Street, self-hating Jews, bleeding heart liberals and Satmar that agree with this ludicrous idea that parts of Israel should be Judenrein!

We make asifas against the internet, and asifas against serving in the Jewish army, and thousands show up, but no one wants to make an asifa when Israel is under attack!

Last week there was a local election in the Monsey, Spring Valley, New Hempstead areas, and it was a referendum on whether the residents are in favor of the "Ward System." 
To make a long story short, if the "Ward System" would be put in place, the Heimishe Oilim would have less influence in the running of the Town! If there would be less influence, the local zoning laws would be enforced and the Yiddilich wouldn't be able to place 40 families in a single family home!
So Agudath Israel of America got involved with local Monsey politics, to guarantee that people come and vote against the "Ward System." 
Where the are they now? Is the blood of Jews living in Israel less valued than the blood of Monsey Jews?
In Monsey its "Pikuach Nefesh" to allow 1,000 people to live on one block, but it's not "Pikuach Nefesh" to have more housing in Israel?
Do you know my friends, that if a goy in Israel is ready to sell a house in Israel, and he wants to go to contract on Shabbos, there is a mitzvah, yes, a mitzvah to be Mechalel Shabbos and go to contract on Shabbos! Absolutely!!!
This is paskened L'halacha!

Jerusalem is under Israeli rule. As such it can build. There's nothing else to it. It's not like they're building in Ramallah or any other town that is under Arabic rule. 
Maybe the U.S. Should stop building in California,Texas, New Mecico or any other land that Mexico lost in the war! I'm sure the Mexicans would love their land back! The Arabs were dumb enough to start a war with Israel and lost their part of Jerusalem. That's just too bad! 
Bottom line: when America stops building in Texas Israel will stop in Jerusalem.

The White House rejected criticism from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with a withering response on Monday, accusing him of refusing to acknowledge how much help the United States has been to Israel over the years.

A long-time split between President Barack Obama and Netanyahu appeared to widen further after the Israeli leader’s visit to the White House last week.
Netanyahu, on the CBS program “Face the Nation” on Sunday, said U.S. criticism of an Israeli move for a new Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem was “against American values.”
At his daily briefing, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said: “It did seem odd for him to try to defend the actions of his government by saying our response did not reflect American values.
“The fact is American policy has been clear and unchanged under several administrations, both Democrat and Republican.”
Earnest added: “We oppose any unilateral actions that attempt to prejudge final status issues including the status of Jerusalem. These can only be legitimately determined through direct negotiations through the parties that this president has worked hard to try to facilitate.”

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Ramapo Judge impounds votes on "Ward System" ... No Results until OCT 10

Breaking News:
Too much fraud going on in Ramapo ...so Judge impounds all ballots.... and says no results until Ocober 10..

Amid petitions filed by local activists over absentee ballot deadlines and chaos at multiple polling stations over who was, in fact, allowed to vote, a New York state Supreme Court Justice ordered that all ballots in Tuesday’s referendum election in Ramapo be impounded until the court has had time to sift through legalities.
LOHUD.com (http://lohud.us/1vsbXg7) reports that Justice Margaret Garvey issued the order following a chaotic day in Ramapo that saw a heavy voter turnout in the town in the election that could swing the power and size of the Town Board.
Voters were being asked to decide on whether the Town Board should be increased from 4 to 6 members, and if they were in favor of dividing the town into 6 wards, a proposal that as drawn sharp criticism from the town’s Orthodox Jewish and African American communities.
The controversy began on Monday when it became clear that unregistered voters 18 or older would be allowed to vote as long as they could prove U.S. and local residency.
This action caused local activists Michael Perietti and Robert Romanowski to not only file a petition with the court seeking clarification, but to ask as well that the court clarify the cutoff date for absentee ballots.
Typically, absentee ballots are counted as long as the they are postmarked the day before the election.
In this case, election administrator, Town Clerk Christian Sampson announced prior to the election that only absentee ballots arriving at the Town Clerk’s office by 5 p.m. on Tuesday would be counted.
In accordance with Garvey’s order, all ballots have been transferred to the Rockland County Board of Elections until the court has a chance to rule on the petitions.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Monsey Silent Majority wants you to Vote "Yes" to the "Ward System" Defying Agudah who decided to meddle in

by Jacob Kornbluh
A referendum that could decide the future of the Town of Ramapo is turning out to be as heated as the one conducted last week in Scotland.
On Tuesday, September 30th, voters in the town of Ramapo will vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ whether to increase the number of Town Board members from four to six, and whether to separate the town into geographical districts (wards) to elect a Town Board member from each district.
Currently, four Town Board members are elected in a popular vote and don’t represent specific areas of the town. The four board members are representatives supported by the Hasidic community in Monsey, New Square and the surrounding neigbrohoods.
As the vote nears, the Orthodox Jewish community in Rockland County is divided, with both proponents and opponents of the ward system reaching out to the Hasidic community voting bloc.
Opponents of the ward system, said to represent a majority of the Hasidic community, claim the new system would weaken the political influence of Orthodox Jews in the town by permitting them to vote only for candidates from their immediate neighborhood rather than the town as a whole. In that case, only two seats up for grabs would represent the Hasidic community.
Furthermore, they argue that the referendum was put forward solely to target Hasidic Jews by the Preserve Ramapo group. As of such, supporters of the ‘NO’ vote, asserted in several interviews with JP, that while the ward system is generally proposed to help minorities who can’t win townwide or citywide elections, in this case, both the black and Hasidic communities would be concentrated into their own districts – 2 out of 6 seats. This would make it unlikely for either group to retain the same level of representation they enjoy under the current system.
In a statement issued last week, Agudath Israel of America urged the Orthodox Jewish community to vote “no” vote in the upcoming referendums. “This is classic minority vote dilution, only this time the victims are Orthodox Jews. A minority is being intentionally shoved into a small district to limit its ability to affect the outcome of elections in the community at large,” the statement read. “Efforts to inhibit the voting power of any minority group, including Orthodox Jews, are simply intolerable. They must be firmly denounced and resoundingly defeated.”
The Ramapo Republican Committee, Assemblymembers Ellen Jaffee (D-Suffern) and Kenneth Zebrowski (D-New City), as well as Chris Day, the Republican congressional candidate in the 17th District, have already endorsed the ward system.
In a pamphlet distributed over the weekend in Yiddish, and obtained by JP, Hasidic activists urged community members to go against the establishment and vote ‘YES’ in the referendum in an expression of unity and peace.
The brochure, written by activists claiming to be the “silent majority” of the Orthodox Jewish community, urged voters to support the ward system and bring an end” to this irresponsible behavior that only benefits the pockets of a numbered few greedy developers who unfortunately have the money and power to maneuver Rabbis and scare members of our community to come out with the truth.”
“We believe that enforcing the Ward System is the best thing that can happen to this town, and we see it as the only means to the ultimate end, which is to restore the harmony and neighborly peace this blessed corner of the world was once known for,” they write.
Speaking to JP, Spring Valley resident Yoel Falkowitz said, “We’re basically the silent majority. Most people are afraid of the developers who have the money and control our politicians in every way that benefits their agenda. The people of Rockland county are decent people who want peace and quiet. It’s the developers who are making it sound like we’re in a battle.”
“We’re here to say ‘enough is enough, we don’t want to fight. We want to live in peace and have everyone’s needs represented properly,” Falkowtiz added.
The referendum will take place, as noted above, on Tuesday from 6am to 10pm.