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Showing posts with label Rabbi Pesach Krohn Europe Tour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rabbi Pesach Krohn Europe Tour. Show all posts

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Still Room for some Jews to Join "The Maggid" in Europe's earth soaked in Jewish blood.

What is it with this Rabbi Pesach Krohn,"The Maggid," that is so attracted to places that murdered Jews?

Just yesterday the Polish Bastards burned a Chassidic Jew In Effigy! 

"A Polish demonstration taking in Muslim refugees ended with the burning of an effigy of a haredi Orthodox Jew holding the flag of the European Union."
Can't he make trips to Israel? Isn't there enough history in Israel to tell his maasalich? 

Is it such a big mitzvah to  feed the descendants of the murderers and rapists of our ancestors ?
Is it so important to know in which bathroom in Baranovitz the students took a leak?

This "maggid" guy who calls himself a "history buff" hasn't learnt that Europe was and is a cesspool of Jewish hatred?

Doesn't he have eyes and ears? Hasn't he heard that the EU are now labeling Jewish products produced in the land that HKB"H gave us?
Does he even care? 

I say take all the bodies of the late Gedoilim and transfer them to Israel! Finished!
That's what Yaakov Aveenu and all his children wanted, to have their "bones" transferred to Israel, even if it took hundreds of years!