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Showing posts with label Vosizneias. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vosizneias. Show all posts

Sunday, March 13, 2016

"Vos Iz Neias" News Blog Headline similar to Al Jazirah

Image result for vosizneias

This is the headline by VIN, minutes ago!

 Gaza Siblings Killed In Israeli Air Strike After Militant Rockets Hit Israel

Included was the picture distributed by all anti-Semitic news outlets with the caption by Reuters:

Palestinians look at the damage to a house, where medical officials said fragments from a missile fired by an Israeli aircraft killed a 10-year-old Palestinian boy, in the northern Gaza Strip March 12, 2016.  Reuters
Palestinians look at the damage to a house, where medical officials said fragments from a missile fired by an Israeli aircraft killed a 10-year-old Palestinian boy, in the northern Gaza Strip March 12, 2016.  Reuters
The VIN news blog is run by a Satmar anti-Israel fanatic and it's high time we boycotted all the advertisers!

Vin does this all the time since they follow the demented SHIT'ah of Satmar!

Instead of reporting that Hamas murderers fired rockets into Israel ..... the VIN animals copy anti-Semitic news outlets

See the news article copied and pasted and then posted by VIN 

A Palestinian boy and his sister were killed in Hamas-controlled Gaza on Saturday when they were hit by fragments from a missile fired by an Israeli aircraft, medical officials said.
The incident took place hours after militants launched rockets into Israel.

Now see how Hamodia reported the same news:

Hundreds Sent to Shelters Friday Night as Hamas Fires Rockets at Negev

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Vosizneias.com calls J Street, "Pro-Israel"

Can you imagine?
 the Satmar website Vos iz neias has the following idiotic headline!

"Pro-Israel Group Calls On Netanyahu To Withdraw Criticism Of US"

Are they insane? "Pro-Israel" ?
This is the rest of their copied and pasted article:
Pro-Israel group J Street is criticizing Prime Minister Netanyahu’s statement on the CBS program “Face the Nation” on Sunday, when he said U.S. criticism of an Israeli move for a new Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem was “against American values,” calling it an ” outrageous perversion of the truth.”
The group released a statement Monday calling for Netanyahu to apologize and withdraw his remarks.
“For a foreign leader to characterize the principled opposition to settlements of every US administration since 1967 – the administrations of Presidents Nixon, Carter, Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Clinton, George W. Bush and Obama – as being against American values gives new meaning to the word ‘chutzpa,’” said J Street.

VIN News previously reported that the White House White rejected Netanyahu’s criticism. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said, “It did seem odd for him to try to defend the actions of his government by saying our response did not reflect American values.”

VIN is an Aronie Satmar Website...owned and operated by a Self-hating Satmar guy!
Only someone that hates Israel would write that   J Street is "Pro_israel"

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Ban On Vosizneias

The following letter to the editor appeared in the January 13, 2011 issue of the 5 Towns Jewish Times by Dr. Asher Lipner. This letter speakes for itself!

To the Editor, thank you so much for analyzing the controversy about the latest rabbinic ban on an internet site. And thank you for your courageous coverage of the epidemic of child abuse in our community.

In your recent article on the rabbinic ban against Vos Iz Neias, you quoted people involved in putting together the ban as commenting that the fact that VIN is anonymous makes it difficult for the banners to negotiate with them. This appears to be quite hypocritical, as the “anti-VIN activists” hide behind an anonymous interview, and nobody seems to know for sure who they are. This certainly makes it difficult for the community to “negotiate” the ban because it seems to most people that it is one more example of leading rabbis being manipulated by individuals with a personal agenda.

Furthermore, their claim that the rabbis who signed the ban “are grateful to VIN for what it has accomplished” in the area of reporting on child molestation in the community would be laughable if it were not so devastatingly false.

If the rabbis were at all interested in helping survivors of abuse tell their stories or providing parents with information about the dangerous individuals who have harmed children, they would be allowing and even instructing those newspapers and blogs that are under their influence to do so, and stop preventing child advocates and survivors from using the Charedi media to inform people and save lives.

I have personally been told by editors of Charedi papers that they feel they must ask Agudah rabbis permission before publishing articles and they have not been permitted to warn parents of this life-and-death issue, because it is “too controversial” for the rabbis.

Until this changes, parents must hope and pray that the ban on VIN fails, as so many other bans have, and that VIN continues to provide lifesaving information despite the fact that our leadership wants to continue to cover it up.

Asher Lipner, Ph.D.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Executive Vice President, Jewish Board of Advocates for Children