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Showing posts sorted by date for query Ezra Friedlander Iran. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Ezra Friedlander Iran. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, April 15, 2024

Ezra "kapo" Friedlander's Quatar Closed its Airspace During Iran Onslaught So That Israel or its Allies Shouldn't Respond Using their Airspace

 Below is a report from The Telegraph, Read and weep!

"Death was nowhere last night despite Tehran’s best intentions and much of that is also due to bravery from Israel’s allies. The Jordanians stood up to enormous internal pressure to take down many of the Iranian drones and missiles heading toward Israel – while core US allies like Kuwait and Qatar shamed themselves by closing their air space and air force bases to the coalition effort against Iran. "

Hey Ezra! Do you even care that your brothers and sisters are under attack? Did you denounce your client Qatar?

We remember when you wrote Op-Eds in all the Jewish media that we should support Obama's Iran Deal! 

We don't forget! 

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Ezra "kapo" Friedlander's Favorite Senator Kaine, Barks "Don’t Send Israel Weapons ‘Likely to Be Used in Offensive Military Action"


Tim Kaine with Ezra Friedlander

Question: Is Ezra Friedlander a self-hating Jew? 

It sure seems that way! He promotes Qatar, the country that spreads more antisemitism throughout the world than Syria, Lebanon, and even Hamas!  He promoted the Obama Iran Deal (See side bar) he is on the payroll and chummy with Fat Nadler the sick perverted self hating Jew.And put the antisemite Kaine on his panel on " International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024"

Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), a former failed U.S. vice presidential candidate and former Virginia governor, is urging the White House to provide Israel only with “defensive” weapons and not those that could be used on what he called an “offensive” attack on Rafah.

“I understand from public reports that your administration plans to submit to Congress a notice for another major transfer of U.S. weapons to Israel for use in the war in Gaza,” the senator wrote to U.S. President Joe Biden. “I appreciate the administration’s intent to follow traditional Congressional notification procedures for this transfer; these provisions should be applied equally to all nations.”

Friday, February 2, 2024

Ezra "Kapo" Friedlander Back to his old tricks Stabbing Holocaust Survivors in the Back!


Let's not forget Ezra's perfidy, when he backed Obama's Iron Deal, and went to the frum media to convince Holocaust survivors that making a deal with Iran was "Good for the Jews!" see sidebar!

But that was not enough for this kapo, he organized a Congressional Medal of Honor for the murderer of Jewish children and husbands, Anwar Sadat, who murdered over 2,000 Jewish troops leaving widows and orphans in its wake! 

Did he organize an honor for Menachem Begin? The answer is a resounding "no!" and that is because he can get more money from Arab Countries than he can from Jews! 

The UN General Assembly designated January 27 as "International Remembrance Day" the day which coincides with the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenu.

Ezra smelled the "Benjamins" so he coordinated on behalf of Project Legacy a gathering of US Senators which included Ben Cardin, Bill Hagerty, Tim Kaine, Rick Scott, Mike Braun and he invited ambassadors of various countries to observe this annual day of commemoration in a roundtable discussion "to prevent future genocides." 

The purpose of this gathering was to award Congressional Gold medals to 60 diplomats who took heroic actions to save Jews fleeing Nazi Germany, including issuing passports and travel visas and setting up safehouses and getaways to hide Jews from Nazi authorities.

So I know that you are scratching your heads wondering "What is wrong with that?" Isn't this a "good thing?" 

Yes! You are right its actually a great thing, but guess who he invited and introduced?

Muath  Alamri the CEO of an organization called "The Muslim World League."  Its entire website is dedicated to condemning Israel, and has no mention of the Hamas atrocities against Ezra's brothers and sisters! 

Don't be fooled by Muath's pandering words at this gathering, he is an antisemite and would slit Ezra's throat given the opportunity! 

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Ezra "the capo" Friedlander got over $200,000 in a 6 Month Period from Turkey.

Ezra with the Girls 

It seems that Ezra "the capo" Friedlander is always on the wrong side of helping Jews. 

He supported the Iran deal and wrote op-ed in all Jewish web sites urging and encouraging the then antisemite President Obama to go ahead with the disastrous Iran Deal.

Ezra was also behind giving the dead Sadat, the guy who murdered over 2,000 Jewish soldiers a Congressional Medal of Honor!

Now he teamed up with the Hamas loving Turkey and already received $200,000 since January of this year.

Why is anyone still talking to this stupid foolish stooge?

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Ezra Friedlander's Girlfriends AOC, Omar and Tlaib Vote against Resolution Honoring US-Israel Ties That Passed With 401 For 19 Against


Ezra "the kapo" Friedlisker's shenanigans backfired when his girlfriends AOC, Ilahan Omar, and Tlaib "smacked him in the face" when they voted against the resolution honoring US-Israel ties. They were part of only 19 DemonRats that voted against, 401 voted for. Tuchislekking the 3 stooges who hate Jews apparently didn't do anything for Ezra's brothers and sisters. 

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) and 18 House Democrats on Tuesday voted against a resolution that honored the U.S.-Israeli relationship on Israel’s 75th Independence Day and expressed support for expanding and strengthening the Abraham Accords — the 2020 agreement establishing diplomatic ties between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, as was reported by TheHill.com.

Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO), the lead sponsor of the resolution, said in a statement following the vote that the “bipartisan passage of this resolution reaffirms our commitment to the people of Israel and promotes vital security assistance so they can defend themselves in the face of an increasingly aggressive Iran,” JewishInsider.com reported.

Reps. Kathy Manning (D-NC), Mike McCaul (R-TX) and Brad Schneider (D-IL) were original co-sponsors of the legislation.

The resolution — which had bipartisan sponsorship — cleared the chamber in a 401-19 vote, the Hill reported. Massie, who frequently votes against legislation pertaining to international matters, was the only Republican to oppose the measure.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Ezra "Kapo" Friedlander Praises Satmar Rebbe For Voting Against Torah Values!



 Ezra who backed Obama and "fat nadler" in their "Iran Deal" vote and who ran around like a poisoned rat to get Sadat, the murderer of over 2,000 Jewish IDF soldiers a Congressional Medal of honor, is now praising the perfidy of the Monroe Satmar Rebbe, R' Aaron Teitelbaum, for abandoning Torah Values and voting for the  shiksa Hochul. Hochul is totally ineffectual. Why would any sane person vote for certain decline in their city and state, unless they were promised payback.

Ezra in his arrogance and sheer chutzpa, tweets, that the Satmar Rebbe had "far sighted and forward looking decision" for making his decision. Ezra adds that the "rebbe shlita truly understood what is the best interests of the ENTIRE community and NOT just his own." 

This is an unmitigated lie as the Satmar Rebbe was promised to be forgiven millions of dollars for his water pipeline in Monroe in exchange for his endorsement. The Rebbe had only his interest in mind and dragged his brother-in-law the Skverer Rebbe into his den of selfishness. 

We all remember when the "farsighted & forward looking" R' Aron asked his naive sheep to write letters to congressmen to support the murderous "Iran Deal" against Israel. Did the rebbe have the "best interests of the ENTIRE community" all the 6.8 million Jews living Israel in mind or did he only care about the outdated and irrelevant shitah?   Ezra the"kapo" also supported this initiative against Israel.

There is something to be said when the ENTIRE frum community voted for Zeldin except for these two brother-in laws. 

Let's watch what the shiksa, loved by this rebbe, does now about crime etc. 

Hope I am proven wrong, but I don't see any hope for New York !

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Ezra Friedlander's Nadler Wants to force Yeshivos to Teach Public Curriculum ... DanielGoldman another Chareidie Favorite Also on Board to force Yeshivois


What is it with the askanim that are always on the wrong side of history? 

Ezra Friedlander who was on Nadler's payroll wrote an op-ed defending the Iran Deal. Both Satmar Brothers defended the Iran Deal. Even though they are feuding they have achdus to support their "girlfriend" Hochul. They also endorsed San Goldman. I "bolded" the relevant sentences in the article below.

Top New York officials voiced grave concerns about the quality of education in Hasidic Jewish private schools on Monday, a day after The New York Times revealed that many of the schools taught only rudimentary English and math and virtually no science or history 

Two Democratic congressmen — Jerrold Nadler, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, and Hakeem Jeffries, the chairman of the House Democratic Caucus — said they had serious concerns, with Mr. Nadler saying it was clear that some of the Hasidic schools were “utterly failing.”

“It is a paramount duty of government to make sure that all children — whether it’s those educated in parochial, private or public schools — are provided a quality education,” said Mr. Nadler, the senior Jewish member of the House, whose current district encompasses a major Hasidic neighborhood. “It is our duty to all New York students to ensure that the law is enforced.”

Mr. Jeffries, who represents parts of central Brooklyn, called for “a rigorous inquiry in order to make sure that the health and well-being of all children is protected.”

Daniel Goldman, who recently won a contested Democratic primary for a new congressional seat that includes Hasidic areas in Brooklyn, said he hoped the schools would work to comply with the law, adding that the Times report “paints a damning picture of an inadequate secular education that does not comply with state law.”

Sunday, August 14, 2022

The Biden/Satmars "fool's errands" to negotiate with the Iranian Mullahs

 Back in 2015 we wrote about Ezra Friedlander's perfidy writing an op-ed on TheYeshivaworld news blog supporting the Iran deal 

In the same year, 2015, both feuding Satmar Brothers wrote editorials in their weekly yiddish newspapers also supporting the Iran deal, knowing full well that Iran vowed to destroy Israel. 

How did we let them get away with these awful blood libels against the State of Israel, when the Israeli leadership was constantly warning the world against the Iranian murderers?

Why were we silent?

 It's been 6 years and Iran is stepping up its game and becoming more and more dangerous. Yet, Satmar that is ראש וראשון in condemning the Zionist regime for every imagined sin, remains quiet even though over 7 million Jews live there now. It would have been decent for the feuding brothers to unite and come out with a statement to their own followers stating that they made a grave error vis-vis Iran and support their own brothers and sisters that are the target of these vicious "amaleikim," and just like they had their followers write the treasonous letters supporting Obama and his antisemitic deal with the Iranians, they should ask their chassidim to write thousands of letters to the old demented fool, Biden!

 This would give us who live in Israel "Chizuk" but no, they are busy with the internet and long shaitlach. Crazy!

The latest reports that Iranian leaders celebrated the brutal stabbing of Salman Rushdie are yet more proof that President Biden is on a fool’s errand in trying to rejoin the Iranian nuclear deal.

“The Iranian state-owned FARS News called Rushdie an ‘apostate’ who has ‘insulted the Prophet of Islam,’ ” the Washington Examiner writes. 

The Daily Mail reports that a media chief close to the Supreme Leader called the attacker “courageous” and added: “Let us kiss the hands of the one who tore the neck of the enemy of God with a knife.”

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Ezra Friedlander thinks a "newly constructed wall" in Liska is a place to "daven'

They say that "truth is far better than fiction." You cannot make this stuff up!

A couple of Liska Chassidim (they only have a "couple") constructed a brand-new wall in a town that murdered its Jews, and they want you to spend your hard-earned money not to "chas ve'sholom" take a trip to the "wall"in Yerushalyim, that is over two thousand years old, and where millions of people pour their broken hearts out, but to an abandoned town in Poland whose residents shipped innocent men, women and children to their deaths!

This Ezra is the guy on Nadler's payroll that voted for the Iran deal, a deal giving murderers a license to fulfill their dangerous vow to "wipe Israel off the map" 
Now he wants you to go to a "newly constructed wall"

Rumor has it that the those doing their pilgrimage to Kretsier and Uman are running scared that this new wall will take away much of their crowds. 

Monday, April 4, 2022

Capo Ezra Friedlander Is getting Excited by the New Iran Deal pushed by the Biden Administration

Hey Ezra, did you tell the RY of Mir that the grandchild of the  "Tal Chaim" was pushing the Iran-Satmar Deal that could potentially c"v wipe the Mirer Yeshivah off the map? Did you tell him that the grandchild of the "Tal Chaim" arranged that the murderer of over 2,000 Jewish boys get the Congressional Medal of Honor? 

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Der Yid Satmar Propaganda Paper Misleads It's Readers on The Murderous Iranian Regime


Iran is Satmar's favorite country because of its anti-Zionist stance vis à vis the State of Israel. 

The Satmar Rebbe of Monroe begged his followers to write letters to then president Hussain Obama and Congressmen to back the "Iran Deal" They even sent their "lap-dog" Ezra the "capo" Friedlander out to convince Holocaust survivors living in Boro-Park and Williamsburg that the "Iran Deal" was a "great" thing!

The fact that the Iranian Mullas threatened 5.9 million Jews living in Israel, vowing to wipe them off the map, that didn't faze the Satmar Rebbe! 

The latest issue of Der Shturmer, I mean Der Yid, touts the fact that the "Iranian Government sold the tomb of Mordechai & Esther to the Iranian Jews!" 

This is on the very front page on the left side, third article from the top.

This was written to give stupid Der Yid readers the impression that the Mullas love Jews but hate Zionists!

But this byline is an absolute lie!

The Murderous Mullas had nothing to do with this sale, it was sold by the Shah  to the Jews way back in  1968

Monday, March 14, 2022

Iran Lobbed Missiles at US Consulate in Iraq Says it was "Mossad Headquarters" and the US Says "Iran made a mistake"

You can't make this stuff up! 

The Biden fools are so hell bent to sign the "Iran/Satmar Deal" that they not only tolerated an attempted hit on the US Consulate in Erbil, Iraq but are making excuses for the Iranian murderers! 

They must have hired Ezra Friedlander to give them these talking points!

But as I'm typing these words I get a News Alert that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps took full responsibility for targeting the US Consulate. What will Biden say now? 

Listen to Netanyahu below 


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Israel Reveals Scandalous Details Of the Satmar Nuclear Deal With Iran


You guys were probably laughing reading the headline "Satmar's Nuclear Deal with Iran" but this is no laughing matter. It was Satmar that backed Hussain Obama in this deal and it was R' Aaron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe from Monroe that tried sabotaging the then Israeli PM Netanyahu from addressing the US congress to point out the dangers!

The Satmar Rebbe wasn't at all concerned about the 5 and half million Jews living in Israel, all he cared about was how much money he would be able to get for his moisdois from the Obama administration.

Ezra "the capo" Friedlander worked feverously behind the scene to get Holocaust survivors to support the deal, and was Fat Nadler's stooge, when the fatso tried explaining why he voted for Obama's Iran deal.

Minister Naftali Bennett on Sunday excoriated the nuclear deal the Biden administration is planning to sign with the Islamic Republic, saying that it will lead to “a more violent, more volatile Middle East,” and Israel will pay the price.

Speaking on Sunday at the Conference of Presidents of the Major American Jewish Organizations in Jerusalem, Bennett noted that the agreement’s 10-year limits on enrichment are still set to be lifted in 2025 – “leaving Iran with a fast track to military-grade enrichment. And in the time until it sunsets, they won’t even have to destroy all those centrifuges they developed over the past few years.”

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Why is no one talking about Iran digging a new unbombable nuke facility?


The facility in Natanz is built deep under a massive mountain, making it extremely difficult for the IDF to ever bomb it.

Where the askanim? Where are the "gedoiei  Yisrael?" 
We can never forget the perfidy of R' Aron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe, when he ordered his dumb chassidim to write letters to congressman that they should support  Hussain Obama in his disastrous" Iran Deal"
Where is the "capo" Ezra Friedlander hiding out? 
Wouldn't this be an opportunity to lobby against dealing with Iran?

"gedoilim" are busy closing down stores that sell Kosher Phones, instead of ordering a fast day,a day of prayer.
What is going on?

Iran is developing a new nuclear threat that could be a game-changer – and which will continue to proceed regardless of whether there is a nuclear deal or not.

It is a problem that almost no one is talking about, in an area called Natanz where the Mossad allegedly blew up two different nuclear facilities in July 2020 and April 2021 respectively.

The new enormous nuclear threat is a new underground facility Iran is digging and building in the Natanz area which goes so deep under a mountain so large that it will leave the Fordow facility in the dust in terms of how difficult it would be for the IDF to strike it.

Friday, February 4, 2022

Ami Magazines' Lev Tahor Cult Run To Iraq and other Countries then complain that are not being treated well


The reason I am calling the Lev Tahor cult "The Ami Cult" because Ami's editor and publisher Yitzy Frankfurter sincerely believes that this dangerous cult is just another Chassidise Chassidus! Just 3 years ago, Ami featured this cult and its late leader Helbrans on the cover and dedicated about 10 pages glorifying these crazed animals.

At any rate the Ami Cult keeps running from country to country because as the local authorities find out that they are abusing their children they crack down on them. There are now 3 leaders of these crazed fanatics sitting in US jails facing charges of kidnapping, torture and abuse.

Recently just hours before the Guatemalian government were going in to deport them, they disappeared and fled to Bosnia and Iraq presumingly on the way to Iran. 

This is all being financed by Satmar Chassidim, though Satmar denies it. Why would Satmar finance this? Because just like the Iranian Mullas finance terror all over the world to destroy Israel and it's allies, Satmar that daven three times a day that Israel should G-d forbid eliminated also finance any group that is anti-Israel.

 The Satmar Rebbe of Monroe also encouraged his dopes to write letters to congressmen in support of then President Hussain Obama who fought for the Iran Deal. The Iran Deal was also supported by Fat Nadler and his employee Ezra Friedlander. 

So back to the story:

Now that Bosnia is throwing them the hell out, a group of brain-washed women invited reporters into their home to give their side of the story.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Ezra Capo Where Are You? 3 US Nuke Deal Negotiators Quit Over Biden Administration’s Soft Stance


Guys remember when Ezra "Capo" Friedlander urged Holocaust survivors to back the Iran deal? 

Remember when the Satmar "Chucem" R' Aaron Teitelbaum urged his naive fools to write letters to congressmen to stop the then Prime Minister Natanyahu from addressing both houses of congress how dangerous a deal would be? 

Remember when Mr. Labin the Satmar stooge wrote an op-ed telling Holocaust survivors that the Iran Deal is a good thing!

So where are they now?

 Even the US negotiators are quitting because as they say it's a very bad and dangerous deal!

At least three members of the US team negotiating with Iran over restoring the 2015 nuclear deal have quit due to the Biden administration’s soft stance, The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.

According to the report, US officials confirmed over the weekend that Richard Nephew, the deputy special envoy for Iran, has quit the team. Nephew hasn’t been part of the team since early December after he left due to his frustration over the Biden administration’s failure to maintain a harder negotiating stance. Two other members of the team left for the same reason.

There are no deadlines set for the talks, which leaves Western diplomats doubting that the Biden administration would let anything get in their way of forging an agreement.

Officials familiar with the negotiations told the WSJ that conflicting opinions have divided the US negotiation team, headed by State Department veteran Robert Malley, since the summer. Additionally, some members of the team wanted to leave the talks in early December after Iran’s new negotiation team under the “Butcher of Iran,” President Ebrahim Raisi, returned to Vienna and reversed most of the concessions the previous government made. The Biden administration chose to continue talks despite Iran’s reversals.

There were also conflicting opinions among the US team about whether to demand that the International Atomic Energy Agency board censure Iran last year for preventing inspectors from monitoring its nuclear activities. The Biden administration chose not to take action on the issue after Tehran said it would torpedo talks.

The report follows an earlier report on Monday that the US State Department said it is ready to hold direct talks with Iran following a statement from Tehran that it would consider the option.

“We are prepared to meet directly,” a State Department spokesperson said, quoted by France24.

“We have long held the position that it would be more productive to engage with Iran directly, on both JCPOA negotiations and other issues,” the spokesperson added.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Rep. Boebert has Ezra Friedlander's "number" and asks him If He Was There for “Reconnaissance”


What won't Ezra "the capo" do for publicity?

Rep Boebert figured him out in seconds just by looking at him and asked him in an elevator if  "he was there for reconnaissance." LOL!

She really had him pegged!

Well Ezra the one who asked Holocaust Survivors to back the murderous Iran plan, endorsed Fat Nadler, and orchestrated a Congressional Medal of Honor to the late Anwar Sadat, a murderer of over 2,100 Jewish young Israeli soldiers , didn't like this one bit and is now crying that this was an "antisemitic incident."

He ran like a poisoned rat to his enabler the Yeshivaworld news blog, the website that refused to write anything about the rapist  Monster Walder.

Ezra had also re-tweeted a comment from a clueless dope that Ami & Mishpacha Magazines should not write about Walder because they were "Family Magazines" ... the fact that Walder broke up "families" went completely over his "langeh rekel" ...

Monster Walder was a bigger antisemite than Reb Boebert!

Ezra's tuchislekker the YeshivaWorld wrote the following about this non-incident!

Friedlander, a Hasidic Jew from Boro Park Brooklyn, who is a professional lobbyist, says that he and a group of people – including another Orthodox Jew – were being escorted by Rep. Tom Suozzi of New York. In the elevator, Boebert looked at them “head to toe” and then asked if they were at the Capitol to do “reconnaissance.”

“You know, I’m not sure to be offended or not,” one of the group members told Buzzfeed News. “I was very confused.”

“When I heard that, I actually turned to the person standing next to me and asked, ‘Did you just hear that?’” he said.

Friedlander tells YWN that Boebert clearly profiled them. “I am not a Rabbi, nor claim to be a Rabbi, but I dress in a long Hasidic grey suit, wearing a Yarmulka and a beard”, Ezra told YWN.

For her part, Boebert said that she was making “a joke” in reference to Democrats’ claims against her that she provided tours of the Capitol to Jan. 6 rioters, and had nothing to do with the group being comprised of Jews.

“I saw a large group and made a joke. Sadly when Democrats see the same, they demonize my family for a year straight,” Boebert said.

“I’m too short to see anyone’s yarmulkes,” she added.

Friedlander told YWN that her response of “being too short to see my Yarmulka”, is pathetic, as I have a long suit and beard and can’t be mistaken for anything else other than an Orthodox Jew.

The attached photo (Ezra with Rep Hakeem Jeffries) was taken less then five minutes after the incident. Friendlander says it is “clear as whistle that I am an Orthodox Jew and she chose to make it her duty to make a disparaging remark”.

This is how she sees Ezra Friedlander the lobbyist – doing reconnaissance”, he added.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Ezra Friedlander "The Dem Tuchis Lekker" Calls for Unity


This naive little back stabbing whore, who campaigned for the murderous Iran Deal and is on Nadler's payroll just wrote what he called an "op-ed" but is actually a paid  ad for his firm, asking the Chareidie communities to come together and support the "not-president" Biden!

Friedlander is an opportunist who would sell his mother from Boca Raton for a couple of shekels. 
Just last year he went shopping around  congress to get them to give Anwar Sadat the murderer of over 2,000 Jewish children a "Congressional Medal of Honor." It was all about the Benjamins!
Ezra with "Lady Gaga and anti-Israel NY Senator 

In his naive and incoherent rant he chastises frum Trump supporters thinking that we are all stupid:

"what I and many of us witnessed this past year was cult-like behavior. The cult-like behavior expressed itself in messianic terms, framing the candidate in idolatrous proportions, clouding our judgment in evaluating the candidate and his policies and inhibiting his followers from practically assessing the opponent.

This behavior is an amateur manifestation of how to engage in the political process, it doesn't bring support to your candidate, it actually diminishes the importance of the election and why you should support that candidate in the first place. More compelling to us, it exudes unwanted attention to our community.

Yes, unwanted attention is a negative byproduct of such idolatry-politics."

Hey "capo" we didn't "worship" Trump... we aren't following a "cult" you sick dope.... we loved him because of his policies ...
We did "evaluate" his opponent ... and he is an old senile fool!

Then this admitted uneducated fool admonishes:

"This persisted to the point where the image of our community being led by and consisting of active proponents of such idolatry became widespread. This portrayal is diametrically opposed to our values and how our community actually behaves."

Ezra is accusing frum people who are supporting Trump of "idolatry" ... 
he is part of a community that "idolizes" their Chassidishe Rebbes sharing the Rebbes left over chicken soup and fish and he is accusing us of "idolatry"?

This menuval has the audacity to lecture us stating brazenly: 

"as Jews have a moral obligation, to pray for his success as we did for our outgoing President, Donald Trump. This is the Jewish way."

Keep your "morality" to yourself....you lying hypocrite...not too long ago you asked all frum Jews to register as Democrats .....
Democrats .. whose very party advocate "immorality" ... we won't soon forget that Ezra endorsed gay candidates like Christine Quinn For Mayor... when he campaigned with Cuomo shlepping him around to all chassidishe cult rabbis .....always endorsing candidates that stand polar opposite of Jewish "morality."

The "Jewish way?"
I'll tell you what is the "Jewish Way"  
The "Jewish Way" is not to be part of J Street that encourages the USA to go back to the Iran deal  and then try to sell that idea to Holocaust survivors ... The "Jewish Way" is not to be on a payroll of a Nadler that was actively trying to unseat a sitting president .... where were you ... did you speak to that "poop in the pants" Nadler and tell him about the "Jewish Way?"



Thursday, October 15, 2020

Pay Attention To Local Elections, Because Whoever Wins Can Make Your Life Miserable

 So are you waiting for Ezra Friedlander to tell you how to vote? 

Are you waiting for the Chassidishe Rebbes and Litvishe Roshi Yeshivah to tell you how to vote? How about the Agudah?

Just that you know.....They endorsed the liars, thieves, fakers and frauds like Cuomo, Nadler, DeBlassio, Shumer, Gililibrand etc ... they encouraged you to write letters to your congressmen backing Obama's antisemitic "Iran Deal."... 

This all shows that they ... the askanim and unfortunately the Rabbanim are in it for themselves ... they are only interested how much money they can funnel to the moisdois and into their own pockets .. while selling Israel and any other Jewish causes and values to hell ....we will never forget how the Muncatcher lekked the fat tuchis and pandered to that low life Nadler ..... a "menuval" that is working tirelessly to unseat a duly elected president ... he doesn't even have time to relieve himself to go to the bathroom, instead craps in his pants on live TV...

Is this "Daas Torah?" 

Is "Daas Torah" telling you to vote against "Torah Values" like allowing six foot tall men to enter your little girl's bathroom if he decides he is a lady that morning? 

Does "Daas Torah" allow gay marriages?

 Does "Daas Torah" allow teachers in your yeshivas to teach that a guy can turn into a girl and a girl into a boy at will even if they are only children? How about "alternate lifestyles?" ... Do you want your 6 year-old with his cute curly peyas learning about this filth? Are you ready to let your cute 6 year old girl with her adorable Shirley Temple hair style absorb this 'sodom and gemmarah" education in the safety of her Bais Yaakov classroom?

Does "Daas Torah allow abortion? How about late term abortion?

Does "Daas Torah" allow a community in the diaspora living in upper New York in the "Medina shel Chessed" the USA, to antagonise their goyishe neighbors by annexing and grabbing major pieces of land? 

Does "Daas Torah" allow a Rebbe of thousands to back an  antisemitic President that secretly handed billions to the Iranians, who vowed to wipe Israel off the map? 

If your answer to all this is No.... then I have a secret for you ....

"Daas Torah" and askanim told you to vote for these perverted mamzeirim ....they voted and advocated for these laws ... 

"Daas Torah" cuddled these vile politicians giving them brachas and wished them hatzlacha! 

Guys like Ezra Friedlander and his ilk asked to you register as  democrats lying and pushing the false premise that that's the only way to get anyone elected in New York.... 

Is your bitachon and emunah non-existant that you believe this utter rubbish? 

Look what happened? These same politicians are laughing at the likes of these askanim who are cowards and money hungry selfish parasites. 

Throw out the Bums.... yes ...

Do some research before you vote ... your own research ... you don't need these unelected self appointed know-it-alls to tell you how to vote ...

They are not "Daas Torah" and don't represent "Daas Torah" ....

They misled all of you ... they don't want you to think for yourselves ...

If you are reading this post, then you are familiar with the internet and could do your own research ....

All the mainstream Rabbanim got it wrong ...All of them...

 If you want to know what "Daas Torah" says ... open a Chumash .. learn shulchan aruch... learn the Rambam ...that's why these sefarim  exist ... 

The Torah was given to all Jews .... not just to the Rabbanim that misled you, so that you can learn it by yourself, get familiar with the text... it's now translated in English ...

Askanim smiling like "chulent beans"

Americans ought to be thinking a lot harder about their local, down-ballot races. This year, more than any other in recent memory, we got a bitter taste of the power of local officials to enable, and even promote, rioting and mayhem in America.

Many of us have watched aghast as mayors of blue cities like Portland, Seattle, Chicago, and New York turned a blind eye or even encouraged mob rule that resulted in wide-scale violence, vandalism, looting, injury, and, yes, murder. They have flatly rejected all offers by President Trump to bring it under control by calling in the National Guard. Let’s not forget that these mayors — along with the many other officials close to them — were elected locally.

Recall, it’s local elected prosecutors, district attorneys, state’s attorneys, and attorneys general that have the power to allow violent criminals to roam free after an arrest. We see this happening repeatedly in Democratic Party-run cities like Seattle and Portland where Antifa thugs caught on camera assaulting officers and citizens are immediately set free without bail.

Indeed, de facto presidential candidate Kamala Harris is all in favor of such things. In addition to rejecting your right to self-defense, Democrats also reject your right to any police protection – as we’ve seen with the Minneapolis City Council’s vote to “defund” (i.e., abolish) the police.


Monday, July 13, 2020

Ezra Friedlander Compares Moshe Rabbeinu to the Black Harriet Tubman

Ezra with Congressman John Lewis

Ezra "The Liskar Capo" Friedlander wants to stay relevant but is always on the wrong side of history. 
In the photo above, Ezra is discussing a "shevere tosfos" with the Black Congressman John Lewis, who thinks its ok to boycott the only Jewish State in the entire world.

It wasn't too long ago that Friedlander wrote an opinion piece to Holocaust survivors that they should trust Nadler's decision to vote for the "Iran Deal" that would have given consent to Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, a country that vowed to wipe Israel off the map. 

Now in an opinion piece in VIN, he compares Moshe Rabbeinu, the greatest prophet that ever lived to the former black slave, Harriet Tubman.

Instead of writing this to the black community who are statistically a violent bunch who according to wikipedia kill each other at a rate of 97% and commit murder against whites at a rate of 81%, this bloody fool gives mussar to the heimishe community, asking them to live peacefully with the black community!

In his condescending tone he scribbles:
"The time has come when we must educate our Yiddish speaking populations and the Jewish community at-large of the trials and tribulations our African-American neighbors have endured. We must produce adequate Yiddish and English language materials suitable for our yeshivas and day schools in order to do so: an unprecedented project of societal acquaintance."

This is the same guy that fights the NYS Dept of Education regulations which force Yeshivos to teach basic English courses ...

In this opinion he wants Yeshivos to introduce courses on "African-American trials and tribulations".....and in Yiddish no less!
When was the last time you saw a bunch of Heimishe guys unprovokingly chasing  blacks to beat the crap out of them?

What's fascinating is that he wants to introduce "black history" to chassidishe kids who know nothing of their very own history...
who do not learn Tanach, who don't know that Hashem gave us Eretz Yisrael for keeps and that it belongs to the Jewish people today and that there is Mitzva of Yishuv Eretz Yisrael bizman hazeh according to practically all rishonim. 

Notice the last line in the above quote:
"an unprecedented project of societal acquaintance."
What the hell does that mean?  "societal acquaintance" ? He must have copied that from some porn novel he was reading....