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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Ezra Friedlander Iran. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Ezra Friedlander Iran. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Ezra Friedlander Supports Nadler's Stabbing the Jewish People in the Heart

The Traitors and Roidfim

This Ezra Friedlander would sell his mother for a a bag of mixed chulent beans!

Fat Nadler stabs Holocaust survivors in the heart by voting for the Iran Deal, and gets  Ezra to write an Op-Ed in theyeshivaworld.com asking his naive neighbors to understand Nadler before judging him. Even though Nadler supports the destruction of the State of Israel” and sides with Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Sick mesheeganer!

Here is his Op-Ed .... My Comments in Red

Ezra: As a grandchild of Holocaust survivors, I am keenly aware of the existential threat a nuclear Iran poses to Israel and the world.

DIN: Apparently not.... your'e only aware of how much $$$$$ fat Nadler will funnel through your consulting firm!
People like you in concentration camps, were called Kapos!

Did I mention the fact that Ezra Friedlander, is a paid consultant for Nadler? 

 Ezra: I am not a scientist nor am I an expert on the intricacies of the Iran deal.
DIN: Then shut the hell up!

Ezra: Therefore, I cannot add my professional perspective or personal endorsement of the Iran Deal.

DIN: Who the hell are you? Do you think that people are waiting for your "professional perspective?"
What an arrogant piece of vermin!
Hey Ezra ....And You don't have an opinion about a country that is about to get nuclear weapons pointed at your brothers and sisters? 
Have you no heart? Ezra?

Ezra: My only below is to point out the soul-searching and difficult decision made by Congressman Nadler to support the Iran DeaI. 

DIN: Nadler did no soul searching. And it was actually an easy decision by Nadler because Nadler is a sworn supporter of the Hussain Obama regime! He does not care one bit about the 6 million Jews living in jeopardy in the State of Israel because of this Iran deal, and you Kapo Friedlander don't care either.

Ezra: I urge everyone, both critics and supporters of the deal, to read Mr. Nadler’s well-researched and thoughtful statement.
DIN: Are you insane? You want people who survived the worst calamity in Jewish history to read fat Nadler's "thoughtful" statement?
Do you think that your Grandparents that perished in the ovens of Auschwitz, want you to "read Mr. Nadler's well-researched and thoughtful statement?"
Ezra ... Who do you think your murdered grandparents would want you to support? 
Nadler or Schumer?

Ezra: Jerry Nadler’s sobering assessment 
DIN: "Sobering assessment?" 
Are you drunk? You naive foolish Kapo!

Ezra: should be read in its ENTIRETY -it fully recognizes that “no one can pretend that we are choosing between a set of flawless options. These decisions are hard, involving close calls and uncertain future predictions”.
I’d also like to remind everyone that it was Jerry Nadler who said prior to the Iraq War, that “ Iran — not Iraq — was the real threat, and if we removed Iraq as a buffer to Iranian influence and expansionism, Israel and the United States would be left to suffer from the consequences”.
DIN: What are you blabbering about? 
"These decisions" are NOT "hard. The decision is actually a very easy one. Just vote against  giving a nuclear option to a country that swears to wipe Israel off the map, a country where over 6 million Jews live. 
And isn't that a contradiction? If Iran "is the real threat," why are you trusting the Iranians with a nuclear deal? 

Ezra: It should also be noted that Congressman Nadler asked for and received unprecedented official Presidential assurances that should Iran “seek to dash toward a nuclear weapon” the United States will take whatever means necessary…including military means” to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.
DIN: Oh! Fat Nadler got "assurances" ..... why don't you tell that to the Iraqis ... and the Saudis...and for that matter the Egyptians!
And according to the deal, Mr. kapo, the Iranians get a nuclear weapon in 15 years.... yup that's in the deal!

Ezra: Additionally, Congressman Nadler received notification that the United States is prepared to increase funding for Iron dome, Arrow-3 and David Sling Missile Defense Systems.
DIN: Oh my! That's assuring ... alot of good is the Iron Dome and Arrow-3 and David Sling Missile Defense, against a nuclear bomb!
Notice that all the above is Israel's Technology!

Ezra: Congressman’s Nadler’s statement that he is “outraged that some on the Left are making anti-Semitic accusations of dual loyalty or treason when someone, particularly a Jewish member of Congress, decides to oppose the agreement” is also reflective that he understands our rage when opponents of the deal have their patriotism questioned”
DIN: WHAT?????? So that makes us feel better, because Fat Nadler "understands our rage?" If he understood "our rage" he would oppose the Iran nuclear deal....
Hey Ezra Kapo..... where is your "rage??"

Ezra: Furthermore Jerry Nadler’s fully appreciates Israel’s role and disagrees with those who suggest that Israel’s government or people must not interfere in seeking to shape American decisions on these issues’…emphasizing such statements as a means of silencing an important part of the discussion’.
DIN: You know what Nadler? Stick your "appreciation of Israel's role" where the sun don't shine and vote  against the deal! How about that?

Ezra: Mr. Nadler further states: “Israel and Israelis have an absolutely legitimate right to be concerned, given the existential threat they face, and to articulate that concern openly within the American political debate. If Iran were allowed to develop a nuclear weapon, that would represent a fundamental threat to the existence of Israel. A single nuclear bomb on Tel Aviv could destroy the homeland of the Jewish people, causing a catastrophic and irrevocable loss of Israeli lives and threatening the existence of our most important ally in the Middle East. Without Israel raising the alarm, the world might not have prioritized this threat and we would be in a weaker position than we are in today to respond to this terrifying question”.
DIN: Am I missing something? Having said all that, Fat Nadler votes for the Iran deal? I don't get it...
And the Kapo, Ezra, repeats this nonsense!

Ezra: All of the aforementioned underscores Jerry Nadler’s thorough and keen understanding of the implications of the Iran Deal and I urge everyone to take the time to read the Congressman’s full statement to fully appreciate how he arrived at his decision.
DIN:Hey Kapo Ezra.... don't you think that Senator Schumer read the same report as Fat Nadler?
Looks like Schumer will vote for the Jewish People and Fat Nadler and Kapo Ezra will vote to give an enemy of Israel a nuclear bomb ...
Thanks alot Ezra! 
Hey Ezra, how much $$$$$$$$$$$ will it take for you to turn and throw Nadler under the bus ... you miserable traitor to the Jewish people!
Ezra, It's far better to remain silent and be judged a fool then to speak up and remove all doubt!

Thursday, October 18, 2018


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Ezra "The Kapo" Friedlander, the back stabbing Jew that encouraged Holocaust Survivors to vote for Fat Nadler who voted to hand nuclear weapons to Iran, is back! 
This time to encourage our President to renew ties with the terrorist supporting nation of Qatar. 
Qatar has very close ties with Iran a nation that has vowed to "wipe Israel off the map." 
What this depraved animal Ezra would do for money is unbelievable! 
Qatar is a funder of Hamas, Ezra "The Kapo" Friedlander is now lobbying for HAMAS!!! 

The following is via Al-Arabiya:
The Qatari government urgently dispatched several individuals to the United States two weeks ago.
Among them was Hassan Ali bin Ali, an important Qatari regime insider and businessman.
Bin Ali is believed to have met with several American and non-American media personalities.
This information, corroborated by an insider source speaking to Al Arabiya English on condition of anonymity, revealed that these media meetings were so important to Bin Ali, that he “hastily canceled pre-scheduled meetings with the staff of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee.”
A congressional source told Al Arabiya English, on condition of anonymity, that Bin Ali had hired the New York City lobbying firm Friedlander Group, founded by Ezra Friedlander, to mend the bilateral relations between Qatar and the United States.
A Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) application submitted by Ezra Friedlander had listed Bin Ali as a foreign principal hiring the Friedlander Group for $50,000 per quarter, according to US government records.
The duties of the Friedlander group are to arrange meetings with Congressional members to discuss bi-lateral relations between the United States and countries across the Middle East and ways to achieve peace and regional stability. (Laughable if it wasn't so tragic.)
A luncheon or reception would be hosted every six months in Congress; once in the Senate and the another in the House to allow members of both chambers to meet Bin Ali in a social setting.
Congressional staff, Jewish leaders, and diplomats would be encouraged to participate to discuss relevant legislative issues that Congress is working on.
Hassan Ali bin Ali is well known by his ties with Tehran. He enjoys close business and personal relations with Iranian parties.
An outside source who works closely with members of the House Foreign Relations Committee told Al Arabiya English that Bin Ali had, in fact, been a front for the Qataris for a number of years.
“He’s the one who whitewashes the whitewashers of the Qatari regime. Not only in the United States but all over the whole world,” he said.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Trump Kills "Ezra Friedlander's" Iran Deal

Guys, remember when the Kapo Ezra Friedlander tried to convince his own brothers and sisters that Nadler's vote for the murderous Iran Deal was a good thing?
Remember when the Satmar Rebbe, R' Aron Teitelbaum of Monroe sent letters to US congressmen that they "stab Israel" and vote for the Iran Deal which basically gave Iran nuclear capabilities to destroy C"V, Israel?
Well, Trump, a goy, destroyed the deal, shutting up these Jewish Reshaim!
A US president is pushing back on Iran’s dangerous and growing power.
President Trump’s decision Tuesday to withdraw from Team Obama’s badly flawed Iran deal and reimpose sanctions sends a clear message to the mullahs: The jig’s up.
As Trump noted, the accord left Iran free to develop nukes within a decade, even as Washington unfroze billions in Iranian assets and lifted sanctions that had left the regime gasping. And it let Tehran keep developing ever-more-deadly and longer-range missiles.
More, it encouraged Iran’s inflaming of conflicts across the region and expanding its influence at the expense of US allies.
Now US sanctions will return in coming months, leaving companies in Europe and elsewhere with the choice of doing business with Iran or the United States. Other measures against the country’s Central Bank will make it tough to do business even with companies that are still willing.
And sanctions related to insurance will make it far harder to ship Iranian oil — Tehran’s chief source of foreign money.
This, when the regime already faces mass protests over the fact that it devoted the cash freed up by the deal not to domestic needs but to its military and its foreign adventurism. With its currency already collapsing, can it risk fresh confrontation?
Indeed, while Tehran talked tough in the runup to Trump’s announcement, its immediate reaction was not to restart its programs or turn inspectors away, but to seek talks with Europe, Russia and China about preserving the deal.
French President Emmanuel Macron, meanwhile, called for negotiations to strengthen the deal enough to bring the United States back in — by addressing all the flaws Trump has flagged.
This, when the Obama crew had insisted this was the best accord anyone could get — though it denied inspectors full access to Iran’s military sites and, again, left it free to openly resume its nuke work in a few years.
Far better to wipe the slate clean now, and begin working to stop Iran before it grows stronger.
“America will not be held hostage to nuclear blackmail,” said Trump. Hear, hear.
But now he’ll need to follow up — not just with restored sanctions, but with a full-court press to roll back Iran’s march of evil.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Ezra Friedlander Trying to Manipulate Congress to Fund His Own Shenanigans

Ezra after swallowing some schmaltz herring

We are all B"H living in the year 2017, but you would never know it if you met Ezra Friedlander. Ezra Friedlander has built a career  trying to enrich himself on the backs of Holocaust survivors.

We had Jews like that in 1941 when Nazis forced Jews to persecute and torture their fellow brothers and sisters in ghettos and concentration camps...these Jews had a name "Capos" .....

I remember growing up and  actually meeting these capos. They were dressed like other Jews with some of them actually dressing chassidish.

Some capos tried their best to preserve the lives of their brethren and sacrificing their very own lives
 .... others, became opportunists that morphed into wild animals.

I must have met the animals, because I vividly remember my neighbors whispering about these subhumans who managed to survive and now assimilated in our neighborhoods masquerading as frum benevolent Jews. In Israel some were actually tried in court and others were murdered by their victims.

One in particular, was the Rosh Hakhal of a famous shul in Boro-Park. He was a "Baal Chesed" and donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to our holy institutions. It could very well be that he regretted his past, but my Mother a"h who never spoke evil about anyone told me that he was a sadistic evil monster. 

Just about a year ago, President Obama made a deal with Iran that according to the people in the know, would in effect hand nuclear weapons weapons to Iran, known as the largest terrorist exporter in the entire world. 
Let's not forget that Iran constantly vows to wipe Israel off the map. 
It was a very bad deal.....

Jerry Nadler, a congressman whose constituents comprise of Holocaust survivors was in favor of this disastrous deal and as an aside, is also in favor of JStreet, an organization that fights to weaken Israel and supports the vicious BDS movement .

Right before Election Day, he hired Ezra Friedlander to write an op-Ed in the Yeshivahworld blog  that urged his fellow Jews to disregard Nadler's disgusting Iran “Genocide Bill” vote, and vote for Nadler!
His money is apparently running out, so this admitted uneducated schemers,  came up with a money making scam that may very well be illegal...

He  has made a business of arranging luncheons on Capital Hill  for organizations who want the use of the prestige of the capitol, charging them enormous fees.

So how does he do it? By commercializing the Congressional Gold Medal.

And guess who he wants to honor ..?????????

Anwar Sadat! 

Anwar Sadat? 
A boro-park guy with a shtreimal wants to honor Sadat? 
Yes, because this will bring Arab Money, soaked with Jewish blood!

Call your local congressman and voice your opposition to this money scam ..... 

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Obama Admin Hid Intel on Iranian Militants in Syria to Push Nuclear Deal

The "capo" Ezra chapping Shrayim 
There were Jews like Ezra "The Capo" Friedlander who openly backed the Obama administration's Iran Deal. 
Ezra who is now pushing for a Congressional Medal for Anwar Sadat, so that he can continue to shnoor for his failing Friedlander Group, previously wrote an Op-Ed in Theyeshivahworld blog, addressing holocaust survivors, asking them to vote for Jerry "fats" Nadler, even though he voted to hand nuclear weapons to the Iranian terrorists who have vowed to destroy the State of Israel!
It turns out that the Obama administration was hiding the real facts about Iran so he could muster enough votes to supply Iran with nuclear weapons!

The Obama administration hid information about Iran illicitly ferrying militants into Syria on commercial aircraft in order to promote the landmark nuclear deal and foster multi-billion dollar business deals with Tehran's state-controlled airline sector, according to lawmakers and other sources familiar with the matter.
The Washington Free Beacon first disclosed last week that congressional leaders are calling for an investigation into Iran for using its state-controlled air carrier, Iran Air, to ferry militant fighters into Syria, where they are taking up arms in defense of embattled President Bashar al-Assad.
Photographs provided to Congress show Iran using Iran Air to ferry these soldiers between 2016 and 2017, in part when the Obama administration removed sanctions on Iran Air and promoted multi-billion dollars sales between the carrier and aircraft manufacturer Boeing, which is seeking to provide Iran Air with a fleet of new planes that many suspect will be used to carry terrorist fighters and weapons into regional hotspots.
This behavior violates international laws governing the nuclear deal and has now led lawmakers and others to accuse the Obama administration of downplaying Iran's illicit activity in order to promote the nuclear deal and ensure Tehran receives a new commercial fleet.
Multiple senior Obama administration officials, including former secretary of state John Kerry, traveled the globe to promote trade with Iranian companies, including Iran Air, at the same time Iran was found to be ferrying militants into Syria. Lawmakers and others suspect the Obama administration either hid or downplayed this information in order to preserve the nuclear deal.
"The Obama administration lifted sanctions against Iran Air as a political concession during nuclear negotiations with Iran, not because of any change in its activity," Rep. Peter Roskam (R., Ill.), one of the lawmakers calling for an investigation into Iran's use of commercial aircraft for military purposes, told the Free Beacon.
"Using social media and public flight tracking websites, any person with a computer can document Iranian military transports to Syria on commercial jets," Roskam said. "The Obama administration undoubtedly knew Iranian airliners were being used to fuel Assad's atrocities in Syria, but the administration officials who were globetrotting as Tehran's chamber of commerce trying to shore up the nuclear deal didn't care."
"Iran Air continues to support the Iran-Assad war machine to this day, and the Trump administration must hold the airline accountable and work to stop them," the lawmaker said.
Roskam and a delegation of other Republican congressmen petitioned the Trump Treasury Department last week to investigate photographic evidence showing Iran using Iran Air to ferry militants into Syria.
"Iran's use of commercial aircraft for military purposes violates international agreements as well as Iranian commitments under the JCPOA," or Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the lawmakers wrote, according to a letter first obtained by the Free Beacon. "We believe these photos mandate a thorough investigation of these practices and a comprehensive review of Iran's illicit use of commercial aircraft."
The lawmakers demand the Trump administration freeze all licenses that would permit the deal between Boeing and Iran Air to move forward.
Rep. Ron DeSantis (R., Fla.), a vocal opponent of the Iran deal who sits on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told the Free Beacon that the Obama administration ignored evidence of Iran's illicit military activity in a bid to appease Tehran and forward the nuclear agreement.
"As the Obama administration was shipping palettes of cash to Iran, the mullahs were sending militants to wage jihad in Syria," DeSantis said. "The Obama administration turned a blind eye to this and other transgressions because it was so intent on delivering major sanctions relief to the world's leading state-sponsor of terrorism, the Iranian government."
The Treasury Department did not respond to multiple Free Beacon requests for comment on the matter.
The Treasury Department has vowed in the past to consider and investigate any new evidence revealing Iran's illicit use of commercial aircraft, but it remains unclear if U.S. officials are actually following through on this promise.
Administration insiders have expressed confusion over the matter, saying they are unsure where Trump officials stand on scrapping the nuclear agreement.
Multiple proponents of ending the deal were recently removed from the White House's National Security Council and it appears that those officials supporting the deal currently are now the majority voice. This includes Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster.
Administration insiders say the Obama administration's aggressive efforts to promote trade with Iran and lay the groundwork for massive deals such as that formed with Boeing placed the current administration in a complicated position.
Boeing says the deal would create scores of U.S. jobs, but those opposing the deal say American workers should not be aiding Iran's illicit activity.
"The Obama administration actively politicized and downplayed intelligence about Iran to preserve the deal," said one veteran congressional adviser working on the issue. "They had State remove references to Iranian terrorism, had Justice ignore Iranian sanctions-busters and proliferated, and even had Energy buy off Iranian deal violations. So of course they had Treasury look the other way while the Iranians were facilitating Assad's mass slaughter."
Michael Rubin, a former Pentagon adviser and expert on rogue regimes, said champions of the Iran deal had knowledge of Iran's illicit behavior, but downplayed this information to push the nuclear agreement forward.
"The Boeing deal is where corruption meets national security. One of the biggest proponents of the Iran deal was Thomas Pickering, a former ambassador whom the Obama administration brought in to assuage Congress and re-up its talking points in the media," Rubin said. "Pickering never acknowledged, however—even to Congress—that at the time he had a lucrative consulting gig with Boeing in order to enable that company to profit off any Iran deal."
Iran is seeking to purchase from Boeing a fleet much larger than its domestic needs require, another sign that points to the regime's desire to use these commercial aircraft for military purposes, Rubin said.
"What the heck did the Obama team think Iran would do with its Boeings? If they tallied up Iran's annual air travel with the capacity offered by Boeing, they'd find that Iran was purchasing planes representing triple what Iran needed for its civilian transport," Rubin said. "Frankly, the Boeing deal should have resulted in as many red flags as if Iran said it wanted to purchase high explosives and rocket engines. But, national security and reality were far down Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry's lists of priorities."

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Rep. Boebert has Ezra Friedlander's "number" and asks him If He Was There for “Reconnaissance”


What won't Ezra "the capo" do for publicity?

Rep Boebert figured him out in seconds just by looking at him and asked him in an elevator if  "he was there for reconnaissance." LOL!

She really had him pegged!

Well Ezra the one who asked Holocaust Survivors to back the murderous Iran plan, endorsed Fat Nadler, and orchestrated a Congressional Medal of Honor to the late Anwar Sadat, a murderer of over 2,100 Jewish young Israeli soldiers , didn't like this one bit and is now crying that this was an "antisemitic incident."

He ran like a poisoned rat to his enabler the Yeshivaworld news blog, the website that refused to write anything about the rapist  Monster Walder.

Ezra had also re-tweeted a comment from a clueless dope that Ami & Mishpacha Magazines should not write about Walder because they were "Family Magazines" ... the fact that Walder broke up "families" went completely over his "langeh rekel" ...

Monster Walder was a bigger antisemite than Reb Boebert!

Ezra's tuchislekker the YeshivaWorld wrote the following about this non-incident!

Friedlander, a Hasidic Jew from Boro Park Brooklyn, who is a professional lobbyist, says that he and a group of people – including another Orthodox Jew – were being escorted by Rep. Tom Suozzi of New York. In the elevator, Boebert looked at them “head to toe” and then asked if they were at the Capitol to do “reconnaissance.”

“You know, I’m not sure to be offended or not,” one of the group members told Buzzfeed News. “I was very confused.”

“When I heard that, I actually turned to the person standing next to me and asked, ‘Did you just hear that?’” he said.

Friedlander tells YWN that Boebert clearly profiled them. “I am not a Rabbi, nor claim to be a Rabbi, but I dress in a long Hasidic grey suit, wearing a Yarmulka and a beard”, Ezra told YWN.

For her part, Boebert said that she was making “a joke” in reference to Democrats’ claims against her that she provided tours of the Capitol to Jan. 6 rioters, and had nothing to do with the group being comprised of Jews.

“I saw a large group and made a joke. Sadly when Democrats see the same, they demonize my family for a year straight,” Boebert said.

“I’m too short to see anyone’s yarmulkes,” she added.

Friedlander told YWN that her response of “being too short to see my Yarmulka”, is pathetic, as I have a long suit and beard and can’t be mistaken for anything else other than an Orthodox Jew.

The attached photo (Ezra with Rep Hakeem Jeffries) was taken less then five minutes after the incident. Friendlander says it is “clear as whistle that I am an Orthodox Jew and she chose to make it her duty to make a disparaging remark”.

This is how she sees Ezra Friedlander the lobbyist – doing reconnaissance”, he added.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Nadler's Iran cyberattack on Israel’s water supply could have sickened hundreds

The truth is that its not only "Nadler's & Ezra Friedlander's Iran" its also "Satmar's Iran" since it was the Monroe Satmar Rebbe, R' Aron Teitelbaum that had chassidim write thousands of letters to congressmen to make sure that Iran gets nuclear weapons....Iran vowed to wipe Israel off the face of the earth which would have included thousands of Satmar chassidim that live in Israel...
Iran tried to increase chlorine levels in the water flowing to residential areas during April’s cyberattack against Israel’s water systems, a Western intelligence official has told the Financial Times.
The official told the British newspaper in a report published Monday that hundreds of people would have been at risk of getting sick and that the attack was close to being successful.
The head of Israel’s National Cyber Directorate hinted last week that the attack may have aimed to mix chlorine or other chemicals into the water supply.
Additionally there was a chance that the attack would have triggered a fail-safe, shutting down the pumps and leaving thousands without water during during the recent deadly heatwave in Israel.
“It was more sophisticated than they [Israel] initially thought,” the Western official said. “It was close to successful, and it’s not fully clear why it didn’t succeed.”
An unnamed Israeli official told the Financial Times that the attack created “an unpredictable risk scenario” by starting a tit-for-tat wave of attacks on civilian infrastructure, something both countries had so far avoided.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Ezra "the kapo" Friedlander will honor a Muslim..... couldn't find any Jews to honor!

Ezra with Lady Gaga 
So the "kapo" that tried convincing Holocaust Survivors that the Iran deal was a good thing and wrote an Op-Ed in The Yeshiva World, defending the "Jew back Stabber" Jerrold Nadler's disgusting vote to hand nuclear weapons to the Mullas in Iran .... was searching for a Jew to honor, but after searching in all the shteeblich in Boro-Park, he couldn't find one Jew to honor, so he found a Muslim to honor .....
I understand that Sadat gave his life for peace ...... but what about Begin? Why isn't he getting credit for the peace deal?  Didn't he have to give back parts of Eretz Yisroel? 
What is it with these naive pandering Jews that search under every rock to pander to our enemies?
 How many Muslims will now love Jews more because of this stupid medal? 
Or is the "kapo" Friedlander alll in it for the money only, like his uncle, the "groiser tzaddik?"
What this lowlife will do for a couple of dollars .......it runs in his blood ....that miserable traitor .....

A bipartisan bill to award the Congressional Gold Medal to late Egyptian president Anwar Sadat will be introduced to Congress on Tuesday by Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), Representative Chris Stewart (R-UT) and Representative Grace Meng (D-NY).
The bill, titled the Anwar Sadat Centennial Celebration Act, proposes to award the medal to Sadat “in recognition of his heroic achievements and courageous contributions to peace in the Middle East.” Next year will mark the 100th anniversary of Sadat’s birth.
“President Sadat is recognized in the United States and throughout the world as a respected leader and champion of peace whose vision provided a road map for the peaceful resolution of conflict that endures nearly 40 years after its inception,” the bill reads.
“President Sadat bravely reached out to Israel and dedicated himself to peace, furthering the national security of Egypt and the stability of the Middle East.”
The bill’s introduction to Congress was coordinated by Ezra Friedlander, an Orthodox Jew and CEO of the public affairs consulting firm the Friedlander Group.
Friedlander told the Post that he recalls watching the arrival of the late Sadat in Israel in the late 1970s, as a child.
“It was a Saturday night. We didn’t have a television, but I remember as a kid going to a neighbor’s house to watch the news,” he said.
“I was 10. It was as shocking then as it is now, just to think of it. That image always remained with me; it became a part of me.
“Growing up and going through life you realize that it’s very easy to be friends with your friends, but Anwar Sadat, in my opinion, was one of the greatest statesmen of the 20th century because he, essentially, in a very dramatic way, changed his way of thinking and it took tremendous courage,” Friedlander continued.
“So for me, having the opportunity to play a role in an important historical milestone was very important.”
Friedlander added that honoring Sadat was not just a way to remember history but could also serve as “a teaching moment… I firmly believe that presenting Anwar Sadat with a Congressional Gold Medal will once again allow for the world to recognize his heroism and bravery, but also encourage other world leaders to learn from that style, from his leadership,” he said.
Friedlander said he hopes that if the bill passes, world leaders, particularly in the Middle East, would see the bill and the medal as carrying the message that “compromise and peace pays dividends long after you agree to make it.”
As a Jew, Friedlander added, honoring a Muslim leader was important.
“The Jewish people yearn for peace. We are willing and should be willing to travel to the end of the world for peace,” he said.
“We need to actively commend and pay tribute to those leaders that historically were at odds with the Jewish people and the State of Israel and to embrace them.”
Friedlander was also behind the Congressional Gold Medal awarded to late president Shimon Peres in 2014, and a posthumous one that same year to Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, celebrated for saving tens of thousands of Jews in Nazi-occupied Hungary.
“Sadat took countless personal risks to achieve a society grounded in peace and diplomacy – an endeavor that ultimately cost him his life,” Hatch said in a press release.
“Thus, awarding Sadat with the Congressional Gold Medal celebrates and gives homage to Sadat’s courageous, remarkable and enduring imprint on history.”
A ranking member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Cardin said in a press release that Sadat was the first Arab leader to recognize Israel and “displayed courage and vision when he negotiated the peace treaty, fundamentally changing the course of history in the Middle East for the better.”
Awarding him the medal, Cardin added, not only honors this legacy, but also underscores the enduring commitment of the US to upholding the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel.
Meng said in a press release that she was proud to co-sponsor the bill and urged the House and Senate to pass it.
Friedlander said he was not expecting any opposition to the bill, and hoped Egyptian government representatives would make the trip to the US to collect the medal, which will also be presented to Sadat’s widow, Jehan Sadat.

Monday, January 20, 2020

While Ezra Friedlander & Satmar Rebbe of Monroe Advocated FOR Iran Deal ..Iran Was Building Nuclear Weapons

Netanyahu with Secret Iran Files 

Guys... I'm old enough to remember when the "Political Genius" the Satmar Rebbe of Monroe, Reb Aron Teitelbaum urged the US Congress to ignore Netanyahu's warning that Iran was building nuclear missiles!  

I remember when Satmar put up their naive stupid fool, Yolie Labin  from the Kidney Donor Organization to write an Op-Ed in the Yeshivah World to fight for the murderous Mullahs in Iran! They picked him because Labin ran the Kidney Donor Organization and they figured that he was considered an "honest neutral guy" by the heimishe community  .... which he was until he was recruited by the Satmar Mullahs to defend Obama's dangerous Iran Deal.

I remember when the dangerous money grubber Ezra "the Capo" Friedlander  tried to sell Holocaust Survivors the notion that it was ok for Iran to get a  license to build nuclear weapons that would G-d forbid annihilate the entire Israel and cause a much bigger Holocaust! ....

Well guess what? 

Iranians were building a nuclear weapon way back in 2002...

Will we hear an apology????

Do I hear crickets ....?

Do not listen to these useless idiots .... they are only working to fill their own pockets on the backs of the Jewish People!!

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Monday, September 5, 2016

Ezra Friedlander (kapo) Defends Anti-Israel Tim Kaine

Ezra "The Kapo" tuchelekking Tim Kaine 

The Jewish back stabbing kapo, Ezra Friedlander, the whore, is at it again, supporting only those who wish to destroy Israel and has written an op-ed in the Yeshiva World Blog basically asking Jews to look at Tim Kaine's record on Jewish issues.

Why the mamzeirim  at Yeshiva World Blog would air his arrogant condescending "op-ed" is beyond anyone's understanding .... maybe he slips them $$$$$$$$$$$$$ 

Tim Kaine does not take pro-Israel positions, and has shown support for organizations connected to the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood! 

But Ezra the Kapo doesn't care!

Tim Kaine is the darling of the anti-Israel organization J-Street! J-Street endorsed Kaine's 2012 run for the Senate. J-Street donated $133,382 to his campaign and was the second largest donor 

But Ezra the Kapo doesn't care!

Tim Kaine was one of the first Democrats to announce he was boycotting Netanyahu's speech to a joint session of Congress!  Kaine was one of only 8 Democratic Party senators who boycotted the speech vs 36 that attended.

But Ezra the Kapo doesn't care!

Kaine was an effusive supporter of the awful dangerous P5+1 Iran deal which basically handed Iran nuclear weapons. 

But Ezra the Kapo doesn't care!

As Governor he appointed Muslim American Society (MAS) President Esam Omeish to the sate's immigration commission. In 2008 court filings, MAS was outed as part of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Video tape surfaced in 2000  where Omeish pledged to help Palestinians who understand "the jihad way is the way to liberate your land."
After Omeish Islamist ties became public and he was forced to resign, an anti-terror Muslim organization called The American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) scolded Kaine's lack of vetting.

But Ezra the Kapo doesn't care!

In 2011, Kaine spoke at an event at which the founder of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, Jamal Barzinji was given a Lifetime Achievement award, by the Muslim Brotherhood. 

Readers, I beg you to call this money grubbing whore, Ezra and tell him that he should shut the hell up already!