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Showing posts with label Ezra Friedlander Iran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ezra Friedlander Iran. Show all posts

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Ezra "the capo" Friedlander got over $200,000 in a 6 Month Period from Turkey.

Ezra with the Girls 

It seems that Ezra "the capo" Friedlander is always on the wrong side of helping Jews. 

He supported the Iran deal and wrote op-ed in all Jewish web sites urging and encouraging the then antisemite President Obama to go ahead with the disastrous Iran Deal.

Ezra was also behind giving the dead Sadat, the guy who murdered over 2,000 Jewish soldiers a Congressional Medal of Honor!

Now he teamed up with the Hamas loving Turkey and already received $200,000 since January of this year.

Why is anyone still talking to this stupid foolish stooge?