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Monday, April 4, 2022

Capo Ezra Friedlander Is getting Excited by the New Iran Deal pushed by the Biden Administration

Hey Ezra, did you tell the RY of Mir that the grandchild of the  "Tal Chaim" was pushing the Iran-Satmar Deal that could potentially c"v wipe the Mirer Yeshivah off the map? Did you tell him that the grandchild of the "Tal Chaim" arranged that the murderer of over 2,000 Jewish boys get the Congressional Medal of Honor? 


Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

There's some magical thinking going on.
The Arabs in Yesha cheer on Iran even though any major bomb that, chas v'shalom, Iran drops on Israel, will wipe them out too. They are in a state of denial. They think the bomb will just wipe out Jewish areas and leave them untouched.
Satmar has the same delusion. Ramat Gan will be vapourized but Bene Beraq won't have a single brick chipped.

אמת מארץ תצמח said...

That Liska tuchis lekker, Pincus Ezra F. will have a big mapulah one day. He and his friend Biden. That Ingarishe naar and chunef will be exposedת and become a laughing stock, if not a prison inmate. He thinks he can fool the world forever? Nuch an Ingereshe chuchem.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't take long when following him, to see how he speaks with women, and it isn't the way a chassdishe einikel speaks.