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Monday, April 4, 2022

Jews "Walking" Anywhere in Israel is now called "Storming" by antisemites

To all those "tazaddikim" who call to ban Jews from visiting the Har Habayis in order to avoid "provocation" this is what you get!

Now Lapid "walking" in Yerushalyim is considered "provocation"

Caving to terrorism only leads to more terrorism. 


Anonymous said...

Rav Kook held it was Osur. Not worth to get kares over.

Dusiznies said...

The Rambam and the Me'eree held it was permitted. In fact the Rambam , his brother and his father went up to the Har Habyis and he celebrated that event every single year till the end of his life.
I love the way the Kook haters come out like roaches when it suits them!

Anonymous said...

Not Kook haters. Until recently it was the accepted halachic norm to be noheg issur. We all remember that. But the people who know better than everyone else, because they can read a Rambam better than Rav Kook and many other poskim, made a change and were matir that which was the minhag l'issur, which to do so is in and of itself a breach in halacha even according to the matirim to go onto the har habayis.

Dusiznies said...

Here is the Rambam and let's say how
you read it?"


שנת ששה ועשרים ליצירה, יצאנו מעכו לעלות לירושלים , תחת סכנה, ונכנסתי לבית הגדול והקדוש, והתפללתי בו, ביום חמישי,
ששה ימים לירח מרחשון,
הימים האלו, נדרתי שיהיו לי כמו יום טוב, ותפלה ושמחה בהשם, ואכילה ושתיה.
אלקים יעזרני על הכל ויקים לי נדרי להשם אשלם אמן
וכשם שזכיתי להתפלל בה בחורבנה, כך אראה אני וכל ישראל
בנחמתה מהרה אמן
In an additional letter to Rebbe Yafat, the Rambam recalls this incident with affection and writes:
שאני והוא ואבא מורי זצ"ל ואתה
ארבעתנו הלכנו בבית השם ברגש
" As I and him (referring to his brother Dovid) and my Father my teacher, may this Tzaddik be remembered for blessing, and you (rabbi Yefet), the four of us traveled to the House of G-d with reverence"

And in his famous Igeeret Timan, the Rambam repeats this visit for a third time:
יצאנו מן המערב,לחזות בנועם השם, ולבקר מקום קדשו

" we left from the West, to glance at the Sweetness of Hashem and visited His Holy Abode."

The time is now to take back the Har Habyis