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Friday, April 5, 2024

WHITEHOUSE TURNS ON ISRAEL: Gives Them “Hours And Days To Make Changes


At a Wednesday news briefing, White House national security communications adviser John Kirby faced questions from reporters about whether President Joe Biden is considering withholding aid to Israel.

ABC News correspondent Mary Bruce queried Kirby about potential aid withholding if changes aren’t made by Israel. Kirby also mentioned that the U.S. anticipates seeing these changes from Israel in the “coming hours and days.”

BRUCE: The president seems to have said to the prime minister today, make these concrete changes or else. It’s the or else that I want to make clear here. Is the president threatening to withhold aid to Israel if they do not make these changes?

KIRBY: The president made it clear that our policies with respect to Gaza, will be dependent upon our assessment of how well the Israelis, make changes and implement changes, to make the situation in Gaza better for the Palestinian people.

BRUCE: And how much time are you giving them to make these changes to implement these concrete steps?

KIRBY: We we would hope to see some announcements of changes here in coming hours and days. And I’ll leave it at that.

Meanwhile, Secretary of State Blinken had the following to say:

“If we don’t see the changes [from Israel] that we need to see [in Gaza], there’ll be changes in our own policy.”

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