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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Led by Biden, the Dems’ New ‘Squad’ (schumer, amy klobuchar, tina smith, pelosi) wants Israel gone!


Minnesota’s Democrat Senators Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith recently joined 17 other senators in their party’s leftward lurch by urging the Biden administration “to take decisive action to bring about a two-state solution once and for all” and calling for “U.S. recognition of a Palestinian state” after the conclusion of the war in Gaza. 

In doing so, they are ignoring reality, refusing to apply the lessons learned from past peace attempts, tossing our ally, Israel, under the bus, and incentivizing terrorists around the globe by providing strategic rewards for the tactical atrocities they carry out to further their malign ambitions.

By engaging in these dangerous fantasies, these senators have revealed themselves to be little more than a mirror of the Progressive Squad in the House led by Ilhan Omar (D-MN-5). 

President Joe Biden bears much of the responsibility for exacerbating this fissure.

Sure, the Squad has long derided Israel, has little use for America’s traditional alliances, and often dabbles in antisemitic tropes and identity politics, but the party’s old guard always told us that they were merely outliers in the Democrat Party. The proverbial center would hold.

But in the wake of the horrific October 7 massacres and kidnappings in Israel, it wasn’t Ilhan Omar and company who beat a path to the center of the political spectrum.

It was President Biden, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Minnesota’s Senator Amy Klobuchar—the Democrats’ so-called moderates—who raced to the left to hoist the flags of the Squad.

This trajectory, where the once fringe views of the left are becoming increasingly mainstream in the Democrat Party, is unmistakable.

Their new initiation rite appears to be wire-brushing Israel in public as a nod to their ever-growing and restive base of anti-Israel and antisemitic voters.

In recent months it’s become clear that President Biden no longer supports Israel’s goals of removing the Hamas terrorist group from power and securing the return of all hostages in Gaza.

Instead, he now favors a unilateral ceasefire by Israel, which he hopes to further expand for the expressed purpose of creating a Palestinian state.

To that end, Biden has only applied pressure on Israel, rather than on Hamas or their patrons in Qatar and Iran, which ensures Hamas’ rejection of any agreement, including the latest proposal this week.

He sealed the fate of the 129 hostages held in Gaza since October 7—including six Americans—when he ensured a one-sided UN Security Council resolution passed in March with a U.S. abstention that de-coupled a ceasefire in Gaza from the release of the hostages.

The predictable results are increasing demands by Hamas and the leftward sprint by Senate Democrats.

There’s a recognizable method to the White House madness.

The administration began cynically portraying a non-existent divide between the Israeli public and their democratically elected leaders as cover for its increasingly searing invective against Israel.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer then declared Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu “an obstacle” to peace and two-state solution and called for an early election.

Schumer justified his push for a wartime regime-change in the Jewish State by opening his speech with a nod toward himself for being the first Jewish Majority Leader of the United States Senate.

Never mind that Schumer and Team Biden have made no similar calls regarding the regime in Iran, which paints “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” on their missiles.

Not even last week’s unprecedented launch of over 300 ballistic and cruise missiles and attack drones against Israel from Iranian territory could shake this sentiment loose from either Biden or the Senate Majority Leader.

Within a week, 19 Democrat senators—almost half of the Democrats in the Senate—called for fast-tracking the recognition of a Palestinian state.

Not to be outdone, 39 House Democrats including the so-called moderate former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, urged the Biden administration to reconsider the transfer of arms to Israel.

Throughout it all, the White House continues to gaslight the American people, saying the obvious change in U.S. policy was, in fact, no change at all.

A strategy based on a faulty premise is bound to fail. President Biden’s new Gaza policy relies on a Palestinian society that only exists in Western Democrats’ fantasies. 

Despite President Biden’s claim that “the overwhelming majority of Palestinians are not Hamas.

And Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people,” or Secretary of State Blinken’s belief that the majority of people in Gaza “are just like our families,” such statements are untethered from reality.

One need not look further than the recent poll published by the well-respected Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCPSR) earlier this month.

According to the March survey, 71% of Palestinians back the October 7 massacres. 

They also chose “armed struggle,” not negotiations or non-violent resistance, as the most popular strategy to end Israeli occupation among 46% of Palestinians.

So much for the majority of Palestinians being just like us. 

The same poll makes clear that Hamas has double the support of Fatah (34% to 17%), which is the main party of the Palestinian Authority.

Fifty-nine percent say Hamas should control Gaza after the war is over.

Fatah is the corrupt group that ostensibly controls the West Bank but in reality, can barely extend their control beyond the city of Ramallah.

Now they are the Democrats’ great white hope.

Put simply, the new lunacy they are peddling as policy is a recipe for repeating disasters.

Telegraphing to the world that America doesn’t have Israel’s back tempted Iran to launch from its own territory the largest barrage of drones, and cruise and ballistic missiles in the history of warfare.

By urging Israel not to respond, Biden is guaranteeing it will happen again—a position no American ally could or should accept.

Likewise, in Gaza, the current Biden plan is preventing Israel from finishing the war by going into Rafah, the last terrorist stronghold in Gaza along the border with Egypt.

No one wants to see innocents killed but This delay only prolongs Palestinian suffering.

We should support Israel’s mission to destroy Hamas and make sure they never pose another threat again. It’s what the American people would demand if we were likewise attacked. America must return to a policy where we stand with our allies and push back against our adversaries. 

Unfortunately, under Biden’s leadership and that of Senate Democrats, there has never been a worse time to be our ally or a better time to cash in on being our enemy.

Joe Fraser is a retired intelligence officer who spent 26 years serving our country in the United States Navy. He is the Republican candidate for the United States running to defeat Amy Klobuchar in November.    

Dalia al-Aqidi is the Executive Director of the American Center for Counter Extremism and the Republican candidate running against Ilhan Omar in Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional District.

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