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Sunday, April 21, 2024

Meet Ahlam Tamimi watch her describe how she murdered 16 people in Yerushalayim


 Meet Ahlam Tamimi, female Hamas terrorist who became a popular and influential celebrity among the Palestinian and Jordanian public after she murdered 16 people, including 7 children and a pregnant woman.

In this video she explains how being a Palestinian journalist helped her plan and carry out the Sbarro restaurant bombing in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.

Many Americans were killed and injured in this terrorist attack. Despite being on the FBI’s most wanted list, Jordan refuses to extradite her over to the US.

Moderate Arab countries should not provide shelter to Hamas terrorists. Please retweet this post to call on King of Jordan Abdullah II to extradite her.

During the past decades, the terrorist organization Hamas has destroyed every opportunity for peace in the Middle East by promoting and carrying out terrorist attacks in Israel.

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