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Friday, April 26, 2024

University of Texas-Austin Doesn't Take any Crap from Pro-Hamas Demonstrators.. Clears Them Out!


The protest Wednesday at the University of Texas-Austin was a prime example illustrating the difference between how red states and blue states handle respect for the rule of law. Red states meet such challenges with strength, as seen in the cases of Texas Governor Greg Abbott and UT-Austin's President Jay Hartzell.

Blue states take quite the opposite approach. They've taught young people to disrespect the rule of law by ensuring there are zero consequences, so now the young militants are running roughshod over Columbia University, New York University and Yale University, among many others.

The difference simply is the location in which these students are protesting, as formal education seems to have cultivated current generations nourished on left-leaning ideology designed to destroy the fabric of our nation and any hopeful future that we could have. We are, in essence, eating ourselves from the inside out by design.

In Austin, Hartzell refused to capitulate to the unraveling in the form of anti-Semitic protests disrupting the safety, purpose and operations of the university. In a lengthy statement following the assemblage of Texas law enforcement onto the campus, Hartzell addressed the community. His statement, according to Fox News, said, 

"Today, our University held firm, enforcing our rules while protecting the Constitutional right to free speech. Peaceful protests within our rules are acceptable. Breaking our rules and policies and disrupting others’ ability to learn are not allowed. The group that led this protest stated it was going to violate Institutional Rules. Our rules matter, and they will be enforced. Our University will not be occupied,"

About 34 students had been arrested on the campus as of 9 p.m. Wednesday -- this as House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican from Louisianna, arrived at Columbia University to speak rationale to students in condemning their anti-Semitic protests. He was heckled in his attempt to explain, educate, and elicit peace, growing ever more frustrated as he did. He should have known before he began that he was wasting his breath.

In moving to a mostly remote, or "hybrid" learning model in the university's attempt to keep all students safe, President Minouche Shafik said all that she needed to say about who is in charge. The cancer has already metastasized across our nation. These liberal institutions and left-leaning states have helped that to happen. I've never known cancer to be appeased. I've only heard of it being eliminated through direct force.

Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin agreed in a comment he shared on social media platform X in response to students' warning that they intended to disrupt and assert their will. "Texas DPS isn't going to take a passive approach like you may see in other jurisdictions."

The shocking display of support for a terrorist organization's actions against a people none of their neighbors will take in, and a genocide of God's chosen ones (the ink barely dry on the photos from the Holocaust) demonstrates just how deeply entrenched our nation has been in its own demise. The demoralization and destabilization of our society isn't too far off from that which former KGB operative Yuri Bezmenov explained in an interview with G. Edward Griffin in in 1984.

In that interview, Bezmenov explained that it takes about 15-20 years to create a generation that can't recognize the truth if it hits them in the face, so deeply rooted has the ideological subversion become. He also noted that once deeply rooted, the state can't be reversed. We are now seeing evidence of that rooting, as American college students chant "Free Palestine" in the face of Jewish students who once called them friends.

Our nation is definitely in the thick of it. Proactive, strong efforts like that of UT's Hartzell are imperative to ensure that the brainwashing doesn't result in the end of the United States of America, as Bezmenov predicted that it would. Said in another way by one commenter on X, "Pro Hamas idiots at UT Austin discover what happens why you try to pull a Columbia in Texas"

Hartzell voiced appreciation for those involved in quelling the protest.

"We are grateful for the countless staff members and state and University law enforcement officers, as well as support personnel who exercised extraordinary restraint in the face of a difficult situation that is playing out at universities across the country," he said, according to Fox News.

"There is a way to exercise freedom of speech and civil discourse, and our Office of the Dean of Students has continued to offer ways to ensure protests can happen within the rules. The University of Texas will continue to take necessary steps so that all our University functions proceed without interruption."

Gov. Greg Abbott commented on X, "Arrests being made right now & will continue until the crowd disperses. These protesters belong in jail. Antisemitism will not be tolerated in Texas. Period.

"Students joining in hate-filled, antisemitic protests at any public college or university in Texas should be expelled."

We need a lot more of the Abbott approach to wash over our nation to save it. His outlook is the path forward in this regard.

Once again, the Jewish people are at the center of the rest of humanity seeing the light. It's not over.

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