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Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Tragedy in Williamsburg as 13-Year-Old Meir Dov Gold z"l Takes his life Because his Mother Prohibited Him from Inviting His Father to his Bar-Mitzvah


This happened this past Shabbos Parshas Tzav, Meir Dov Gold's parents were divorced, and his mother recently complained to her 99 Wilson Street yente neighbors in Williamsburg, that she is very agitated because her children are driving her crazy wanting to have a relationship with their father and speak to him. She asked her neighbor for advice on how to handle it.

Well, Mrs. Gold doesn't have to worry about Meir Dov anymore, he will never talk to anyone again! On Shabbos morning while everyone was getting ready to celebrate his bar mitzvah, Meir Dov hung himself!


Anonymous said...

These crazy despicable egoistic women will have to give a very heavy din v'cheshbon. I endured one like this one for many years.

Anonymous said...

I’ve never seen or heard of this guy, but he speaks truth

Anonymous said...

Those ppl don't believe in shomayi, only pretend

Anonymous said...

Translation please

Anonymous said...

He says there are hundreds and hundreds of living 'dead' children who don't know their fathers cos their mothers don't let.
That these kids have no lives cos of it grow up messed up individuals

Anonymous said...

Translation? This ain't no free service

Anonymous said...

Who is this guy? He’s excellent.

Dusiznies said...

His name is Yonaasan Schvartz he owns a Toy store on 18th Ave and 55th Street. He has a weekly "chizzuk on the Parsha" on a podcast

Anonymous said...

It happened on Thursday evening

Brisker Payois said...

Thursday, Friday, Shabbos, Sunday, Monday Tuesday, Wednesday
The Kid Is Dead!!!!!! Don't you get it? You meshiginar!

Anonymous said...

How can I get a copy of this clip without using this group? I need it for my brother but he doesn’t use internet.

Anonymous said...

Parental alienation is a very mean thing to do to your children. Does the mother feel better now?!?!

Anonymous said...

Soif ganev le'teliya.
These terrible askanim and self proclaimed so called rabanim add to the chazal of pnei hadoir kepnei hakelev in mashiachs times

Times of mashiach Soita 49b said...

Soif ganev leteliya.
All these askanim and so-called self-proclaimed rabbanim is exactly what the gemara says in masechtas soita daf 49B penei hador kipenei hakelev that the leaders will follow the dog instead of the leaders leading the dog it's so sad that we are up to this generation that these askanim and self-proclaimed so-called rabbonim are so blind in what they are doing and they call themselves leaders and of course all in the name of Torah so Sad Asid litane es hadin

Anonymous said...

Nobody takes their own life because of not being able to see a parent. Moreover I spoke with someone familiar with the matter (lawyer) and turns out the boy didn’t want to see his father. You can choose to believe what you want. Two things are certain 1. There are mothers who try to take away kids from their father. (I had this happen to me) 2. People like to make up stuff so don’t believe everything you hear.