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Monday, April 1, 2024

Chilonim Rally To Draft Chareidim in Meah Shearim ... All Hell Breaks loose



Anonymous said...

"Chilonim rally"Draft them all!Call them all up!

Anonymous said...

Hashem does not want his children to fight. Smile at them , offer them drinks of water,(Make the bracha out loud.),and say we are brothers you can agree to disagree.אברהם אבינו taught us how to welcome guests.If you can’t do that at least ignore them.

Garnel Ironheart said...

It says something about the patience of the Chilonim that it took them decades to finally get annoyed enough to do this.

Anonymous said...

As if these kind of things are in some way new,Johnny come lately

Anonymous said...

Yitzchok & yishmael were also brothers

hmm said...

The irony of this is that these same people were protesting last year that people should refuse to serve..

Try and understand a leftist...