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Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Antisemitic Protesters Outside Concert Featuring Avraham Fried and Eitan Katz


  A special evening of song and inspiration was disrupted by pro-Hamas protesters Sunday. As is seen in a video, the event at the Kings Theater was disrupted by vicious antisemites. Sickeningly one protester on a megaphone was chanting the words of Kaddish.

The concert featured Beri Weber, Avraham Fried, and Eitan Katz. Also renowned speakers Rabbi Shais Taub, Rabbi Moshe Weinberger, and Rabbi Eli Mansour.

One Twitter user posted that the protesters were recruited by employees of the theater, as a protest against Jews. A Jewish man in the video is heard praising the NYPD for being well-prepared to secure the area, by cordoning off a block to keep the protesters confined, as well as a drone flying overhead.


FYI said...

This wasn't just a concert. It was a gathering for the holiday of 19 Kislev of the Chabad-Lubavitch religion.

Anonymous said...

Could you stop your hate against Chabad while the war is still going on? You piece of drek!!