Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Settler Violence Against Palestinians??? What Lies!!



LES AYM said...

I feel weird defending Arabs, but you can't deny this at least on some level.
Some crazy settlers who believe that the time to brazanly take over kibush Eretz Yisroel gives them the right to antaganize the west bank arabs more than they already feel?
The people need to stay focused and not intentionaly ramp up the ire by attaking arabs. And starting another war front.
Here's some examples, there are many more out there.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps .But man bites dog. with shabak
media collusion

Zako said...

To Les Aym 10:49

Sorry but what you ignorantly call "west bank" is in fact Eretz Ysroel, and more precisely Yehuda veShomron, and this has been the reality for already quite a few thousand years.
Keeping using that fake "west bank" political neologism is equivalent to supply amunitions to the enemy.

LES AYM said...

@Zako at 937pm
Stop being pedantic about the name of the geographic region. I'm using a term that you obviously know where I'm talking about. If you wish to respond whether you or DIN. Because no one responded to the validity of those links I included in my comment.
If you have something intelligent to say in regards to my original question, well then please do. I'm all ears.

Zako said...

To: Les Aym 4:23am

Honestly who cares about your pathetic "original question" when you clearly take position AGAINST Jewish people actually living in Judea & Samaria ?
Who cares about your pathetic "original question" when you clearly have that disgusting mercy for invaders (and don't even call them "palestinians", which they are not, as they are 99.9% imported from Jordan, Egypt and Syria) who were born & raised & educated & trained to hate you and to kill you ?
Who exactly are you to defend those who do everthing they can to kick millions of Jews out to the sea ?

LES AYM said...

To Zako 1154am
Refuah Shlaima, (btw I never called them Palestinians, I only referred to them as Arabs.

Anonymous said...

Zako don't waste even half minute with a weirdo who claims it's "pedantic" to use the correct ancestral location names of Eretz Ysroel.
That's how low they get.