Thursday, December 21, 2023

Letter to Editor of FJJ Wants "people to stop the hostage posters"


Whoever is going around Flatbush hanging pictures of all the hostages on every pole, construction site, mailbox and anywhere else they can, needs to please stop. Nothing productive is, or will, come from this, but a lot of negative things are. These posters are bringing the haters and anti-Israel people into our community to tear them down. These posters do not make our community look like a pleasant place to live. Everywhere you turn these posters are highly visible. Our young children should not be living in fear, asking questions about hostages or thinking they live in a dangerous area. When the posters are taken down, they are left torn up all over the place creating a mess. There are no positives to these signs. They don’t make any one of us more connected or more concerned than we all already are. If they do, then it's sad one needs this to be their motivation. These pictures don't heighten our already heightened sense of responsibility to do everything we are doing for Klal Yisroel. Let's be safe. Let's be smart. Let's keep davening. 

Flatbush resident

DIN: Of course, this writer probably lives in a million-dollar home in Flatbush and consumes yaptcha, herring and fatty meat from the meat boards and drowns it all in Glenlivet, every shabbos. 

Did he stop to think, if he had his wife or daughter, chas vesholom, raped and taken hostage if he would have felt the same way? 

This Yeshiva way of thinking is dangerous and is exactly how the Jews in the US felt when their brothers and sisters were being tortured and gassed in Auschwitz! "don't boycott Germany" "Don't protest in the streets" ...A lot of good it did to my own grandparents and extended family. Maybe if there were photos on every corner, the US government would have gotten involved! 

Jews the real Jews who have "rachmonas" who have empathy want to do their part, histadlis, in making sure that the Americans, don't forget the hostages. 

"Nothing productive?" So tell us all what have you done that is productive? Did you send one letter to Congress asking them to support the only Jewish state that is now the home of the majority of the Jewish people? 

He scribbles further: 

" These posters are bringing the haters and anti-Israel people into our community to tear them down" 

No that's a lie what it is doing is exposing your neighbors as a bunch of antisemites that want you dead! Oh! you want to walk the streets of the Galut Flatbush free of fear, while Jewish blood is being spilled on the streets on a daily basis? You selfish ungrateful narcissist!  

He writes: 

"Our young children should not be living in fear, asking questions about hostages or thinking they live in a dangerous area."

No they shouldn't be living in fear, but neither should Jewish children in Israel who are running for their lives into shelters 10-12 times a day!. By the way, did you teach your children about the Churban Bais Hamikdash? Aren't you scaring them? Oh, you say that happened far away and happened a long time ago. So you do not want your children safe in FAT'Bush to think about children their age who are dead in a country far away?

Those posters are a teachable moment to teach your children that not all Jews have it so good, and believe me it's coming to you very soon. You think Hamas will let you and your children live because they are in FAT"bush?

He scribbles:

"There are no positives to these signs. They don’t make any one of us more connected or more concerned than we all already are. If they do, then it's sad one needs this to be their motivation."

If after looking at those signs and you "are not connected or more concerned" then check if you are Me'zera Avraham. ....Whose heart has not broken after glancing at those photos?  And it's "sad that one needs this to be their motivation?" 

What a perverted and sick thought!!!

Someone is broken and is in pain because they have empathy for another Jew, so they hang posters of the hostages to make everyone aware that they will not be forgotten but this arrogant self-righteous tzaddik thinks that this is "sad" 

How low have we sunk?? How low?


Magdeburger Joe said...

There is a certain sort of logic displayed by the writer of the aforementioned letter. He is a member of a certain subset of logical thinkers. He is a procto-logical thinker, with his head firmly lodged in a malodourous place devoid of sunshine.

Anonymous said...

I know a Lakewood woman who gathered a group of women to say tehilim for her son who was trying to get out of Israel after Simchas Torah. Not for the Jewish sons who were heading to fight in Gaza , but for her son who was on a plane to Europe via the U. S.