Monday, December 18, 2023

Jackson NJ Residents Don't want Chareidim There. "they are taking Over"


In a distressing display of hate, a recent council meeting in Jackson Township was marred by anti semitic rhetoric targeting the Orthodox Jewish community, raising concerns about the state of community relations in the Jewish area.

During the meeting, shocking comments were made, including references to a “cultural genocide” and accusations of a “hostile takeover” by the Orthodox community in Jackson Township. The divisive remarks took aim at the Orthodox Jewish community, igniting tensions and casting a dark shadow over what should be a forum for constructive dialogue.

One of the particularly alarming statements involved calls to bar an Orthodox council member from voting, highlighting a troubling attempt to marginalize a representative based on their religious affiliation. Such exclusionary sentiments go against the principles of inclusivity and equal representation that form the foundation of a democratic society.


Anonymous said...

This won't be popular with developers & builders buuuut there's a connection between-
51% of young people in America age 18-24 believe that the right solution to ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is ending the existence of the State of Israel.
- 67% said Jews are oppressors and should be treated as such.
-& HOW they have treated their fellow citizens (or as subjects) including Jackson

Anonymous said...

These Jackson hatemongers would be scared to death if they were overrun by Afro Americans. But they wouldn't dare opening their mouth, much less calling it a "cultural genocide". They would move out in droves with their tails between their legs. But since it's in style to bash the Jews, these cowards feel empowered to show their hatred.

Anonymous said...

Less simple than that
Who would import the African-Americans there