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Monday, December 4, 2023

Satmar Rebbe Calls for ALL Yeshivos to violate the "Three Oaths"


The entire book, Vayoel Moshe , written by the late Satmar Rebbe, R' Yoel Teitelbaum, the founder of Satmar Chassidus, is based on the violation of the "Three Oaths." 

To be sure this "violation" is not mentioned in the entire Mishna Torah written by the Rambam, and not mentioned in the entire Shulchan Aruch. In addition, in the very place where the Talmud discusses this (a few lines) in Kesubois 111, not one of the commentaries like the Maharsha, Rif, Ran etc, has anything to say on the subject.

Be that as it may, this is not the time or place to discuss this non-issue.

However, one of the "Three Oaths, in which the Vayoel Moshe spends an enormous amount of time on, is the oath of התגרות באומות meaning a Jew in Galut is prohibited from antagonizing the Gentiles! 

Of course in the sefer, the Satmar Rebbe, chastises the Zionists for violating this oath, saying that by having established a State they violated this oath, which is of course not what actually happened, as most of the Gentile governments themselves approved the establishment of the State in 1948, and one of those countries was none other than Russia! But let's not get confused by the facts!

The present Satmar Rebbe, R' Aron of Monroe, an Obama lover and who asked his entire kehilla to write letters to Congress to support the Iran deal, is now asking ALL yeshivois to defy the New York State Department of Education.

I am not going to debate here the merits of his arguments, but what I would like to point out is, what about the violation of התגרות באומות?Why doesn't it apply here?

Now, there is nothing wrong, of course, with debating the issues with NY officials, but that is not what he is asking, he is asking all yeshivois to DEFY the NY State Education Department! 

With this call to "defy" he is also smacking his brother, who he hates with a passion, R' Zalman Leib, Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg, who signed up and agreed to comply with the New York Education Standards, since it's all about "the Benjamins." 

The "prohibition" of the "three oaths" which the Satmar Rebbe z"l said is  יהרג ואל יעבור, that one is obligated to give his life in order not to violate is only apparently addressed to Zionists but is not meant for themselves!

Know that what is good for the goose is also good for the gander.

PS The יהרג ואל יעבור only applies to the three cardinal sins, "Murder, Adultery" and Idolatry " but Satmar added another one "Zionism."


Frum but normal said...

DIN, it seems you're the only one taking this ignorant Jew hating bum seriously.
No one in his right mind bothers to argue with this Teitel-Bum.
With a sewer rat, you don't argue with, you just fumigate it.

Anonymous said...

Hello DIN,
I agree with everything that you have written.
However, my beef with you is that you quoted that menuvelless and drek antisemite Ilhan Omar - "the Benjamins"! I would never want to ally myself with her in any manner whatsoever and with quoting anything that she ever said, whether right or wrong.