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Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Women Fed Up With the Cruel Get Refusers Begging Rabbanim to Get Involved



Anonymous said...

Here we go with some more "new" Poskim, or is it Posekettes, telling the old Poskim what to do.


According to the this Posekette, Reb Moshe says its all OK.

bklynlady said...

Its time to have prenuptial agreements before every marriage, across the board, yeshivish, chasidish, etc. including provisions for a get!

Garnel Ironheart said...

They had the solution when that guy with the cattle prod was going around but no, someone had to report him.

Ora-ysaw said...

when the prenuptial also protects children then all men will sign it but until then, no adult will prioritize another adult’s rights over children’s #fact

Bais Din LeHoirah said...

a "prenuptial" cannot protect children, because the children weren't born yet.
This document protects both the man and the women that should they decide to divorce the "get" will be given.
If visitation and common properties can be worked out, then great but the get should be given.

Children and other financial matters should have nothing to do with the get, period!

Usually the Get Refuser is a narcissist wife abuser and therefore he should not have any say in the matter of their common children, as he cannot be trusted. A guy who is a Get Refuser is by nature a cruel vindictive barbarian who cannot accept that he wife refuses to be with him and hates his guts. 9 times out of 10 his refusal has nothing to do with the wife's refusal of his visitation right, it has to do with his ego that was smashed to smithereens!

I am in this business for over 35 years and represented both the husband and the wife and I can tell you that in 100% of the cases the GET REFUSERS be they men or woman are not and have never been "nice" people. They are self centered, egotistical maniacal abusers. They have no empathy at all and love to inflict pain.
There is no hell hot enough for them and their enablers.

LES AYM said...

unfortunately if a get is not available, well then you need "plan b" .......missas habaal. boom!