Thursday, August 24, 2023

Avraham Moshe Rabinowitz killed in a Paragliding Accident in the Swiss Alps!


R’ Avrohom Moshe Rabinowitz, a young charedi man from Manchester, England, was killed on Wednesday in a paragliding accident in the Swiss Alps.

Rabinowitz, 30, was married and father to a son who was born just a few months ago. He was the grandson of the Lugano Biala Rebbe, Rabbi Bezalel Simcha Rabinowicz, who is the senior rabbi of the European Board of Torah Scholars. His sister is scheduled to be married next week in Jerusalem. This is unfortunately not the first time the family has known tragedy- when R’ Avrohom Moshe’s brother was six years old, he died of an asthma attack.

Rabinowitz was in Switzerland for a family vacation and went missing. Swiss authorities found his parachute and Hatzalah Switzerland assisted in the searches for him. His body was later located.

R’ Avrohom Moshe was born in Israel to Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef Dov Rabinowitz, the Biala rosh yeshiva. His mother Rivka is the daughter of the Kapitchnitzer Rebbe. He studied at the Kamenetz yeshiva in Jerusalem and later established his home in England, marrying the daughter of Rabbi Yehuda Issler of Manchester.


Anonymous said...

People should consider the suffering they inflict on family when they do super risky adventures, particularly climbing Everest etc where a high percentage die.

Anonymous said...

...doesn't vacation time end with onset of Elul ?

Anonymous said...

People should also consider the suffering they inflict on the family when they post insensitive comments online, which can be just as dangerous.