Wednesday, August 16, 2023

In 5th Tragedy Of Bein Hazmanim, 18-Year-Old Yeshiva Student Drowns

 In yet another tragic incident which occurred during the final days of the Bein Hazmanin period in Israel, an 18-year-old Yeshiva student, Yishai Keinan z’l, drowned in a lagoon near the Kinneret lake on Tuesday.

Keinan, a resident of the Pisgat Zeev neighborhood in Jerusalem, was a student at the Tiferet Levi yeshiva in Elad. He went with friends to the lagoon, located near Maale Gamla at the entrance to the Golan heights. At a certain point, Yishai lost contact with his friends and went underwater. Fire and rescue teams from Golan and divers from the Lehava unit located Yishai’s body hours later in the lagoon.

United Hatzalah volunteers Ohad Ringer and Avi Elhiani said that “The youth drowned and was lost, according to his friends description. Divers succeeded in locating and removing his body from the water and he was declared dead at the scene.”

Yishai was born on 26 Av 5765, exactly 18 years ago. He studied in the Tiferes Levi yeshiva ketana and last year entered the yeshiva gedolah, where he was considered one of the best students, studying Torah at all hours from 7:30 AM until the small hours of the night. Friends said that this was a “Great loss for family, yeshiva, and the entire generation. Without doubt he would have been one of the more prominent Talmidei Chachamim of the generation due to his diligence and perseverance in Torah and Avodas Hashem.”

Yishai z’l was brought to his final rest on Har Hamenuchos at 1:30 AM Wednesday. May his memory be blessed.

The current tragedy is unfortunately the fifth tragedy in the last few weeks of Bein Hazmanim. Two weeks ago, Rabbi Binyamin Praga (44) died of dehydration and exposure in a Jordan Valley stream. 10-year-old Baruch Abadi of Kiryat Sefer died in a swimming pool near his home. 4-year-old David Turgeman drowned in a pool in an Eilat hotel, and R’ Yitzchak Ben-Shimol of Jerusalem (79) drowned in the Kinneret near Tiberias.

תהא נשמתו צרורה בצרור החיים.

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