Thursday, August 17, 2023

Rachmastrivka Rebbe Passes Away at 92


DIN: People constantly ask me :

"Is there even one rebbe that you respect?

My answer was always: "There are many on my list, but the Rachmastrivka z"l tops my list." 

The rebbe was a gentle soul who truly loved every single Jew, never played into the rebbeshe politics though others tried to draw him in. The previous Skverer Rebbe chose him as a son-in-law, and the rebbe was the Rosh Yeshiva of Skver for many years until Skverer Chassidim saw his greatness and needed to move him out so that he doesn't become a threat to his brother-in-law, the present Skverer Rebbe; he will be missed by all who loved and cherished him. 

Rachmastrivka rebbe of Borough Park, Rabbi Chai Yitzchok Twersky passed away this afternoon at the age of 92.

The Rebbe was an internationally known tzaddik, who lead his Bais Medrash and kehillah in Borough Park on 45th Streer.

He is the uncle of the other Rachmastrivka Rebbe in Jerusalem.

Levaya will be held at 4 p.m. at the main Rachmastrivka beis medrash in Boro Park, followed by kevurah in the Rachmastrivka section of Har Shalom Cemetery in Airmont.


Anonymous said...

lololol ... the rosh yeshiva in skvere was reb moshe green a'h, who left because the skvere rebbe opened up the yeshiva to all skvere bochurim in new square, which included a lot of average bochurim, and rabbi green wanted the yeshiva to be "elite". (rabbi green subsequently opened an "elite" chassidishe yeshiva in monsey, and still got big kovod in skvere). a lot of rebbes and rebbishe mishpochas and eineklach from other kroizen grew up or live in skver/ new square, including the current machnovka belze rebbe in eretz yisrael. it isn't political, it is just the environment they want to be in and raise their families in until their time to lead the rebevitse came. that is why the rachmenstrivker ztzkl left, to take over his father z'l. stam azoi, the skevere kehillah in new square and has changed a lot over the decades and has moved much further to the right, (perhaps even more then todays version of satmar). ayin shum.

Skverrorist said...

He got out of Dodge before he got the Molotov Cocktail treatment

Dusiznies said...

I suggest you do some more research. I stand by every word I wrote.
Since you brought Rav Green z"l you should know that he supported Weingarten who screwed his own daughters, and is sitting in jail for life for transporting his minor daughter across state lines for the purpose of sexually abusing her.

Anonymous said...

He had to leave because they were making uncomfortable there, the passing of his father, let him walk away without causing a machlokis

Romanisher Ferd said...

The first commenter is completely ignorant & likely a Green talmid that leads him to revise history.

Green's Yeshiva d'Monsey is well known for talmidim who are a bunch of low IQ dopes, both Chassidish & Litvisher.

Not clear if Green was a rasha or senile. He was not only a Weingarten advocate but was put in Cherem d' Rabbeinu Tam for getting paid off by a gvir to falsely invalidate a get.

Anonymous said...

Green has nieces, a mother & daughter, who are completely nuts & toxic. The daughter was thrown out of a bunch of girls schools.

Weingarten said...

Green had a driver whose initials was MG who would take Green to the 711 on College Road and they would watch looking for Skverer from the Chase Bank parking lot to see was going in and out, and if there was a married guy going in there, MG would take a photo of him and call his wife telling her that her husband hangs out in 711. If it was a married lady from New Square, they would report her to the new Square Vaad. MG himself screwed his own niece but they couldn't report it because of family pressure.

Zibben Eleven said...

In the previous decade, the 7-11 at Route 59 & College was a hedonistic free for all, especially late at night. In the parking lot, Litvishe bums were making out with girls in their cars. They obviously wanted attention instead of going somewhere private. Chassidishe lowlives were going behind the building to negotiate a price mit Shvartz zoinos that were imported for this "heimishe" clientele. Someone complained to both Satmar & Litvisher rabbonim who sent "the cavalry" to break up this nightly party.

The Big Fress said...

A clean shaven total zero from Green's yeshiva got into BMG becauase he has a lot of money. Like the other zeros who hung around long enough he eventually got a shlock shamash shteller because it's such bizyonos to see the zeros just moping around without chavrusos, not learning or doing anything productive. When he was 25 he got major sipuk from condescendingly bossing around bochurim a year younger than him, not to mention elterreh bochurim older than himself. But he was so power hungry & abusive that the keys & degree of authority were taken away from him. He was then limited to paperwork. All he accomplished after that was fressing & he blew up like the Goodyear blimp.

Lyrics start displaying after half a minute

Blondie said...

He was a holy person; give some respect for the newly deceased. He actually saw women and answered very respectfully. Not like go home and make a potato kugel. Give credit where credit is due...May we all see the coming of Moshiach speedily in our days.