Thursday, August 3, 2023

Agudath Israel of America tells US lawmakers not to meddle in Israeli policy


Agudath Israel of America, an American organization that represents haredi Jews, is calling on the American administration not to interfere in Israel's domestic policies, including the government's judicial reform plan.

"Agudath Israel of America takes no position on the Israeli government’s proposed judicial reforms. But, whatever the merits or shortcomings of that plan, American lawmakers and other government officials, while they are entitled to their opinions, should not be seeking to use their positions of power to meddle in the internal affairs of another sovereign democratic state," the organization wrote in a statement published Wednesday.

"What form, if any, judicial reform in Israel should take is a matter for Israelis to determine through Israel’s vibrant democratic process," it added.

The statement concluded: "The United States would rightly resent another nation’s attempts to influence our own internal political affairs. Members of Congress and other American officials should ponder that and leave Israeli issues to Israelis."

Many factors in the US government, including President Biden himself, have been applying pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other officials to halt the judicial reform legislation process.


Zako said...

Well said. Kol Hakavod.

Agudah Fresser said...

We like to be a day late & a dollar short after every else has for months been criticizing Biden with the exact same line!

Yudel Shain said...

The demonstrations in Israel by the ones that lost the election.

In the USA, when the losers of the election demonstrated on Jan 6th most were tried and jailed.

Why Israel didn't do that same to their demonstrators, disruptions, etc is beyond comprehension.

Unless, Israel is a true Democracy, and the USA is not.

yidlmitnfidl said...

The vicious culture war spread from Europe to the US, and from there, sadly, to EY.
EY can afford it the least of all 3.

Anonymous said...

Very Good Reb Yudel.
I echo Reb Yudel’s sentiments
Quite frankly, it’s about time the left stop with the Israel fixation 24/7.

Imho, it is high time that the left and the holier than though crowd Fix. Your. Own. House. First.
Stop Bashing Israel.

Does anyone remember who said the following three quotes:

(1) "There will be no separate peace between Israel and the Arab world,"

(2) "I want to make that very clear with all of you. I've heard several prominent politicians in Israel sometimes saying, 'Well, the Arab world is in a different place now. We just have to reach out to them. We can work some things with the Arab world and we'll deal with the Palestinians.' No. No, no, and no."

(3) “I can tell you that, reaffirmed within the last week because I've talked to the leaders of the Arab community, there will be no advanced and separate peace with the Arab world without the Palestinian process and Palestinian peace. Everybody needs to understand that. That is a hard reality."

Spoiler alert: Mr. John Kerry, our former Sec of State under President Obama said the above quotes in 2016. See how right he was?

Also, Thomas Friedman in the NYT and his eirav rav ilk also get it wrong so many times; yet the left continues to quote them as the “experts” on Israel affairs.

Zako said...

To yidlmitnfidl 11:06

I live in Europe. Sorry if I break your dreams, but the vicious culture, the cancel culture, the woke insanity, BLM, MeToo, LGBT, transgenders, cisgenders, you name it and all that trash was precisely all fabricated in the US and infected the rest of the free world.

Cohen Y said...

Some of it eg pulling the plug comes the other way.
The manifestation is worse for just about everything in Europe