Thursday, August 3, 2023

R' Yerucham Praga From Modiin Illit, Father Of 11 Dies After Dehydrating In Jordan Valley Stream


In a tragic accident which occurred in the Yitav (Uja) Stream in the southern Jordan Valley, Rabbi Binyamin Praga (44), an Avreich from Modiin Illit, died of dehydration during a family trip.

Rabbi Praga had accompanied his father, Rav Yerucham Praga, and some of his children on the trip. During the course of the trip his father did not feel well and Rabbi Binyamin hurried with his children to try and summon assistance, as he did not have cellphone reception in the stream.

Unfortunately, Rabbi Binyamin himself collapsed from dehydration and exhaustion and his children hurried on to try and get help. Some of the children got lost on the trail and others who managed to get out called rescue workers. About 100 volunteers rushed to the scene, assisted by a military helicopter, a police chopper and members of the Megilot rescue unit.

The first member found was the grandfather, who was in light condition. Two other children aged 12-13 were found in the wadi and said that they had left their father in bad condition to try and get help.

Only at 1 AM Rabbi Prage was located lifeless by volunteers who had searched the entire river bed and he was declared dead by a doctor from the rescue unit.

Rabbi Praga z’l served as an educator at the Midrash Meir Talmud Torah in Modiin Illit. He was described by associates as “A refined and special person, a real man of education. It is unfathomable that he, a person who was so responsible and thoughtful, could have had this happen.”

Unfortunately this is not the first tragedy the family has suffered. Rav Binyamin’s brother Dovid died at age sixteen during a trip in the Yehudiya stream in the Golan heights 24 years ago. Last year in the month of Av, a nephew of Rav Binyamin died in a swimming pool accident at the age of one.

Rabbi Praga’s levaya will be at 1:30 PM from Shamgar in Jerusalem to Har Hamenuchos.

It should be noted that the Nature Reserves Authority has warned not to enter the Yitav stream during intensely hot days (temperatures Tuesday in the Jordan Valley were over 40ºC or 104ºF). The commander of the rescue team said that in order to take a trip in searing temperatures in the desert, one needs 5 liters of water per person, good shoes, a hat, long clothes and acquaintance with the region and route, as well as informing an external person about when the trip is due to end.”


Uriah’s Wife said...

What allows a guy with “Torah Smarts” to disregard a dire life-threatening warning from health and environmental authorities and puts their family at such grave risk?

“…It should be noted that the Nature Reserves Authority has warned not to enter the Yitav stream during intensely hot days (temperatures Tuesday in the Jordan Valley were over 40ºC or 104ºF)…”

Joe Magdeburger said...

A scolding tone is inappropriate. May the sharing of this story and the lives saved provide an aliya to this man's neshomah. On my next visit to Israel I will exercise due caution. Rabbi Praga may your memory be a blessing.