Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Rav Amnon Yitzchok Says in Monsey that all Chareidie Meats are "Neveilah and Treifas"


Uriah’s Wife said...

All animals killed by slicing their throats without first rendering them insentient via electrical stunning should be considered Neveilas and Treifas because of צער בליי חיים.

Anonymous said...

Just recently (past 5 years )in Borough Park a butcher was selling big time neveilos and treifos.

With Heimish Hashgochas ,chasidishe shechita- R"L

The Passaic chinese restaurant.

The Lakewood vicinity multiple episodes of treifos.

The fact that the public is unaware of the episode does not change the facts.

These thing are still going on today.

Wake up and smell the coffee.

Zako said...

A quick translation: He says that the meat market cannot be garanteed kosher, based on the treif chicken scandal that occured in Monsey a few years ago.
He is also saying that the Shechita/producer/supplier/reseller chain suffrers a tremendous and constant daily pressure and therefore who knows what really happens in the process.

Garnel Ironheart said...

And years ago the brother of the Daas Torah blogspot put up an essay in which he claimed he could make every get every issued in America pasul.
Guys like this think that they're making the community holier when they label everyone a sinner and not at their level.

Zako said...

to Uriah's wife (here up above)

You wrote: "All animals killed by slicing their throats without first rendering them insentient via electrical stunning should be considered Neveilas and Treifas because of צער בעלי חיים."

Are you serious, or just cynical here ?? Stunning the animal before shechting ? You are totally out of your mind. A stunned animal is a wounded animal and is therefore 100% treif lekhatchila even before being shechted. Irrecoverable.
What do you know about shechita, besides your neo-progressist philosophy ?

Anonymous said...

to Uriah's wife (here up above)

צער בליי חיים is the biblical prohibition of causing unnecessary suffering to animals.

key point "unnecessary suffering".

hence, slaughter (as the traditional rabbi's define it), is a biblical commandment and does not fall under the prohibition of "unnecessary suffering".

Uriah’s Wife said...


Of course I’m serious. Who wouldn’t be serious regarding needless pain and suffering inflicted on dumb animals? An empathetic halachist should rule that a stunned animal is to be considered like a sleeping one and as such not subject to the prohibition of improperly slaughtering a wounded animal, thus render it not kosher. But what do you care about treating animals humanely so long as cruel Halacha is maintained.

Anonymous said...

August 16, 2023 at 7:43 PM

You did not address the PETA claim to fame of Tzaar Baal HaChayim.
Thats what she's 'farkoift' on.

Anonymous said...

@zako interestingly, the seridei eish ztzl had a famous teshuva matiring stunning animals before shechita for the jews of germany during the nazi ym's regime. however rav chaim ozer ztzl was against it and therefore the stunning never took place in practice. the point is it not so simple to say "A stunned animal is a wounded animal and is therefore 100% treif lekhatchila even before being shechted. Irrecoverable."

Frum but normal said...

It’s pretty obvious this guy with the antenna, is not playing with a full deck.
But must admit, he is entertaining and has as they say in Yiddish “ A GESHLIFENE TZING

Anonymous said...

Not sure That Rabbi AmnonYitzchak is correct, but if he would have said that since that scandal years ago, people should be more careful with everything they eat, that would have made more sense... Nowadays, most of us go to restaurants and hotels without doing our "due diligence," as they say today, just trusting any food if it has some Hebrew writing on it..

Uriah’s Wife said...

@Anonymous 9:54PM,

Why is the issue not simple? You can make reducing animal suffering as simple as Halachists avowing to refrain from inflicting horrible death practices on animals. Simply state that stunning the animal before slitting its throat is halachically acceptable. I guarantee you that the sun will continue to rise in the east and set in the west and the tides will continue to rise and fall at their designated times. It’s that simple.

Yudel Shain said...

Professor Temple Gradin is the foremost expert on pain to animals.

She has testified that Shechita without stunning is most humane and the animal feel no pain.

Those Peta animal rights advocates are the biggest abusers of animal rights, watch them put live lobsters in boiling water and eating them.

They are all a bunch of leftist murderers that claim animal rights but they will kill innocent babies.

Anonymous said...

As an FYI, many years ago NYS wanted to prohibit Schitah. I would say about 55 years ago. There was a study commissioned that proved that cutting the arteries by the neck is the instead death with no pain for the animal. It’s nothing but propaganda and anti Torah bias that has these claims of cruelty. Electric stunning is more cruel.

Anonymous said...

Another idiot liberal

Anonymous said...

How did you determine that stunning is less painful then shchita?
Look at people hit with stun guns are not not in pain?
As said before shchita is the most humane way to kill an animal, stunning it is the utmost cruelty other then dismemberment.

Anonymous said...

I personally paid and had Temples assistant visit a shlachthouse I was involved in, cant agree with you more.

Joe Magdeburger said...

Go get stunned and tell me how good it feels.

Git gezugt said...

LOL @ Magdeburger

ThisisMoe said...

Did he visit the Shlachtheiser to give this analysis and say that. Did he discuss this with the Rav hamachshir of the packing houses to announce everything is traif. Unless someone has proof one should be quiet about this.