Thursday, August 3, 2023

Did You Fall For the "Amuka Segulah" Prank?




The  Amukah Segulah was invented in the last 50 years. 

There is no source in any ספר or a קבלה from any reliable source.

This Segulah was invented by a Frum tour guide as a joke.

He also claimed there are two קברים for שמואל הנביא one for 'שמואל א and the other for 'שמואל ב.

The Amukah Prank caught on like wildfire because desperate people will believe in anything.

The prankster combined two Rashis next to each other as if it read

כל פסולין שאין מוצאין אשה פונין והולכין שם והיא עמוקה

"All Pesulin who can't find a woman turn & go there.

(Where?) That is Amukah" (Prankster's Pshat)

The גמרא (Yevamos 17a) says, why is it (a certain hill) called הרפניא? Because of all the פסולין (Mamzeirim etc.)  turn towards (go to) this hill הר- פניא to find a spouse. (& having illegitimate children)

רבא said "This hill is (not a hill but a pit deeper (עמוקה) than שאול (Gihenom) From Gihenom one can be redeemed whereas a Mamzer remains that way forever. 

עמוקה is not referring to the town Amukah but the word "deeper".



Instead of Amukah festivals, perhaps we should practice the 2 most Authentic Segulos

1) Daven at home or in the local Shul (no need for Amukah- 40 Rabbonim - 40 days etc.)

2)  a) Talk - Redt Shidduchim.

     b) Talk & explain to all your friends etc. why if we don't do anything about narrowing the age gap we will end up ח"ו  with 20% of our sisters & daughters  as AGUNOS FOR LIFE


Anonymous said...

Except that it works

פלוני אלמוני said...

Sometimes the mere fact that so many were answered in praying at a tomb for a certain thing is brought to the attention of the masses and people rumor that this tomb is a segula to go and pray there for such and such a problem. Near Beit Shemesh is the tomb of Rabbi Yitzchok Gavra who people go there to pray for a shidduch for the reason I described.


Anonymous said...

I've been scammed by FAKE kabbalisy all over israel I paid thosounds. for a shiduch ..NOTHINg worked and besides those guess are enjoying my money in jail...anyways the writer is correct just Daven And actually seek out women

Uriah’s Wife said...

When I need an efficacious segula I go and daven at the קבר of of the holy Rebbe of the last century, the Gaon רבינו אלטע כארלי . Instead of wasting your energies on various useless קברים, go to Home of Peace Memorial Park in Los Angeles and wave your hand in front of the קבר three times and recite the nyuk, nyuk, nyuk תפילה seven times. The shidduch dilemma as well as the agunah wickedness will vanish.

Anonymous said...

Yes, davening at Amuka often works. We learned of the segula about 50 years ago when a young man told us that it worked for him. In those days the kever was very challenging to access. Nevertheless my husband went to daven with the names of 4 older singles. At the kever he only found 3 names and davened for them. They were all chassanim within a year. The 4th did not marry and was nebech niftor within 3 years. Later on , in 1985, he went again and davened for 2 nieces and a nephew, who BH all married in 1986

Uriah’s Wife said...

Anonymous 6:08 AM,

So because he lost the 4th name and didn’t daven for him, your bungling husband not only didn’t get a shidduch for him, he obviously triggered his death.

Anonymous said...

For years we kept sending money to the Kabbalists to Daven in Amukah for our three daughters
to find their Zivug Last year we gave up on the Kabbalist in Amukah.
My wife Davened in the Laundromat on Tu B'Av while waiting for the laundry.
Lo & behold all three daughters found their Zivug

In case you too want to Daven there
Heights Laundry Center
2107 S Taylor Rd, Cleveland Heights, OH

Anonymous said...

dont ever forget that i a pinch there is still god th give you a hand קרוב ה לכל קוראיו

Anonymous said...


Rolled-Up-Eyes said...

Anonymous Uriah’s Wife said..
"So because he lost the 4th name and didn’t daven for him, your bungling husband not only didn’t get a shidduch for him, he obviously triggered his death.


Anonymous said...

From this comment and other comments you've posted , such as shechita, you appear to be a cynical secular chareidi, and I question the chareidi part .