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Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Chareidie Rioters in Beit Shemesh attempt to remove the body of a 50 year old woman from a crime scene and attacked police in the area


The police arrived this afternoon (Tuesday) at the scene of a report in Beit Shemesh of the death of a woman in her 50s.

When the police arrived at the scene, dozens of violent rioters began to try to abscond with the woman's body.

uring the incident, the police separated the rioters from the house of the deceased.

The rioters, who tried to force their way into the house, threw objects and stones at the policemen and at police vehicles in the area. Additional police and security forces were called to the scene and worked to restore order and to repulse the rioters by force until they were dispersed.

As a result of the incident, several police vehicles were damaged. The police launched an investigation to locate the suspects in the acts of vandalism and violence.

After the examination of the woman's body by the forensic investigators, the suspicion of criminal activity was ruled out and she was released for

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Election politics.Probably a set up