Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Woman Wants a Divorce, Rabbi Propositions Her Instead

 This was two years ago!


Anonymous said...

We have so many outstanding learners in the U.S. and Israel and not one of them has been able to figure out how to help agunos.They have figured out how to make sure that not one inch of the necklines of women can be seen and that women are taught to only marry forever full time learners . Women are being abused physically and mentally with brainwashing.Everyone needs to take action,because all the agunos are our daughters and granddaughters .

Circle said...

This is outrageous!
Is this bais din still existing?

Zako said...

if I may...
There seems to be some sort of hidden sory inside this story.

1. A very respectable frum bas Ysroel says that she is waiting for her Gett for already 17 years.
2. The guy says there is a Gett waiting for her in a Beis Din (if this is true true or not, at this point it really makes no difference).

Did I miss something ? Can't we just arrange a meeting between theses two folks, and event re-write a kosher Gett in a different Beis Din ?
How difficult can this be ?

Eli Davidson said...

Oy! This is a such a painful issue. I was very lucky. My daughter had been married to her husband for four weeks when he admitted to her that he was not interested in keeping Torah and Mitzvohs, but not to worry, he promised not to have intimate relations with her when she was a niddah. (He actually phrased it much more crudely.) I was fortunate in that he agreed to accept a relatively small sum of money, raised by my friends, in exchange for giving her a "get". Chasdei Hashem, in that he did not extort a huge fortune. There would have been nothing that I could have done in that case. I feel that I certainly can appreciate what these women, these agunos, are going through.

In the case of Meir Kin, I have one question for Mr. Kin: If what you say is true, that you have indeed issued a get and that it is held by a certain Bais Din, available to be picked up by Lonna at any time, why do you not have a YouTube video of a Rabbi stating, "I am holding Lonna's get; she can pick it up at such and such a place." Better yet, why don't you film yourself writing (that is to say order the writing of) another get and post it on Youtube. At risk of exposing myself to a lawsuit, might I suggest that you are being about as truthful as Joe Biden.

On the other hand, there are cases (admittedly rare) where it is the wife who is abusing the system. It is extremely rare occurrence where the wife complies with all Rabbinical rulings and the husband who refuses to issue the get survives with his reputation intact. Meir Kin is in my understanding persona non grata in most conventionally Jewish communities.

However, in some instances a wife drags her husband through the secular Court system, dispossesses him of all his financial resources, deprives him of child custody, or even unsupervised visitations, in defiance of all Bais Din requests, and then claims agunah status, when the husband will agree to give a get on the condition that all these issues are resolved in a Bais Din. Whosoever believes that women could never be so venal or vindictive as to fabricate claims of spousal abuse, is obviously unfamiliar with the Amber Heard/ Johnny Depp court case.

But what about the Rabbis? Why are they not more sensitive to the plight of agunos? Are all Rabbis misogynists? Even assuming that they are indeed women haters as suggested, are they not also fathers of daughters, who might also find themselves caught in this dilemma? Don't they care about their own daughters?

Obviously, they do care, but the issues are very complex. Were it not to be so, there would not be so many Tsheshuva Seforim written by the great Rabbis. I would like very much to elaborate on these issues, and to explain the reluctance of Rabbis to adopt the suggestions proposed by some posters. Unfortunately, space on this blogspot is very limited and insufficient to the task.

Perhaps another time, if you give me the chance.

Uriah’s Wife said...

@ Eli Davidson ,

“…in exchange for giving her a "get". Chasdei Hashem, in that he did not extort a huge fortune…”

Chasdei Hashem? Where is all this Chasdei where all the other hundreds of Agunos are concerned?

The Agunah perversion of צֶדֶק צֶדֶק תִּרְדֹּף is another illustration of the tenacity of halachic indecency.

ThisisMoe said...

Even when she will receive her gett. The Jewish world does not help older singles get married. Good luck..

Boruch Miller said...

The words of this woman waiting for her ger are very sad.
I feel for her.
I also wanna bring out a different side.NOT RELATED to this story

There are husbands I personally know a few) that are deprived from basic visitation rights.
By horrible woman.
Taking a father away and taking kids away from each other,is kidnaping and one off the aseres hadibrod LO TIGNUVU oh the father is a abuser...
Go to court,and proof your Case.
I know from a Case that the father was cleared by the authorities 6times but some stupid social worker was on mother's side and the person was denied complete acsses to his kid by a feminist BD.
Even that he was cleared by a PhD Dr.
These issues don't belong in BD only in court. And social workers that get paid by maidicain have business dealing with this.only real professional ppl with PhD in clinical psychology.

Dusiznies said...

Boruch Miller
Husbands deprived from basic visitation right should go to court, Bais Din cannot enforce a thing, nor do they even care.
Regardless of visitation, the husband should give his wife a get, that is what this post is all about.

"Kidnapping, shmidnapping, Lo Tignuvu.... etc...the husband has a Torah obligation to give his wife a get...period..end of story!
You keep writing about "feminists"

this has nothing to do with feminists, this has to do with mentchlichkeit.
You keep quoting the Aseres Hadibrois..
quote that to the husband!

Next time tell the husbands parents that instead of looking over thousands of resumes, they should find out about middos!

Blondie said...

Parental and grandparental alienation is alive in our Jewish golus...It's very very expensive to go thru lawyers and the whole system stinks...The parent in control just says "But the kids don't want to go with you" Speaking from my own hellish experience...waiting for Karma and age of emancipation of the minors...