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Monday, January 2, 2023

Chareidim Riot in Yerushalayim because of the Arrest of those who destroyed an Eyeglass store in Geula


We reported two weeks ago, that Chareidim are now going after optical stores and how they destroyed an optical store in Geula and caused millions of shekels in damage. They were arrested and now thousands want them out of jail so they can continue to burn down other stores. 

Last night, they came out like roaches and caused untold damage and chaos. After the police asked them nicely to disperse, they began their minhag of burning trash bins and hurling them at police. The  fact that a mother of 11 was in a coma for two and half weeks meant absolutely nothing since the victim's Chareidie family, like Christians, told everyone "To turn the other cheek" 
Some dressed up in prisoner's uniforms. 

Following the arrest of those suspected of destroying an optics store in Jerusalem, Bar Ilan Junction was again in midst of riots tonight. Two demonstrators were injured and evacuated to a hospital 

 The riots concluded with a procession of Chareidim dressed like u prisoners.

An unusual incident occurred when, during clashes with police, a protester was seriously injured in the face. According to the protester, a police officer hit him in the face and the glasses penetrated "into his face." 

Wow! What irony? 

He was evacuated in an intensive care ambulance for medical treatment.


Anonymous said...

Hello Nefesh Bnefesh, Never mind

MAK said...

Why optical stores?