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Thursday, January 26, 2023

Libs of TikTok’s Chaya Raichik Meets With Trump at Mar-a-lago

 Chaya Raichik, the owner of the Libs of TikTok account, shared a photo of herself with President Donald Trump on her personal Twitter account late Tuesday.

“Bumped into this guy and he invited me for dinner,” Raichik captioned the post of the pair giving a thumbs-up to the camera while apparently dining together. “He seems nice!” Raichik later added: “I asked him if his first tweet back can be retweeting this,” along with a crying laughing emoji.

One Twitter user responded by asking Raichik, an orthodox Jew, if the dinner was kosher, and she replied, “Yes!”



Garnel Ironheart said...

And at least she picked an evening when no neo-Nazis were around.

Anonymous said...

To Garnel Ironheart 2:50 PM

Your so-called "neo-nazis" are far less toxic for the Jews and for the whole society and humankind than all your islamo-compatible idiotic manipulator friends crawling like starving reptiles in the Democrat satanic cult.

Frum but normal said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
To Garnel Ironheart 2:50 PM
=======================================================Couldn't have said it better, my hats off to you