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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Ben-Gvir: I don't follow Jordanian policy, will continue to go on Temple Mount


National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir stated that he would continue to visit the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, a day after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Jordanian King Abdullah II in Amman and reiterated his commitment to maintaining the status quo at the holy site.

“I manage my own policy concerning the Temple Mount, not that of the Jordanian government,” Ben-Gvir told Kan News. “I went up to the Temple Mount; I will continue to go up to the Temple Mount.”

He added: “With all due respect to Jordan, Israel is an independent country.”

According to a Jordanian press release, during their meeting yesterday, the King of Jordan stressed to Netanyahu that "the historical and legal status quo at the Al-Aqsa Mosque must be respected."

This was Netanyahu's first public visit to Jordan since June 2018. The visit comes amid tensions between Jordan and Israel surrounding the visit by Minister Ben-Gvir to the Temple Mount about two weeks ago, and the incident that occurred last week when the Jordanian ambassador was detained at the entrance to the Temple Mount.

Ambassador Rasan Al-Majali attempted to enter the Temple Mount complex through the Lions' Gate but was delayed at the entrance. At first it was claimed that because of this he abandoned his attempt to gain entry as a sign of protest. It was later clarified that he was granted entry to the Temple Mount, and prayed in the mosque for approximately three hours.


Yudel Shain said...

Now, after your statement that Israel is an independent Country, the brilliant move you can make now is not to go visit.

Dayan made grave errors by giving them the Temple Mount and Chevron, among other places.

They should have annexed everything immediately.

Garnel Ironheart said...

How is this breaking the status quo? Jews are allowed to go up, stay in certain places for a certain amount of time and then leave. That's what Ben Gvir did.