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Thursday, January 26, 2023

MSNBC Meshiginar Calls DeSantis “Dangerous in Every Way” for Saying Kids Shouldn’t Use Phones in Class


When you think of dictators, what comes to mind? 

If you’re MSNBC columnist and NYU professor Ruth Ben-Ghiat, what comes to mind is a sick, twisted man who will tell schools that they can take students’ phones away if they’re using it in middle of class. I kid you not.

“Why are these kids on their phones during class all the time?” DeSantis asked during a press conference, suggesting that schools should have students “leave their phone in some cubby or something, go sit in class and learn” during class time and have their devices returned during recess.

“They should not be on their phones being distracted from the lessons,” he said.

This was a bridge too far for Professor Ben-Ghiat.

“He is so dangerous in every way. Truly an authoritarian personality,” she wrote in a tweet responding to a video of DeSantis’ comments.

He’s so dangerous, in fact, that science agrees with him. Numerous studies have shown that kids being too involved with their phones have seriously hurt their academic success.

The National Assessment of Educational Progress found that between 2019 and 2022, reading and math scores for students between 4th and 8th grade have dropped like a rock in water.

How awful of DeSantis to suggest that academic decline be brought to an end. What a monster.

1 comment:

anonymous said...

Numerous studies have shown that kids being too involved with their phones have seriously hurt their academic success