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Monday, January 2, 2023

Grandchildren Kidnap Breslav Mashpia R' Yaakov Meir Shechter


It seems that the grandchildren of Rav Yaakov Meir Shechter built a huge empire worth millions using R' Shechter's name. 
He is aging, and there is an internal struggle between the gabbaim and the grandchildren on who will control the $$$$$ after Rav Shechter meets his Maker.

The grandchildren aren't sure how long this would take, so they decided, short of executing him, to kidnap him. 
Rav Shechter and his gabbaim were in an undisclosed location in Beit Shemesh last week, when suddenly the grandchildren dressed as people, barged into the home, tied up the gabbaim and dragged out Rav Shechter and kidnapped him. 
Police arrested two of the grandchildren. 



Yaacov David Shulman said...

According the the news report on 13, the gabbaim alone are guilty, and the family discovered and rescued him. What is the source for your statement that the grandchildren were involved?

Dusiznies said...

Yaakov David
My source is "Kollel Nyes" usually very reliable, see the Twitter I posted