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Thursday, February 3, 2022

Whoopi Goldberg threatening to quit ‘The View’ over her suspension


If someone time traveled from 1882 to the present, what would they find more surprising, that someone is saying Jews aren't a race, or that someone named Goldberg isn't a member?

Whoopi Goldberg is “livid” after she was suspended from “The View” over her claim that the Holocaust was “not about race” — and is telling co-workers she is going to quit the show, according to a source.

Goldberg, 66, feels “humiliated” at being disciplined by ABC execs after she followed their advice to apologize for the ill-conceived comments, a well-placed insider told The Post.

“She feels ABC executives mishandled this. She followed their playbook. She went on ‘The Late Show With Stephen Colbert’ and then apologized again on ‘The View’ the next day,” a source said.

The source added that while Goldberg is taking the suspension hard and says she wants to leave the show, insiders believe she’s likely just sounding off.

“Her ego has been hurt and she’s telling people she’s going to quit,” the source said. “Suspension from ‘The View’ is like getting suspended from Bravo. The bar is very low.”

Reps for Goldberg and ABC did not return requests for comment.

Goldberg raised eyebrows on “The View” Monday when she insisted that Nazis and Jews were both white. Higher-ups at the network urged Goldberg to make amends on “The Late Show” that evening but she repeated the statement while attempting to clarify her comments. The next day, she invited Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt on the show to discuss her offensive remarks and to apologize again.

But her words weren’t enough for ABC top brass. Kim Godwin, ABC News president, announced her decision to suspend Goldberg for two weeks late Tuesday, telling staffers that such decisions “are never easy, but necessary.” 

“Words matter and we must be cognizant of the impact our words have,” Godwin wrote in a memo to employees that dubbed Goldberg’s initial comments “wrong and hurtful.”

As news of the suspension rippled through the network, it angered not only Goldberg but also her co-hosts on the daytime talk show.

“I love Whoopi Goldberg. I love ‘The View,’” Ana Navarro told the Daily Beast on Tuesday evening. “This was an incredibly unfortunate incident. Whoopi is a lifelong ally to the Jewish community. She is not an anti-Semite, period. I am sad. And I have nothing else to say.”

Goldberg first argued that the Holocaust went beyond race during a discussion on “The View” about a Tennessee school district’s decision to ban “Maus,” the Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel about a Holocaust survivor.

“The Holocaust isn’t about race. No, it’s not about race,” Goldberg said. “It’s about man’s inhumanity to man.” 


Larry Manischewitz said...

I don't consider her anti-semitic rather stupid which is a good reason to let her go altogether

Garnel Ironheart said...

The current definition of "racism" is bizarre and could only have been invented by someone whose ancestors came from Chelm.
Basically, racism is how White people treat everyone else. Done. That means that if I go into a Black-owned business and apply for a job and get told that I won't get the job because I'm White and no one wants "my kind" around there, it's not racism. It's fighting back against historic oppression.
Women want a man-free (not including fake-women, 'natch) zone? Fighting back against oppression. Men want a Gentlemen's Club? Misogyny!
So why blame Whoopi? She's Black. Jews are White so her comments should've been filed under "Fighting back against historic oppression".

Anonymous said...

Jews have always transcended the definition of race. They are a religion and a people. I can't think of any other people who are defined as being a race.It was always outsiders including Hitler who
proclaimed Germans to be a race, the Aryan race, thus negating the Jews who he determined to be a race. That's a hard concept to wrap your head around, So no wonder Whoopy said what she did. Her comment were based on ignorance. She apologized so let it go.

Litvak said...

Mrs. Goldberg's comments are correct.
The Holocaust really isn’t about race, also not about man’s inhumanity to man.
The Holocaust is about Christians and Christianity!
There is one huge problem here; everyone is treating the holocaust as if it were a Jewish issue.
It is not!
It is a Christian issue!
Yes, I know, six million innocent men women and children (including members of my family) were brutally murdered in cold blood.
But that is not the real issue.
The real issue is that each and every one of these inhuman murderers was a Christian.
ALL the murderers, Germans, Austrians, Poles, Ukrainians, Latvians, Slovaks, Romanians, and many others were ALL Christians.
Born and baptized as a Christian, educated in a Christian educational system, brought up in a Christian society.
Almost all denominations were represented. And in those days, most people took their Christianity seriously.
And the whole Christian world did not lift a finger or even raise a protest. They did not even let the refugees escape to their countries.
The whole Christian world was an implicit participant in this mass murder.
Instead of remembering the victims we should be asking what it is about Christianity that enabled so many normal human beings to become vicious animals.
If we really want it to happen "never again" we should concern ourselves with what made it happen in the first place.
Will we ever have the courage to deal with this issue?
Or are we afraid of “offending Christians”?

Dusiznies said...

Spot on