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Sunday, February 6, 2022

Chareidim went to bed with the Arabs thinking that they would vote with them and then they Stabbed them in the back

As long as they could get the shekels, Chareidie parties would sit with the devil himself. Over the years, Chareidim always courted the leftist even when they were giving back chunks of Eretz Yisrael, even Rav Shach was all for returning Gush Katif and so were the Chareidiem because they didn't live there. Rav Shach would never have agreed to hand the Ponovitz Yeshiva or his own home to the Arabs, "let the Dati Leumi's guys go homeless."
They also supported the Oslo accords that would have given back most of Eretz Yisrael to the Arab murderers, as long as Bnei-Brak was not part of the deal.

When the Arab Party "Raam" won seats in the Knesset with the help of the Chareidim,  (see article below)the Chareidim naturally thought that Raam would vote with the Chareidim as they had common interests; both were against "gius" the IDF Draft, and both wanted shekels to help their "moisdois. " The fact that Arabs forced the Bennett to give them more Jewish land to build and at the same time denied Jewish settlers the exact same privilege, meant nothing to the Chareidim since they don't mind living under the Palestinian flag. The fact that most Arabs anywhere in the world would sooner live under the Zionist flag  means nothing to them.

When the first round of the voting to draft Yeshiva boys came around, Raam helped the Chareidim defeat the bill. And so Deri and his henchman did a gig in the hallways patting the supporters of terrorists on the back, laughing like a bunch of rabid hyenas .

But when the second round of the voting for the Draft bill came around, the Arabs did what they know best they stabbed the Chareidim in the back and voted with Bennett. 
Normal people know that you can only trust an Arab as far as you can throw him. But the "am hasefer" the people of the book trust Arabs more than they trust other Jews. 

 The Chareidie parties naively thought that if only the Arabs would sit in a coalition they would vote with the Chareidim as they believe that they have common values . 
Quick hand me that bag so I can throw up!

Channel 12 News commentator Muhammad Majadele claims that Shas chairman Aryeh Deri was the one who legitimized Mansour Abbas and his Ra’am party as someone who could take part in any coalition.

"In the honeymoon between Mansour Abbas and Netanyahu, the haredi parties and especially former MK Aryeh Deri were among the people who mediated between the parties," Majadele said in an interview with the Kikar HaShabbat news website.

He added that "one of the main people who mediated between Netanyahu and Mansur Abbas was Aryeh Deri - unequivocally. The problem was not the haredim, but the Religious Zionist party - Smotrich, Ben Gvir and their friends - and that is why Mansour Abbas was sent to Rabbi Druckman. It was done with Netanyahu's knowledge and coordinated with him."

Majadele was asked whether Netanyahu and Deri's talks with Abbas legitimized the current government and replied, "Unequivocally. That is why Deri and his friends understand the magnitude of the mistake they made - they legitimized Mansour Abbas and in the end he went with Bennett and Lapid."

Deri has previously denied acting as a mediator between the parties, but at the same time said in closed-door talks that the conduct vis-à-vis Ra’am during the most recent coalition talks was wrong.


Anonymous said...

Is this the story of the scorpion the duck and the river?

Editor said...

Don't talk rubbish.
The hareidim are not connected to raam. They didn't vote for Bennet or raam. They are not in the coalition. They formed a bloc with netanyahu.
Furthermore, most chareidim opposed Oslo, including rav shach. It was only rav Obadiah yosef and rav Aaron Lichtenstein who supported Oslo.

Gaza pullout was after rav shach had died. True, r elyashiv didn't oppose it. But get your facts straight.

Dusiznies said...

Ben Mikra/shmekelmeir
Read the article before shooting your mouth off.
Rav Shach's position was to exchange land for peace, you are a young pisher, but I remember very well his position, the only land he was opposed to give back was his apartment and Ponovitz Yeshiva other than that he supported the evacuation of Gush Katif. In fact that was one of the big arguments between R' Shach and the Lubavitcger Rebbe who said "not one inch"

Editor said...

Yes, before Oslo. He said that.
When the Rabin Peres govt came in. He changed his mind. Said it's forbidden.
R shach died in 2001. Gaza disengagement was 2005.
So unless there is a yechi movement in ponovezh, unlikely he could have supported the Gaza pullout.

Dusiznies said...

Ben Mikra
Before Oslo he said this and after Oslo he said that
Rav Shach's policy was to give back, and he was against Jews living in Gush Katif as he was against Jews living in Chevron and all settlements.
Rabbanim should stay out of politics because by in large they have no clue to what they are talking about . Rav Shach was a politician and every Wednesday instead of giving his shiur klalli he would make political statements most of which he had to retract. You yourself said that he retracted from his position!
Why don't you quote Rav Shach's position on going to the army? He held that any Bocher that wasn't wasn't going to make his life totally Torah should join the army. I posted that letter many times on this blog.

Ben Tayreh said...

It is wrong for you to attack Rav Schach. He did not have a blanket shita of giving away land. He had a problem with Gush Katif due to the particular isolation & danger there. Rav Elyashev had the same problem.

Attacking Rav Schach here is almost as veit as attacking the gedolim for saying that the nutcases who sealed themselves in concrete & threatened suicide in 1982 Yamit should have thrown in the towel for the handover to Egypt. Even Meir Kahane said these guys were going too far & talked them out of taking their own lives.