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Thursday, January 6, 2022

Rebbetzen Heller Gets Raked over the Coals on her own Facebook page after making Clueless Statement on Monster Walder



Also Not in Hamodia said...

Does DIN or anyone else from Beit Shemesh know if this is the same Yisroel Errera?


the court was discussing releasing child rapist Yisroel Errera from prison with restrictions due to his deteriorating medical condition


does that mean he is Rabbi Yisroel Errera, a (Sfardi but wannabe) Gerrer chossid in Beit Shemesh who grew up in France? Charedi media eulogized him as a tzadik when he later succumbed to an unspecified, long running machala

Yaacov David Shulman said...

On Facebook, she put out a mea culpa regarding her previous comments. But the second, longer part of her post was complaining that the numerous responses condemning her are truly a kind of murderous lashon hara. She's therefore disallowed the ability to respond to her post, inviting people to contact her personally. I read the comments and I thought that with a very small exception they were outraged and dismayed but not ad hominem hate messages. I would have thought that she would rather have thanked the many people who wrote for having the courage and clarity to confront her and in fact inspire her to issue her mea culpa.