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Sunday, January 9, 2022

New Campaign to Confront Abusers in Public and Shame Them

I don't really have the words this morning to describe what is happening.

This campaign has done more than raise awareness, it has given strength and a voice to people who have been hurt.
The first picture is an image of the home of a woman who harmed a number of young girls through " therapy" .
They went to her home and plastered it with these flyers. On the group they tell their stories and say this is the first time they feel any sort of healing or strength since she hurt them. (A police case was opened a few years ago but it hasn't gone anywhere and she's still practicing)
Numerous volunteers are going back to the places where they were hurt and putting a posters. I don't know if anything like this has ever been done before but it is absolutely monumental groundbreaking and is exposing the depth and breadth of this horrific horrific problem."

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