Monday, January 10, 2022

HaRav Moshe Shternbuch Rules "Get Rid of Walder Books"


 Rav Shernbuch further conveyed orally that the obituaries on Walder published in the Charedi press [in Eretz Yisroel] constitute a CHILLUL HASHEM as were the hespedim that were given.  He (Walder) is a מאבד עצמו לדעת [and should not have been given them].

5 Shvat 5782

In regard to the question of the masses as to whether it is permitted to hold on to the books of Chaim Walder, I am responding [as follows]:

Who ever wishes that his sons and daughters be raised in the path of Torah and fear of Heaven, should not retain any of his books, neither in his home nor in his possessions.  For the ru’ach of the aforementioned author is contained in his books, and one may not read them.

And that which some are publicizing that one should explain to children that it is permitted to hold onto his books, Chash v’Shalom (Heaven forbid) to say such a thing, as Rabbis and Dayanim have ruled that it is forbidden to read his books and it is a Mitzvah to listen to the words of Chachomim.

[The aforementioned words do not apply to the sons and daughters of the author, they have received a proper chinuch in Yeshivos and houses of Chinuch and heaven forbid to hurt them.]

One who prays for much Divine Mercy,

Fortunate are you Israel, who raise their sons and daughters in holiness and purity!

!אשריכם ישראל שמחנכים בניהם ובנותיהם בקדושה ובטהרה

[Rabbi} Moshe Shternbuch

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What about "Mishpacha" and "Ami" magazines?