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Monday, January 3, 2022

Don't give the schnorrer Uriel Goldman a cent, He is collecting for the Lev Tahor Kidnappers


Throughout Charedi communities in the United States as well as on social media, warnings have been posted regarding one Uriel Goldman who is allegedly engaged in collecting funds for the Lev Tahor community, widely viewed as a cult.

“Warning: Uriel Goldman, head of Lev Tahor, is collecting funds in Brooklyn,” reads one such posting. Another reads, “Uriel Goldman is now in Brooklyn, presenting himself as someone who is collecting funds for needy families abroad. In fact, the money is used by the Lev Tahor cult in Guatemala.” Some of the ads are written in Yiddish; several allege that the money collectors raise will be used in order to “kidnap children.”

According to community activists who are engaged in trying to prevent the cult from moving to Iran, Lev Tahor’s members are endeavoring to raise money to fund lawyers, buses, hotel rooms, and additional expenditures, in order to reach that country. The activists are determined to prevent them from doing so, as it will be impossible to monitor the group’s activities if they succeed in settling in the Islamic state.

Activists, as well as those who have left Lev Tahor, say that the group also uses part of its funds for its legal battles against those seeking to extricate their loved ones from Lev Tahor. One former member told Behadrey Haredim, “The children appear malnourished and actually hungry. Their clothes are ragged and torn. Their money is used for their wars against the whole world – if they cared about their children, they would provide them with their needs. They wouldn’t wander from one place to the next; they would settle somewhere normal, like the Skver or Tosh communities have, for instance.”

Behadrey Haredim contacted Uriel Goldman, who told them, “These people just hate us and they are doing things like this all the time. I don’t take people’s money in order to fund trips to Switzerland and not to fund terrorism either. Now they want to stop us from having money to buy food too. If someone thinks that we don’t deserve to have food to eat, I’ll take him to a din Torah with the Ribbono Shel Olam [to the Heavenly Court]. We trust in G-d and He will provide for us. These people are persecuting us for no good reason.”

Goldman added that, “No one asked us if the allegations have any basis to them. They just write what they want. G-d will help us. I’m not going to get stressed out about people who have always persecuted us.”

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