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Friday, July 2, 2021

Two Young Women Itty Andrusier and Leah Goldsmith in their Early 20's founded a Girl Seminary in Yerushlayim


When you are in your twenties it's ok not to know exactly what you will pursue in life, it's ok, you are still young and you are still searching, trying to understand your role in life in this world and G-d.

Itty Andrusier and Leah Goldsmith see it differently, two American Chabad girls twenty-one years old after meeting in a seminar in Australia when they were 18 years old decided to merge their energy and create a seminar that would fulfill all their requests in what they thought was missing in the Chabad seminar panorama.

With the full support of both their parents who are very successful shluchim in Miami and in Dallas, the girls despite their young age and not being married yet, got the green light to become the Creative Directors and bringing their seminary vision to life.

The Jean Schottestein Institute called Orya was established in the quiet neighborhood of Har Shmuel outside Jerusalem, with a twenty-staff program and thirty-six girls from all over the world.

Watch the chat I had with these incredible young girls and the project they had in mind and made it into reality after a lot of hard work, faith in Hashem, and in their Rebbe (Lubavitch).

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