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Thursday, July 8, 2021

Leiberman’s War On Chareidim Begins: No Daycare Subsidies For Kollel Guys Unless they go to work


Finance Minister Avigdor Leiberman began carrying out his campaign of hatred toward Charedim on Wednesday with the announcement of his decision to revoke the rights of avreichim for daycare subsidies.

In order to accomplish his goal, he changed the criteria to receive subsidies for daycare to families in which both spouses work at least 24 hours a week or one spouse works and the other is a student, excluding yeshivah students.

The new criteria, which will already go into effect for the upcoming school year, will affect about 18,000 Chareidi families and 21,000 children,

It should be noted that Leiberman’s decision does not require the Knesset’s approval.

“The decision I’m making today is a very important step that changes the priorities of the state to those who work and pay taxes,” Leiberman said. “I’ll continue to take steps to eliminate negative incentives for integration into the labor market.”

UTJ chairman Moshe Gafni said in response to Lieberman’s announcement: “The criteria that Lieberman HaRasha established eliminate daycare subsidies for working women whose husbands are learning Torah and will cause severe financial harm to these families.”

“We’re waiting for Bennett who said that he won’t allow the Chareidi community to be harmed,” Gafni asserted. “The first serious cut signed by Lieberman HaRasha is against the Chareidi community.”

“Leiberman who signed [the deal] granting NIS 53 million to the Islamist Ra’am party after he promised that he wouldn’t join a government with them…rushes to harm working Chareidi mothers,” UTJ MK Yaakov Asher said. “Bennett and Sa’ar will not be absolved of their responsibility for this crime.”

“Leiberman’s first decision in office is to attack the Chareidi community,” Shas chairman Aryeh Deri said. “His evil plan is aimed at harming large families just because he hates Charedim. Bennett and Sa’ar, who promised to defend the Charedim, have placed the battle against the Torah world at the heart of their agenda.”

Religious Zionist Party chairman Betzalel Smotrich said: “Toras Yisrael is the zechus of our existence here. Starving the children of avreichim is a disgrace and another mark of shame for this evil government.”

“Lieberman wants to starve women and children by raising the cost of daycare to the point where it’s not worthwhile to work,” said UTJ MK Yisrael Eichler.

“Lieberman is a veteran hater of Chareidim and we don’t have expectations of him. The blame lies with the prime minister and all the partners of this evil government.”


Anonymous said...

By screaming "Lieberman HaRasha" you won't get Lieberman to listen to you.

Uriah’s Wife said...

“...Religious Zionist Party chairman Betzalel Smotrich said: “Toras Yisrael is the zechus of our existence here. Starving the children of avreichim is a disgrace and another mark of shame for this evil government...”

Let’s hope this is the the beginning of the end of Chareidi parasitism. Relying on charity to sustain their existence is not upholding Torah Yisroel. It’s upholding darchei Sitra Achra. They’ll soon discover that working to support their families is the essence of a true Torah Jew.

Dusiznies said...

Uriah’s Wife
Even though in principle I agree with you, know that that at the exact same time, he gave millions to the blood thirsty Arabs..

War is bloody expensive said...

DIN, war is bloody expensive, ask the Rothchild's.

Also it's Funded by USA. Millions is cheaper than billions in military spending in the middle east.

But I agree with you. The money shouldn't be given to corrupt Arab leaders or corrupt Black leaders in USA. The money should be spent directly for kids, especially single moms. To keep them shielded from growing up as criminals. Because of childhood trauma and criminals as their role model.