As the Torah’s narrative of the story of Joseph and his brothers reaches its dramatic climax in this week’s parsha (Torah reading), one may feel justifiably surprised that the brothers were so shocked at Joseph’s revelation to them. After all, there was no shortage of revelatory hints strewn by Joseph throughout the unfolding story.
But the brothers, convinced of the rectitude of their actions and behavior, remained insensitive to Joseph and his words, dreams and vision to the end. This fact of willful blindness no matter what facts are unfolding before one’s eyes is not a rare occurrence in life. It is unfortunately a very common human characteristic. Thecombination of self-righteousness, so-called ideological purity, human stubbornness and the reluctance to admit past error is a lethal mix. It corrupts thought and behavior and blinds the eyes even of the righteous.
The Torah describes the effects of venal monetary corruption thusly: “For graft will blind the sight of the otherwise righteous and pervert the utterances of the wise.” There is no greater graft or corruption than the self-righteousness of the ideologues amongst us.
The brothers disbelieved Joseph’s dreams from the onset and therefore hardened their hearts to him and thereby justified their behavior towards him. They convinced themselves that they could not have been wrong regarding such an important matter. Thus, blinded by their own convictions and worldview of their exclusive role in creating the Jewish people without Joseph’s participation therein, the brothers were blind to the facts that are unfolding before their eyes.
I am reminded by the sign that I once saw on the desk of a noted professor of law that said “Don’t confuse me with the facts. My mind is made up!” Even the greatest among us fall into that trap.
There is a portion of the Jewish people who sincerely believe, whether for religious or ideological reasons, that the state of Israel should never have been created. Great rabbinic leaders of the past assured their followers that the state could not last longer than fifteen years or fifty years at the most.
The facts thankfully belie those dark predictions and certainties. There were ideologues on the left who said that by abandoning Marxism the state of Israel was doomed, as was the world of the Western democracies generally. Once again the facts of the matter have arisen to deny this skewed and dire viewpoint.
Nevertheless, all of the naysayers of the past still deny the present and continue to fight against the raging sea of facts that appear before their very eyes.
Twenty years after the Oslo agreements, it is apparent to all that somehow this process has failed to bring even a modicum of peace to Israel and its Arab antagonists. Yet, having committed themselves to and having invested so much effort in a failed process there still are many who refuse to face the facts and recognize that their worldview and assessment of the situation was wrong.
So even when Joseph stands before you, one is blinded by one’s own prejudices and previous mindset. This is a very important lesson to be learned from the narrative of the Torah. The ability to admit wrong and change direction is one of the true hallmarks of human greatness.
It certainly is necessary in our time and in our circumstances.
The above article was written by Rabbi Berel Wein
No again you're totally wrong, and again you showed you're ignorance and stupidity, no-one is denying the existence of the Zionist regime, UNFORTUNATELY IT EXISTS AND AFTER 66 YEARS ACHIEVED NOTHING JUST CAUSING AN EXPLOSION OF ANTISEMITISM ALL OVER THE WORLD, AND THE STATE OF ISRAEL BECAME THE MOST DANGEROUS PLACE IN THE WORLD! HASHEM YERACHEM
We're just praying and waiting for the moment when it's gonna be TICHLE MALCHUS HAZALA BB"A
Look in the Maharsha in Sanhedrin ad loc on that , stupid. He says it means Malchus Edom. Bottom line.. The gedolei Yisrael aren't sure what this cryptic and puzzling piece means but you , the tameneh ben Ferdiella knows..
Ramban, R' Avrohom Vilneh Gaon's great son, etc... who said there'll be a kibbutz BEFORE Moshiach don't matter, huh??
You're being a kofer against the Great G-D . There's MORE building in Jerusalem, not less. It's here to stay, you tameneh shtick charah ben Ferdiella bas Cossack, the kurva.
Stick to what you know.... Rebbetzin'e gatkes, yahrtzeits, who married whom. who said what, which rebbetzin made the best kooooogel... etc. and more irrelevant, boring leidigeirish, bittul Torah nonsense and drivel.
Tammy ( Tirtzeh) Kol Toov..
with my new Tziyoinistische slacks, asking if you grubberyung had cholupches at the 12:25 melave malka fress-shlinging fest in the maarik with your blasted clergymen.
Midrash Tanchuma, Parshas Noach... ( From Drishas Tziyon)..
Amar R' Shmuel bar Nachmeini :
Ein Yerushalayim Nivnit ahd Sheyitkansu hagaliot.
But grubberyung doesn't want to recognize Yad Hashem..
We need more Rabby Weins to speak the truth and debunk the frummie pretenders,who are in reality a bunch of jihadist thugs posing as chareidim..
On you this posuk fits:
" V'yimasu B'eretz Chemdah.."
Kloinimus Kol Toov....
Since she put on her Tziyoini slacks, Tammy is poshut another Munkatcher rebbetzin..
I'll dann you l'kaf zchus and won't accuse you of robbing old ladies to feed your crack addiction, so you're probably in or both of these lucrative gigs.
Either you're in the hechsheirim gig, or if the kevorim hopping one.
I'll guess kevorim hopping. All you need is access to a wholesale tickets distributor and small shachtlach of Yehi Rotzon'lach with candles. Of course, ONLY galus kevorim hop 'n' skips..
Shoudda gotten into these gigs, woudda made a small fortune..
Oh well...
Back to me derby & Tupperware... Now thinking about collecting shachtlach
Well Bh i didn't have such educated mother to teach me what your mother thought you, that whenever you're cornered just explode and use foul language and continued SHEFALA DON'T FORGET WE'RE DESCENDENTS OF THE ORIGINAL CHARA SO ALWAYS USE THE NAME OF OUR PERVERTED FOREFATHERS THE CHARA HAGADOL
So Rashi said that "Malchus Hazala" means the Zionists?
You anti-Zionists jump on this Rashi, but the gemarah continues... All Simonim happened already,(even this one) The shilton in EY ended when the last Roman province became Judenrein... but the BIGGEST reih'ye of geulah is when fruits and crops grow in abundance... This is happening NOW, as we speak.. Ya see, I'm showing you proof positives, including a Midrash that's NOT a pliyeh, no interpretation necessary, and I can show much, much , more... And you, who's been cornered like a rat keep bringing memres that aren't clear... I'm showing you what everybody sees clearly, but you with the Smirnoff, overdosed on what the haters preach to you, which you then papagei w/o thinking, which your drunken blood-shot eyes can't see ...
Derby... Stop yelling and don't put words in my mouth.... You're a depressed unhappy shuckling robot and cultist... Take a chill pill.
As soon as I saw your post... I got very upset ...
about that Rashi ...
So I called my Rosh Yeshivah... and he immediately calmed me down ...
he said that Rashi is talking about Monroe, and Malcus Hazala are the Aroinim!
It's actually a waste of time to argue with these guys.. Very simple, Once again.... Israel is established, voted on by organizations of umos haolam, nissim b'chol rega v'rega... Olim flying in DURING rockets... 3,000 rockets, 3,000-5,000 Olim B"H.... More and more frum too .More Torah than anywhere, even in Orange, Kings and Rockland counties, N.Y..
Harav Melamad is correct... One can ONLY be called a gadol if he urges yishuv EY. Actually, that's not what he said. He said, whoever DOESN'T urge yishuv EY is NOT a gadol...
B"H for leaders like him..
Derby.... Seymour is obsessed with Zionism and wants to CH"VS destroy it , because he's befuddled on how strongly it contradicts his shyt'teh, so he scurries around the Internet, against his Rev's issur, and tries to find Islamic and "True Torah" sites that supports this demented, kefireh'dig and apikorsishe Shytt'eh.
Sy, since as a little kid, I've heard it all already... And spat it out in the toilet years and years ago .So , any rav that's an anti tzioni, has NOTHING to teach me. Nothing..
You tell me what RASHI says? Does he talk about Muslims, British or what? Just say as usual WHO CARES WHAT RASHI SAYS? HIS WORDS ARE OLD AND EXPIRED BECAUSE HE SAYS DIFFERENTLY THAN THE ZIONISTS DOGS
Please don't get upset, And your Rosh yeshiva must be a twin of Einstein
Stop screaming Ocher Yisroel !!!
Simple minded one.... There's a difference of opinion between Rashi & Maharsha... The gemara itself doesn't explain it... You're a screaming rabid moron because there's a Maharsha that gives a different perspective... The Rashi itself is not clear, as I already explained... Its possible meaning for the time before Moshiach's arrival is a mystery.... But for you, it's clear... Zionists..!!!!
You're the dog, Seymour, nay you're the bitch..!!! You're just mad because I found you an opposing view... Admit it, Smirnoff shlinger.... It's almost 12:00 midnight... Start going...
How's Ferdiella ???
Tammy Kol Toov....
Singing "Adaraba?" to the rebbetzins who're contemplating slacks.. It doesn't matter, druggie..... Stop denying reality... !!!!
And, I'd like to hear you say that to all tzaddikim, talmidei chachamim who knew & know this Rashi by heart & still believed & for the live ones Neirum Yaeeru ad M"V"E, in shivas tziyon, yishuv EY and simon hageulah in the State of Israel...
Speak now besotted cultist... or forever hold your piece...
L'chol Hapoochis......Go Ahead.. I DARE YOU...!!! Ya better not curse...
You personally are below the dignity of any human being to be responded to, i mean and meant those so-called tzaddikim and talmeidei chachamim who knew & know this rashy and much more that chazal say clearly about our times and still they're twisting the words of chazal it should match their atheistic ideology
Malchut ahzala means a change in government not destruction of the country.Israel is atchalta of gaula
Small puny minute minds, blabbering nonsense, the HOLY GEON HAGEONIM RABAN SHEL KOL BENEI HAGOLA in his SEFARIM clearly is Mevarer the DAAS TORAH AMITIS, that ZIONISM in all shape's and forms, is MINUS and Apikorsus, MI YAVO ACHAR HAMELECH!!!!!!!!!
Of course ...we all know that your Romanian Leader believed and shouted that anyone who disagreed with his archaic, irrelevant, SHIT'ah is
"MINUS and Apikorsus,"
We all know that already...
He wanted us to believe something ... that if we only opened our eyes, is false and not true...
The State of Israel exists and will continue to exist ....
And Yes we should all daven 3x's a day that the Malchus Hazalah in Monroe and Williamsburg and New Square, should be dissolved!
It only promotes "Hisgairus B'Eumos," "Bechiros" and never ceases to cause huge Chillul Hashems in our dark Golus!
Rabbi Wein is the King.
Oh, when you informed us about Malchus Hazala, you didn't by chance mean this, did you..?
".... Zero ZALI.... echo... ZALI... echo... ZALI...... did you?? Like in Malchus Haza......????
Did you ???
What does MEVARER mean??
Derby...... He " MIN's" well, don't he ???
Derby, why keep arguing with this aroini clone? We all know that aron is a piece of dog dropping. The goon of all goonies.
RAV AHARON is a GEON Vekadosh, Omed BEPERETZ Vegoder GEDER, who can take credit for Limud HATORA behasmada veiyun of thousands of yidden, even the Zalonim that do learn is only because they're trying to copy him, he raised the standard of Kashrus in meat and poultry to a very high level, same with Matzos, using only wheat from Arizona where it seldom rains thereby bypassing the many problems with wheat from other states, by implementing Chasuna and Bar Mitzvah Takanos he put back SIMCHA to a zman SIMCHA, saving millions for the baale SIMCHA, by following in the footsteps of the Gedolim of Hungary Poland Galicia etc including his Great and holy Uncle the DIVREI YOEL, he has kept tens of thousands yidden to stay firm from the TAMENE ZIONISM.
Rabbi Wein is the King tells it how it is.
"Great and holy Uncle the DIVREI YOEL"
yeah yeah, the same holy man who left countless people behind to die while he let the same zionists save his ass. And he never showed one iota of hakaras hatov. perhaps a great man, but flawed.
regardless, even he would embarrassed by these two hoodlum great nephews of his. I just read a nice story oh how nice Reb Levi Yitzchak of Beridchev treated every jew, no matter how religious or not. These 2 bastards can learn a lesson from him. Dont worry, for what he said about the parants of the 3 young boys that were murdered, Aron is going to a very warm place. His torah knowledge will not protect him. But you little stupid shepselech just keep screaming he's a GAON. u misspelled it. its GOON.
According to your twisted mind this would be the right headline for this article. The Jewish people even after 2014 yyearsof Popes and Cardinals, still don't believe in Yoshke.......
nope, not according to my "twisted mind"
it would be according to your "straight" mind!
TAANO BECHITIN VEHODU Lo BEZECHER KODSHO......... As usual when your foolish comments are proven to be just that, you revert to 'corny', 'childish', 'stupid', irrelevant remarks, 'never ever' addressing or answering the points that were brought up, thereby proving to everyone else, how ignorant you really are. This fact was already mentioned by others previously, that there's really zero zilch, information or education value in this low class blog, it's basically a sandbox playground of two or three biased prejudiced uneducated and immoral TORAH hating junkies, trying to convince (themselves) that they exist.
These AAM haaratzim ( blogger, derby (the ferd)), have no idea and don't understand your cute pun, TAANO BECHITIN..... please use second grade Hebrew, maybe maybe they'll 'chapp' what you're talking about. I believe these two idiots are madly 'googling' 'yahooing' 'binging' (in more ways than one), trying to grasp what it's all about,. It's hard to find such one track, off track, ( off the derech ) ( drec..) immoral beings as these two drunks.
The biggest problem that you have, is that you don't even daven....., at least not three times a day....... And if and when you occasionally (do a favor to hkbh) do, we all can imagine what a tfilla that is....... The BLACKBERRY in one hand and the IPHONE in the other....... And the (debased) mind somewhere at 42nd and Broadway....
This blogspot was created by... for one reason, to poison yiddishe minds, with Minus and Apikorsus, underestimating the intelligence of EHRLICHE Yidden, thinking he'll have this space for himself, but in fact we see that most of the entries posted get few or no comments, but when he mentions either Satmar (and particularly Rav ARON), Zionist propaganda, or any of the Zionist EREVRAV, there will be a Tsunami of rebuttals decimating all of this blogs nonsense. Keep up the GOOD WORK.
It's atchalteh degulah, but also chevlei Moshiach ( obviously, you've never heard of it )... It doesn't have to be because.. "Hayom, im Bekolo Tishmaoo." Make Aliyah in droves and the circumstances will surely change.. Moshiach'll come quicker..
The closer you get to the final geulah, the more anti-Semitism will heat up... Just ask Gog , melech Hamagog....
Sineh was always there... You ignore all Jewish history...
So what I'm writing is common sense, logical, every yeshiva,Talmud Torah or Day School boy and girl understands that, our religious Zionist rabbonim, tzaddikim and yerei Shomayim understand that and preach it... except for you & Bande..
Tough ... Israel is not only NOT going away.. It's here to say, mechayil el chayil..
What you doddled, scribbled and katch'ked is false meraglim propaganda... Go into detox or see a specialist who deals with beculted minds...
Cheers, have an easy fast... and may you get seichel ASAP.
the Derby.... They're coming home... !!!!!!!! WE'RE coming home..!!!!!!!! B'H
Don't bother with Sakmarian shitta because it's been rejected by 99.999% of Jews everywhere.. You're wasting your time..It's old, stale, regurgitated, and false. Cheers.
Make jars of half-sour pickles instead or go for a hike in the Everglades..
L'chol Hapoochis, a matzoh farfel. Really.
Thank you very very much, for revealing your dreams to the visitors of this blogspot, sweet dreams, but in reality, Satmar (both Satmar's), Brisk, Lakewood, etc, are BH growing both internally and externally, and by leaps and bounds, Verabim meiamei haaretz misyahadim, sensible people, are waking up and realizing that not only is the creation of this evil state not at all beneficial for the Jewish people worldwide, it actually is dangerous and treacherous for all jewry, plus the Tora true yiddishe publications, among them, THE BLLAT THE TZEITUNG The Yid, and the organization NATRUNA (see their website, & their announcements in National newspapers, have brought tremendous awareness to the public at large, all this in addition to other educational resources, by now there is a revolutionary movement in the rank and files of traditional zionists to repudiate the zionist dogma and way of life. KEIN YIRBU, all these ventures will definitely bring us closer to HKBH who will redeem us bimhera beyomeinu amen.
Im glad you brought up the Jew hating Satmar Organization
I will write them up, so the world sees that this is a Jew Hating Satmar NAZI organization!
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