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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Israeli couple among Brussels Jewish museum shooting victims

A Belgian news site reported that two of the three fatalities from the shooting at Brussels’ Jewish museum were an Israeli couple.

The two Israeli tourists killed in a shooting attack at the Brussels Jewish Museum were named on Sunday as Tel Aviv residents Emanuel (54) and Miriam (53) Riva.

The third fatality was a female volunteer at the Jewish Museum of Belgium, according to an unconfirmed report Saturday night on the news site HLN.be, which is the online edition of the Het Laatste Nieuws daily. A fourth victim, whom HLN reported was a 23-year-old employee of the museum, is in hospital in critical condition.

Police has no suspects in custody, the news site also reported.
The shooter aimed for the victims throats and heads, witnesses told the daily.

According to HLN.be, police no longer suspect a person whom they detained shortly after the attack. that person is currently regarded as a witness, HLN.be reported.

Authorities are looking for the shooter, who was driven to the museum by a suspected accomplice in an Audi car, and the driver and are analysing security camera footage.

Four people were killed at a Jewish museum in Belgium on Saturday in an attack that European Jewish leaders are already comparing to 2012’s massacre at the Ozar HaTorah school in Toulouse, France.

The attack, which took place at the Jewish Museum in central Brussels on Saturday, is being approached as racially motivated by Belgian authorities, who posited that it was motivated by anti-Semitism.

Belgium's interior minister, Joëlle Milquet, was quoted saying by the RTBF Belgian television station that anti-Semitic motives could be behind the attack.

"It's a shooting ... at the Jewish Museum," she was quoted saying. "All of this can lead to suspicions of an act of anti-Semitism.”

Brussels Mayor Yvan Mayeur told the BBC as stating that the shooting was likely a terror attack and that the choice of location “isn't a coincidence.”

About half of Belgium's 42,000-strong Jewish community lives in Brussels.

A spokesman for the Brussels fire brigade said the shooter drove up to the museum, went inside and fired shots.

"According to the information we have at the moment, it was a solitary shooter and it seems to have happened inside the museum," Pierre Meys, Brussels fire brigade spokesman, told French channel BFM TV.

Security around all Jewish institutions in the country has been raised to the highest level, and Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo was meeting with police and senior officials to discuss the situation.

According to the European Jewish Congress, a crisis center organized by the Consistoire Central and the Coordinating Committee of Belgian Jewish Organizations (CCOJB) along with other communal leaders has opened and is in contact with local and national authorities.

Speaking with the Jerusalem Post, Consistoire head Baron Julien Klener said that he had met with the Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo and other senior officials and that authorities are “trying to find the suspects.”

Friday, May 23, 2014

Avi Shafran takes Rabbi Wein to task, because R' Wein said that the Gedolim were "wrong" in reference to the Holocaust!


Rabbi Wein had written an article two weeks ago, that said in effect, that some of the Gedolim in Europe were wrong when they advised people to stay in Europe rather then emigrate to the then Palestine or USA! Who knows how many were murdered because of this bad advice!
Rabbi Wein never said that the Gedolim wern't Tzaddikim, just that they wern't prophets!

The Agudah and the Yeshivishe World went crazy when they saw the essay of a prominent, well respected Rabbi and Historian, writing, what we are all thinking. They went into panic mode running around like poisoned mice. The former Rosh Yeshiva of Shaarei Torah, saying that the Gedolim could actually make mistakes.

They were terrified that some of their sheep would read his essay, and finally discover the truth, so they commissioned this "shmendrik" to respond.
They hired Avi Shafran, the "know it all"  currently the  Director of Public Affairs for Agudath Israel of America, to write a rebuttal!

Here read his response!

There exists a mentality, even among some who should know better, like the respected popular historian Rabbi Berel Wein, that any one of us can, and even should, second-guess the attitudes and decisions of Torah luminaries of the past.

In that thinking, for instance, the opposition of many Gedolim in the 1930s and 1940s to the establishment of a Jewish state was a regrettable mistake. After all, the cavalier thinking goes, a state was in the end established, and in many ways it flourishes; so the Gedolim who opposed it must have been wrong. And we should acknowledge their error and impress it upon our children with a nationalistic commemoration of the day on which Israel declared her independence.

None of us, however, can possibly know what the world would be like today had Israel not come into being. What would have happened to the European survivors of the Holocaust who moved to Israel?  Would they have languished in the ruins of Europe and eventually disappeared instead? Rebuilt their communities?  Emigrated to the West? Would Eretz Yisrael have remained a British mandate, become a part of Jordan, morphed into a new Arab state? Would Jews have been barred from their homeland, tolerated by those overseeing it, or perhaps welcomed by them to live there in peace? Would there have been more Jewish casualties than the tens of thousands killed in wars and terrorist attacks since Israel’s inception, or fewer? Is the physical danger today to the millions of Jews in their homeland lesser or greater?

Would the widespread anti-Semitism that masquerades as anti-Zionism have asserted itself just as strongly as now? (A recent ADL survey revealed that Jews are hated by 87% to 93% of the populaces of North Africa and Middle East, and that the most widely held stereotype about Jews is that they “are more loyal to Israel” than their own countries.) Or would Jew-hatred have been undermined or attenuated by the lack of a sufficiently “sanitized” mask?

I don’t know the answer to any of those questions, of course. Neither, though, just as obviously, does anyone else, no matter how wise he may be or conversant with the facts of history. For we are dealing here not with history but with retroactive prophecy. And that’s something no one alive possesses.

Yet some people, understandably uncomfortable with even theoretically imagining an Israel-less world, sermonize as if they do know the unknowable, as if the very fact that a state of Israel exists means that those who opposed its establishment were misguided.

Please don’t misunderstand. Every sane and sensitive Jew today supports Israel’s security needs, and appreciates the fact that we can freely live in or visit our homeland; and that the state and its armed forces seek to protect all within the country’s borders.

We are makir tov for the good that previous governments in Israel have in fact provided Klal Yisrael, the support it has given its religious communities, yeshivos, Bais Yaakovs and mosdos chessed.

And more.

None of that, though, need come along with an abandonment of respect for great leaders of Klal Yisrael who felt that a different path to Jewish recovery from the Holocaust would have been wiser. 

Many of those leaders, of course, once Israel became a reality, “recalculated,” as our GPSs do at times, and accepted the state, even counseled participation in its political process. But they were adjusting to developments, not recanting their judgments, which were based on their perception that a secular state would, at one point or another, seek to adversely affect its religious citizens. A perception, it should be noted, that has been borne out by numerous policies and actions, from yaldei Teiman and yaldei Teheran to the agenda of the Lapids, père et fils.

The Gedolim who lived during the Holocaust, too, have been subjected to retroactive prophets’ harsh judgment.  Those who counseled Jews to remain in Europe, in the hope that political and military developments would take a different turn than they tragically did are blithely second-guessed.  Here, too, none of us can know with surety the “what-ifs?” or even the “whys?”

Not to mention that Gedolim are wise men, not prophets. Their guidance in each generation, which the Torah itself admonishes us to heed, does not assure us of any particular outcome. It is based, though, on their sublime connection to Torah, and thus must be of paramount importance to us. It’s odd how few would think of disparaging an expert doctor or lawyer whose best advice, following the prescribed protocol, led to a place the patient or client didn’t envision. Even if the outcome was unhappy, one would say, the advisors did their job. When it comes Gedolim, though, some wax judgmental and condescending.
And it’s not an armchair issue. There are implications to disparaging the decisions of the true Jewish leaders of the past. It sets the stage for what, in our contemporary self-centered, blog-sodden and audaciously opinionated world, recalls the true prophet’s phrase “each man acting according to what is right in his own eyes.”
And the prophet is not lauding that state of affairs.

Saudi Family hang their Ethiopian Maid upside down on a hook and beat her to a pulp! Video

These are the people, that the US, wants Israel to negotiate with:

Saudi Arabian Family hang their Ethiopian maid upside down from a hook and beat her to a bloody pulp. She is drenched in blood from the whips and sticks that the Saudi men use to beat her.
Non-European Foreign workers in the Gulf states are treated as de-facto Slaves, with no human rights and are kept as virtual prisoners by their respective “employers” and forced to endure harsh treatment for little pay.
A recent report by Amnesty International slammed the worsening state of human rights abuses in the country. Among the myriad criticisms leveled in the report, it was noted that migrant workers and other minorities regularly suffer abuse and “excessive use of force” at the hands of authorities.

Boro Park Chapel "Shomrei Ha"Chomos Disgrace the Dead!

Unfortunately, the people who lose loved ones, are at the mercy of the Frum Chapels who charge a small fortune to transport and bury the dead. One of these rip-offs is a chapel called "Shomrei Ha'Chomos" on Ft. Hamilton Parkway in Boro-Park, who are just interested in your mighty dollar, and don't really care about the body, throwing them around as of it were a football.
Here you see a picture of a body that fell out of the casket on the floor!
People tell me that this is a daily occurrence!

Lakewood Rabbonim Blame All Tragedies in Lakewood on Women!

Lakewood Rabbonim have been proven to be a bunch of liars. 
There was an Asifah for ladies called "והי' מחנך קודש'' and the Rabbonim of Lakewood promised that there would be no more Hatzalah calls or tragedies in Lakewood if only the woman would shorten their shaitels!

A Robo call went out, stating that since the Asifah, no Hatzalah Calls!!!!!!!!

Well! Just yesterday 3 year old Yocheved Abraham was killed by a car in a driveway!

This is why people have no more respect for Rabbonim!
Maybe the tragedies happened because of all the Ponzi ripoffs!
Maybe because of the massive Chillul Hashem that the Lakewood Rabbonim did when they made the Yom Tefilah against Israel!
 To blame all tragedies on women is insane!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Rabbi Shmuel Waldman, author of "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt" arrested on Child Porn Charges!

They are people children are supposed to trust: A New York Police Department officer, a Fire Department of New York paramedic, a rabbi and a scoutmaster were among more than 70 people arrested in a major child porn bust, authorities said Wednesday.

Samuel Waldman, a rabbi and an instructor of Judaic studies, was arrested at his Brooklyn residence and charged under federal law with possession of child pornography, prosecutors said. Using a file sharing system, agents identified Waldman's IP address as one that offered the dissemination of videos of child pornography.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

TheYeshiva World Blog Mixes into Monsey Politics and Advocates for the Property Taxes to Go Thru the Roof:

To The YeshivaWorld Blog

Taxes in Rockland County are the highest in the nation, and these parasites want us to vote Yes, so they can get more programs! The whole article is misleading and a pack of lies!

East Ramapo Residents are sick and tired of funding empty school buildings. They are also afraid of the investigations into the East Ramapo Board, and believe they will pacify Albany if they voted YES!
They want to pacify the Public School Parents!
Each Public School Child cost us now $25,000.00 per year! Insane!

The ones pushing the YES VOTE are the Frum Teachers and Psychologists who want us shmegeggies, to fund their overblown pensions.
The Yeshivas are also pushing this Yes vote, because of the busing for Sundays and Legal Holidays!
Well, I got news for you guys, I had children in East Ramapo and we used Carpooling for those days!

The Millionaires of Rabbi Veiner's Shul and the Yukels' of Rabbi Senter's Shul are also backing this asinine budget! G-D only knows Why! 
They probably want us all  G-D Forbid, to go bankrupt so that we can go to their palaces on Purim, to beg for a couple of dollars, while they sit at the head of the table drinking, Grey Goose!

Eli Weiner of Areivim is the one who wrote this garbage on The Yeshiva World!

We are fed up with the lies, and the funding of programs, programs, programs and more programs!
The whole article is deception, don't believe one word, and vote NO!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Alex Gold of Camp Dora Golding sued for Covering Up Counselor's molesting 12 year old Monsey Boy!

Chisda Ben-Porat, Molestor
The family of a 12-year-old Monsey boy has sued a Pennsylvania sleep-away camp, claiming a counselor molested their child and another camper last July before the owner tried covering up the abuse and gave the counselor a bus ticket home to Canada.

The lawsuit says the Monsey boy videoed the counselor molesting the other boy and accuses Camp Dora Golding and its owner, Alexander Gold of Brooklyn, of knowing the counselor had an attraction to younger boys.

The camp, which serves Orthodox Jewish children, also is accused in the 20-page lawsuit of covering up past sexual abuses. Many families in Rockland and Orange counties send their children to the camp, the family's lawyer said.

The boy's father said his wife received a call from Gold telling them there was an incident at camp but their son was OK and provided no other details. Concerned, the couple left immediately for the camp, where their son told them what had happened.

"I was flipping out," the boy's father said last week. "They are not the first ones. On the way home from the camp, I was crying like a baby. "I am now a lot more paranoid with the rest of my kids," the father of four said. "I feel our life has been violated by Gold and the camp."

Gold denied the charges through his lawyer, Matthew Flanagan.
"We are confident that the family and their lawyer will come to learn that Mr. Gold did not cover up anything," Flanagan said in an e-mail statement, "and that the camp acted entirely appropriately both before and after the incident to protect this child and all of the campers."

The counselor, Chisdai Ben-Porath, 20, who is named in the lawsuit, pleaded guilty in February to molesting the Monsey boy. He was sentenced to 5 to 23 months in Monroe County jail in Pennsylvania.

The family's lawyer, Brian Condon of Nanuet, and the boy's father said Gold refused to let him call his parents and first lied to parents about what happened to the two campers.

They said the boy's 2-minute video shows Ben-Porath picking up a camper and grinding his torso against the child at about 12:30 a.m. July 11. Ben-Porath then went to the Monsey boy's bunk and began massaging the child's buttock as the boy pretended to sleep in hopes that the counselor would ignore him.

The boy then jumped up, saw Ben-Porath looked sexually aroused and went under his bunk, telling Ben-Porath that he was looking for a computer game for his iPod Touch, according to his father and the family's lawsuit.

Condon said the other camper's family declined to press criminal charges against Ben-Porath or join the civil lawsuit.
"This is not a Jewish or Catholic issue," Condon said. "This is about pervert adults preying on the innocence of the kids. This is about a camp not doing background checks on the counselors and covering up sexual abuse."

Ben-Porath's lawyer, former Rockland District Attorney Kenneth Gribetz, acknowledged the content of the videotape. He said his client had no prior criminal record, recognized that what he did was wrong and is undergoing therapy. He said the Pennsylvania Sexual Offender Assessment Board did not deem Ben-Porath a sexually violent predator.

Gribetz said he expected Ben-Porath will be released after his July parole hearing and later deported to Canada.
The Monsey boy's father said he was angry at the lax attitude of the state police and prosecutors toward the abuse. He said if he and his wife had not pushed for an arrest, Ben-Porath would have been on a bus to Canada.
He said he agreed to downgrade the criminal charges to spare his son from testifying and being publicly identified. He also said he got phone calls from some rabbis and community members urging him to drop the charges.

Frum Soldiers from Beit Shemesh Will Now Wear Civilian Clothes when leaving their houses because of the Frum Animals that Attack Them!

This story should make frum Jews, cry!

Frum Soldiers will now wear civilian clothes when they leave or return to their homes in Beit Shemesh, from their prospective  military bases, because "Shomrei Torah U'mitzvos People" are attacking them physically.

The 6 million Kedoshim that got murdered in the Holocaust, are turning in their graves.  They would have embraced,  kissed and hugged these soldiers!

I can never forget the feeling, when on my first trip to Israel in the 1970's,  I walked down the stairs of the airplane, and there on the tarmac, stood Israeli Soldiers with rifles protecting the passengers disembarking. I was just a teenager, and my eyes were filled with tears. "Wow! A Jewish Soldier! For the first time in 2,000 years, we have Jewish soldiers!"

Where are our Torah leaders? Where? Why is it ok to beat up a soldier?
Where did they get the "heter" to beat another Jew, who is actually there to protect them?
 Didn't Moshe Raabeinu call the Jew who just lifted his hand to strike another Jew, but didn't actually hit him, a RASHA?

Do the bastards that beat these soldiers ever give any thought about that Yiddish Neshama that they are beating? Doesn't that soldier have a mother, a father, a brother,sister, a wife or even a child, that will now hurt?

I say, if you have the compulsion to beat another Jew, be he a Yeshivishe guy or a Soldier, move to Ramalla!

IDF officials have come to the realization that for Zealots living in Beit Shemesh, seeing a black yarmulke and olive green attire is a red flag, one that leads to attacks against frum soldiers in too many cases. Therefore IDF officials have given an order permitting Beit Shemesh residents to travel to and from their homes in civilian garb. The new directive, which applies to soldiers and officers alike, was issued a number of months ago. According to the Walla News report soldiers change their clothing in the central bus station to avoid being seen in Beit Shemesh in uniform, a reality that has provoked acts of violence against them. A number of soldiers and officers submitted requests, seeking to travel to and from their home community in civilian clothing. The report quotes the Beit Shemesh soldiers saying that by and large they live in peace in the community but the small number of zealots is unwilling to accept seeing a frum person in an IDF uniform.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Chareidie IDF Soldier reunites with his mother, a Catholic! Video

A heart-warming reunion took place on Wednesday, as a Nahal Hareidisoldier saw his Catholic mother for the first time in over six years after she was flown in from Colombia to be with him at a completion ceremony.

Diego Tapia was born to a Catholic family in Colombia, and began his spiritual journey in earnest while in university. After connecting to the uniqueness of Judaism, Tapia traveled to Israel to convert to Judaism and make his life in the Holy Land as a Jew.

At the age of 28 Tapia chose to enlist in the IDF's Nahal Hareidi, which caters to the hareidi Jewish community. He was given a surprise at the ceremony concluding his intensive training, after the Nahal Hareidi Foundation flew in his mother and sister from Colombia so that he would have family present at his graduation like the other soldiers.

"It's a feeling of joy, It is a great excitement and a big surprise," Tapia's mother Mercedes said, after taking the 20-hour flight from Bogota to Tel Aviv in less than a day's notice to surprise Diego at the ceremony.

Rabbi David Fuchs of the Nahal Hareidi Foundation commented on the surprise reunion, saying "the hugs between the mother and her son brought everyone to tears during this event. It was one of the most breathtaking events of my life."

Tapia's journey to Judaism began after he became fascinated by two famous Jewish philosophical texts written in the Middle Ages: Rabbi Yehuda Halevi's "Kuzari," and Rambam's "Guide for the Perplexed."

"Diego didn't find the idea of connecting this material world to spirituality in any other religion," relates on of Tapia's friends. "Most religions speak of disconnecting from the body and this world for you to link yourself to G-d. 

They are too spiritual, and usually address you to meditation and self-contemplation. But the basic creed in Judaism is to connect the temporal and eternal trough actual acts, and that what appealed to Diego."
Tapia flew to Jerusalem to study in a yeshiva, and went through a full process of conversion that lasted more than three years, before deciding to enlist in the army of the Jewish state.

Nissan Kaplan Apologizes for his "Kill the Generals" Schmooze

I want to thank my readers for calling the Mirrer Yeshivah. The administration e-mailed us and told us that an apology from Kaplan would be forthcoming, and here it is! 
They said that over a thousand parents called for his immediate removal.

A rabbi from Israel’s leading strictly-Orthodox yeshivah has apologised for saying that Israel’s government ministers deserve death.
Nissan Kaplan, a rabbi at the prestigious Mir Yeshivah, whose classes draw upwards of 200 students, said in a recent discourse on the weekly Torah portion that he not only advocates killing ministers, but also that he educates his children in this spirit.
He told students that his five-year-old son said: “Daddy, we don't have a sword in the house, I'm looking... maybe a hammer is also good? I was very happy, I gave him a kiss... I was so proud of my son, he's looking for a sword to kill all these government ministers.”
His logic was that because the government plans to draft the strictly-Orthodox to the army, its ministers are the modern equivalent of Haman, who tried to kill the Jews in the Purim story. They are also representatives of “Amalek”, the ancient foe of the Jews whose elimination is prescribed by the Bible. He claimed to be invoking proclamations of the Aharon Leib Shteinman, one of the best-respected Charedi rabbis today, in this assertion.
But the US-born rabbi told the JC on Friday: “I apologise completely,” adding that an “apology is not enough” and that he had disavowed his earlier statements in three classes on Thursday night and Friday.
He “never meant such a thing”. The story about his son was “just a joke” he claimed, saying: “You have to know my sense of humour.”
And while rabbis tend to encourage students to be punctilious about accurately attributing opinions, he suggested that he had assigned Rabbi Shteinman’s alleged opinion to him without justification. “Maybe someone in the street said it. I didn’t see Rabbi Shteinman and I didn’t hear [this view],” he said, adding: “The one I really have to apologise to is Rabbi Shteinman.”
Asked about violent acts against ministers, Rabbi Kaplan said: “It is an aveira [sin] to do such a thing” and said that faced with the draft of Charedi men “the only thing we can do is learn [Torah] — we don’t hit and we don’t fight”. His apology is unambiguous, he said, calling it a “black and white” matter.
But despite requests, he did not fully explain the dissonance between what he said in the original class and what he claims now to be his view. He gave only general comments such as: “Sometimes when you are sitting, something was said in the wrong way” and “maybe someone got me excited here.”
His intended message, he claimed, was to underscore the importance of Torah study. “The message is that learning is of key importance and there are things that the people of Israel gave up all these years for learning. The meaning was not that we have to fight, God forbid.”

Kretchnefer Rebbe On Pesach Sheni!

The Rebbe Leaning while eating his Matzah on Pesach Sheni! He is going to need a Pesach Shlishi, because he ate the matzah in "Tumah" since we cannot be "Tahor" until we have the Parah Adumah!
I don't have that Mesorah! My Mesorah is to go to work and punch a clock!

Rabbi Nissan Kaplan, Mir Magid Shiur, Advocates the Murder of Israeli Generals!

The Crazed Animal Kaplan
When Litvaks become fanatical, they become crazier than the Neturei Karta or Satmar!
Rabbi Nissan Kaplan Mirrer Magid Shiur, gave a shmooze a couple of weeks ago and outright called for the murder of Israeli Government Officials!

He said that  Rav Shteinman is the one who ordered this Fatwa! Kaplan said that the only reason, he isn't actually going out to murder them now, is because at this time "they don't have a general that wants to lead this war!"

In the shmooze, he added that he mentioned this "Shteinman Psak" at his Shabbos table, and that his five year old asked if he could kill the generals  "with a hammer." When his son asked this brilliant question, Kaplan kissed him!

He then told a cab driver, the big "Chochmeh" of his little 5 year-old terrorist. When the cab driver asked him, why is he different than an Arab terrorist, he gives the cab driver a convoluted, twisted, answer!

My friends, this crazed lunatic is a Magid Shiur  in the Mirrer Yeshivah in Yerushalayim, and speaks to impressionable young minds. He is talking to your children! He is advocating murder!

What will you do, when your child hearing a shmooze such as this gets caught up in the moment and kills an IDF soldier?
Farfetched? I don't think so! They are already beating up Frum Soldiers!
Soldiers will now be on guard every time they see a Yeshiva Bocher; the soldier may take any gesture from the Bocher as an impending attack, and G-D only knows what tragedy can happen!

This maniac is a Rodef according to Halacha!  If an Imam from Gaza would have given this schmooze, we would want him arrested! But this guy is speaking in a mainstream Yeshivah and so far he is continuing to spew his vitriol and hatred with impunity!

Pick up a phone and call the Mirrer Yeshivah in Yerushlayim and tell them to remove this animal NOW!!!
+972 2-582-1845

 The "Behimeh" continues with his diatribe, and says  that this is no different than the Chanukah Story, when the Maccabees went to war with the "Yevonim," the Greeks, and killed them. This deranged animal explained that all the "Yevonim" wanted from the Jews, was for the "Yeshivah Boys to play ball on their break." And because of this Greek Decree, that Yeshivah boys must play ball during their break, the Maccabees murdered the YeVonim!
I am not making this up, you can hear this Meshuginer  with your own ears, speaking in fluent English, all you have to do is click below! and hear at the 36.50 mark
You will hear this
"On Shabbos I spoke to my kids, and I said that Rav Steinman spoke that lemayseh, we have today Haman and Amalek, all this [Israeli] government, and really the way is to take knives and to kill them, just as with the Yevanim. This is what Rav Steinman said. You have to take a sword and to kill them. So why are we not doing it? Because, he said, I don't know yet who is the general who could run the war. But if I would know who's the general, we'd go out with knives. This is what Rav Steinman said. There's a war against religion... I explained this to my kids... then, in the middle of the meal, my kid, five years old, says, "Aba, we don't have a sword in the house, I'm looking... maybe a hammer is also good?" I was very happy, I gave him a kiss... I was so proud of my son, he's looking for a sword to kill all these government ministers... "

Click below and go to Rav Kaplan- Tzav


Mr. Kaplan, convert to Islam, G-D, doesnt want or need your perverted Torah! You may very well be a grandchild of Avraham Aveenu, but from his wife Hagar, not Sarah!
The Israeli government must lock this guy up for life and take his kids away, he is a menace to society!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Rav Sternbuch adds a mitzva to the 613, Mitzva for Naftali Bennet to remove his kipa!

Rav Sternbuch as the leader of the Eida Chareidis, seemingly has the power to add mitzvos to the Torah! What's unique about this mitzvah is, that this mitzvah will only apply to one person,
Naftali Bennett, the Bayit Yehudi Leader.
Rav Sternbuch stated “Bennett would do a mitzvah by removing his yarmulke. I do not have menucha day or night due to their silence regarding the awful gezeira to do away with Am Yisrael’s yichus.
The Rav made his remarks earlier this week in Netivot during a kenos in support of Rav Abarjil Shlita.

So what did Naftali Bennett do to deserve this special Mitzvah, you ask?
He advocates a push to integrate Chareidie men, most of whom are unemployed, into the workforce.

Yoy Vei, Chas V'sholom, such a terrible  "gezeira"?

Now listen to the punch line, sit down, guys
"The Rav also expressed concerns over the growing Chilul Shabbos in Eretz Yisrael today, headed by Tel Aviv, where stores are now opening on Shabbos with the support of officials."

So I ask, I haven't heard one peep out of him about the massive Chillul Shabbos that's going to take place to prepare for the tremendous crowds this Motzei Shabbos, Lag B'Omer in Meron!

How many police officers, how many buses, are going to have to be prepared on Shabbos itself?
Why isn't Rav Sternbuch concerned about Chillul Shabbos on this very  shabbos?
You know why? The Organizers would come out with Kol Korahs that he has dementia, that's why!
I did hear that the Mizrachi Rabbis are keeping their Yeshivos open this coming Sunday and will celebrate Lag B'Omer in Meron on Monday to avoid Chillul Shabbos? How about that?

Heshy Frank of Quality Carpets dies on Plane

A Boro Park  man is dead after suffering a heart attack mid flight from Florida to New York, rescue workers in New York said.

64-year-old Herschel Frank of Borough Park, Brooklyn, was returning from a vacation along with his wife.

The incident began as the plane began to descend towards John F Kennedy Airport. Frank’s wife noticed that her husband was not feeling well and alerted the flight attendants.

Frank soon lost consciousness. Crew members performed CPR, but to no avail. Paramedics who were waiting at the gate, declared Frank dead.

Israeli Soldiers with help from Hashem watching Israel's Waters!

Frum Soldiers in the IDF! Video!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Lag Ba'Omer Parade banned to Satmar Chassidim because of Chabad "Propaganda"

Remember the Lag B'Omer parade on Eastern Parkway, when you were a kid? 
If you are a Satmar Chassid, you will have to sit home this Lag B'omer, and nibble on your pizza, because Chabad is looking to recruit Satmarer Chassidim to their cause, according to posters hung all over Williamsburg.

The Satmars have very little confidence in their own way of life and are terrified that their children may get seduced by Lubavitch lifestyle. 
So they are banning it!
Hat tip: Nuchem Rosenberg
Loose translation:
Heading: Yeshivah Torah V'Yirah Satmar

In honor of our esteemed parents,

Since  Lubavitch  is organizing a Lag B'Omer Parade
and they propagandize, to seduce Heimishe Children to their way of life, a lifestyle that our Rabbis do not approve.

Therefore, we are asking you not to allow your children to attend!

Hashem should help, that the merit of Reb Shimon ben Yochai should shield us, we should be able to educate our children in ways of Hashem and His Torah, with joy and Nachas, Amen!

I guess it's better for Satmar that the "Tuna Biegels" go totally off the derech than to Chas V'Sholom become a Lubavitcher!

Vizhnitzer Rebbe rants against Modern Eyeglasses

The Vizhnitzer Rebbe, Rav Yisroel Hager, has B"H no other problems. 
EXCEPT for the following burning issue: 
His yungeleit are wearing the latest eyeglass frames!

They all wear the same style Shtrimlich, they all wear "Kortzeh Hoizen" (Breeches) with White Shtrimp (socks), they all wear Bekeshes .... so the only way one can make his own fashion statement, would be to get different eyeglass frames!

So after eating a little schmaltz herring, and sipping some Malaga Wine, at Shalosh Seudois, this past Shabbos (no reports at this time, on what he did first, eat the herring or drink the wine), the Rebbe gave a powerful speech strongly condemning this latest fad!

The Rebbe also spoke with great pain to those who have the "addiction" to listen to the constant barrage of news of our communities."

In other words, he doesn't even want them to be privy of any news in their own Bnei -Brak Community!

I give up!

Observation: The Rebbe himself doesn't wear glasses!

De Blasio gets criticism for attending Pro-Israel Meeting from Jews!

Self Hating Jew Liz Krueger

What motivates a Jew, to stab, so to speak, Israel, in the back? There is a self-hating liberal organization that calls itself J Street, that masquerades as a pro-Israel lobby, but is really against everything any Jew stands for.
Why isn't Aguda fighting these bastards? Why isn't there one Rebbe or Rosh Yeshivah on record, chastising these destructive animals?
Wouldn't this be an opportunity to show the world that in this respect we are all united against J Street?

State Senator Liz Krueger who hates her own religion sent an email to the Mayor criticizing him for attending a pro Israel meeting! 

We have to either e-mail or call State Senator Liz Krueger and tell her that we are not supporting her anti-Israel stance!
Albany Office

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Read from the Daily News

Mayor Bill de Blasio received major criticism for attending January’s meeting of American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) new emails show.

In emails obtained by NY Daily News  de Blasio was told he needed “a broader education on NY Jewish/Israel issues to avoid future blow ups” in one email sent by State Sen. Liz Krueger to de Blasio’s aide Emma Wolfe.
“I am actually getting as many angry messages from Jewish non-AIPAC folks (Anti Israel, J Street and Peace Now Supporters) than I did on the east side snow problems,” Krueger continued.

De Blasio offered support to the pro-Israel group, stating that City Hall will “always be open to AIPAC.”

Self Hating Liberal Jews who support the mayor were angered by the mayor’s seemingly upfront position to support the pro-Israel group.

Victor Kovner, a board member of the Jewish group J Street, an Anti-Semite, attempted to get a meeting with the mayor to offer a different liberal viewpoint of Jewish politics. He sent an email to City Hall Jan. 31 asking for a meeting with de Blasio.
“I thought you had made clear that Saturday or Sunday would be work for the Mayor,” Kovner wrote to Avi Fink, Wolfe’s deputy who supervises Jewish affairs for the mayor. “Among the subjects to be covered will be the impact of the (AIPAC) speech upon New Yorkers.”

De Blasio did end up holding a 10-minute conference call on Feb. 2 with J Street leaders.

A City Hall spokesperson stated, “Mayor de Blasio recognizes the deep bond and friendship between the U.S. and Israel, and is deeply supportive of the President’s efforts to achieve a two-state solution that secures Israel’s future as the democratic homeland of the Jewish people.”

De Blasio’s Jan. 23 appearance before AIPAC was not listed on his public schedule, but a reporter for Capital New York recorded part of the speech before getting kicked out.

Monday, May 12, 2014

New Cure for Childless Women .. Smash Your Iphone, Says Self Appointed Rabbi

You first have to spend $600.00 to buy a smartphone, so that you can smash it!
He doesn't want you to sell it, if you already own one, because then he won't be able to perform his crazy performance on UTUBE!

Rabbi Lior Glazer, came up with this brand new segulah, for women who are unfortunately desperate to have children, and he takes advantage of these clueless souls.

How demented can someone get, to come up with these shenanigans?
What about the thousands of women who are childless and don't own a smartphone? What Segulah does he have for them?

Friday, May 9, 2014

Gedoilei Yisroel endorsed the Mayor of Modi'in Illit and now they want him out, because he wants to appoint an "Aguda Guy"

 Peace between Israel and Arabs must be at hand, because their is plenty of time for  Chareidim to fight with each other! Looks like the Army issue, is more or less taken care of. They are not going to the Army, because the רבש''ע, with the help of the Chilonim  are going to protect them and their Mosdos HaTorah!
 Litvishe and Chassidishe Gedolim pushed Yaakov Gutterman as their candidate for Mayor in Modi'in Illit.
He won! So you would think, "Oy! We could breath now!
No such chance! The Mayor made a big Boo Boo, he appointed an Aguda guy for Deputy Mayor?

Nope! He is not a Chilonie, No, he doesn't wear a Kipah Seruga Chas V'sholom. 
Yes, He is a Shomer Torah U'mitzvos.
So stop keeping us in suspense, what did he do?
Does he have a criminal past? Nope
Is he a molester? Nope
So what did he do already? I can't take it much longer! 
Here goes ... I didn't make this up? I don't have such a big imagination!
The one appointed is a member of Aguda! And not Degel!
There I said it!!
Crazy? No?

The machlokes between MK Moshe Gafne and Modi’in Illit Mayor Rav Yaakov Gutterman is intensifying and it is clear that Gafne is doing his utmost to unseat the mayor from his post.
A hearing was held in a Modi’in Illit beis din headed by Rav Moshe Kessler Shlita in which Gafne’s opposition to appointing Agudas Yisrael’s Tuvia Freind as deputy mayor instead the Degel candidate was heard.
One major question is the beis din jurisdiction to discuss the matter for according to Gafne, this is no ordinary Halachic machlokes but a sensitive public political matter that must decided by Gedolei Yisrael Shlita, no one else. 

Gafne used a psak from HaGaon HaRav Nissim Karelitz Shlita from a case filed against him from expellees from Gush Katif. Freind however maintains the issue has to do with monetary matters as well, making it the beis din’s jurisdiction.

Kikar Shabbos reports that Gafne was on the offensive, launching a scathing attack against Gutterman and his handling of the city. Gafne told the beis din that even Maran HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv ZT”L did not rely on Gutterman and this is the case today as well pertaining to Maran HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman’s Shlita lack of trust in the mayor.
“I am stating in a loud clear voice that he does not represent gedolei yisrael” Gafne told the beis din.

Gutterman is a member of Degel Yisrael but he still wishes to appoint Agudas Yisrael Councilman Tuvia Freind as a deputy mayor and not the Degel councilman, Mordechai Goldberg. Gafne insists that the mayor is defying the word of Maran HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita and is now working to oust him from his post.

Cardinal O'Connor's Grandfather was a שוחט

John Cardinal O’Connor, the beloved late archbishop of New York, had a grandfather who was a rabbi and a kosher butcher. No wonder he always wore a kipah!

The astonishing revelation comes after a Long Island genealogist pulled century-old records to reveal the cardinal’s grandpa, Gustav Gumple, was listed the “second rabbi” at a synagogue in Bridgeport, Conn., The Jewish Week reported.
Gumple worked at a “meat market” and may have also been a shochet — a worker trained and licensed to slaughter animals in a manner prescribed by Jewish law, according to the genealogist, Renee Steinig.
“And like many of us, he even had an Aunt Minnie,” said Steinig, a former president of the Jewish Genealogy Society of Long Island.
Steinig was inspired to dig through old records — including 19th century Census data and Hamburg emigration papers — “out of curiosity” after the cardinal’s 87-year-old sister, Mary O’Connor Ward, learned recently their mother was born Jewish.
She had converted to Catholicism at age 19 but kept it a secret from her children, Ward said.
“I was stunned, breathless at the thought . . . It was a surprise I never expected,” she wrote in a personal essay published in Catholic New York.
She added, “Soon I was filled with joy as I came to know our family story in a completely new way.”
Joseph Zwilling, a longtime spokesman for the archdiocese who knew Cardinal O’Connor well, said the religious leader had never hinted he might be Jewish.
“As far as we can tell, he was not aware of it. He certainly knew his mother was a convert and had spoken about that. But he never gave any indication she had converted from Judaism,” Zwilling said.
He added, “He had a warm relationship with Jewish people . . . I think he would have been proud.”
In some records pulled by Steinig, the cardinal’s grandpa’s name is spelled “Gumpel,” not “Gumple” — but the timeline, addresses and names of relatives match up, she said.
Ward discovered her mom had converted by reading old church records while doing research on family history.
O’Connor died in 2000 at age 80 after serving 16 years as New York’s archbishop.