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The Crazed Animal Kaplan |
Rabbi Nissan Kaplan Mirrer Magid Shiur, gave a shmooze a couple of weeks ago and outright called for the murder of Israeli Government Officials!
He said that Rav Shteinman is the one who ordered this Fatwa! Kaplan said that the only reason, he isn't actually going out to murder them now, is because at this time "they don't have a general that wants to lead this war!"
In the shmooze, he added that he mentioned this "Shteinman Psak" at his Shabbos table, and that his five year old asked if he could kill the generals "with a hammer." When his son asked this brilliant question, Kaplan kissed him!
He then told a cab driver, the big "Chochmeh" of his little 5 year-old terrorist. When the cab driver asked him, why is he different than an Arab terrorist, he gives the cab driver a convoluted, twisted, answer!
My friends, this crazed lunatic is a Magid Shiur in the Mirrer Yeshivah in Yerushalayim, and speaks to impressionable young minds. He is talking to your children! He is advocating murder!
What will you do, when your child hearing a shmooze such as this gets caught up in the moment and kills an IDF soldier?
Farfetched? I don't think so! They are already beating up Frum Soldiers!
Soldiers will now be on guard every time they see a Yeshiva Bocher; the soldier may take any gesture from the Bocher as an impending attack, and G-D only knows what tragedy can happen!
This maniac is a Rodef according to Halacha! If an Imam from Gaza would have given this schmooze, we would want him arrested! But this guy is speaking in a mainstream Yeshivah and so far he is continuing to spew his vitriol and hatred with impunity!
Pick up a phone and call the Mirrer Yeshivah in Yerushlayim and tell them to remove this animal NOW!!!
+972 2-582-1845
The "Behimeh" continues with his diatribe, and says that this is no different than the Chanukah Story, when the Maccabees went to war with the "Yevonim," the Greeks, and killed them. This deranged animal explained that all the "Yevonim" wanted from the Jews, was for the "Yeshivah Boys to play ball on their break." And because of this Greek Decree, that Yeshivah boys must play ball during their break, the Maccabees murdered the YeVonim!
I am not making this up, you can hear this Meshuginer with your own ears, speaking in fluent English, all you have to do is click below! and hear at the 36.50 mark
You will hear this
"On Shabbos I spoke to my kids, and I said that Rav Steinman spoke that lemayseh, we have today Haman and Amalek, all this [Israeli] government, and really the way is to take knives and to kill them, just as with the Yevanim. This is what Rav Steinman said. You have to take a sword and to kill them. So why are we not doing it? Because, he said, I don't know yet who is the general who could run the war. But if I would know who's the general, we'd go out with knives. This is what Rav Steinman said. There's a war against religion... I explained this to my kids... then, in the middle of the meal, my kid, five years old, says, "Aba, we don't have a sword in the house, I'm looking... maybe a hammer is also good?" I was very happy, I gave him a kiss... I was so proud of my son, he's looking for a sword to kill all these government ministers... "
Click below and go to Rav Kaplan- Tzav
Mr. Kaplan, convert to Islam, G-D, doesnt want or need your perverted Torah! You may very well be a grandchild of Avraham Aveenu, but from his wife Hagar, not Sarah!
The Israeli government must lock this guy up for life and take his kids away, he is a menace to society!