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Showing posts with label rabbi smashes smartphone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rabbi smashes smartphone. Show all posts

Monday, May 12, 2014

New Cure for Childless Women .. Smash Your Iphone, Says Self Appointed Rabbi

You first have to spend $600.00 to buy a smartphone, so that you can smash it!
He doesn't want you to sell it, if you already own one, because then he won't be able to perform his crazy performance on UTUBE!

Rabbi Lior Glazer, came up with this brand new segulah, for women who are unfortunately desperate to have children, and he takes advantage of these clueless souls.

How demented can someone get, to come up with these shenanigans?
What about the thousands of women who are childless and don't own a smartphone? What Segulah does he have for them?