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Showing posts with label yocheved abraham dead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yocheved abraham dead. Show all posts

Friday, May 23, 2014

Lakewood Rabbonim Blame All Tragedies in Lakewood on Women!

Lakewood Rabbonim have been proven to be a bunch of liars. 
There was an Asifah for ladies called "והי' מחנך קודש'' and the Rabbonim of Lakewood promised that there would be no more Hatzalah calls or tragedies in Lakewood if only the woman would shorten their shaitels!

A Robo call went out, stating that since the Asifah, no Hatzalah Calls!!!!!!!!

Well! Just yesterday 3 year old Yocheved Abraham was killed by a car in a driveway!

This is why people have no more respect for Rabbonim!
Maybe the tragedies happened because of all the Ponzi ripoffs!
Maybe because of the massive Chillul Hashem that the Lakewood Rabbonim did when they made the Yom Tefilah against Israel!
 To blame all tragedies on women is insane!