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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Supreme Court discussing the conditions of the terrorists from October 7th.....Israelis Having None of That!

The  Court discussing the conditions of the terrorists from October 7th. 

The lawyer for the Association for Civil Rights talked about the prisoners' conditions, saying, 

"They are held in cages, shackled and blindfolded, within fences." 

 The crowd erupts in shouting: "And where are our hostages being held? What are you even discussing?" 

"Who made you Jews?" called out a representative of one of the bereaved families. "They burned people alive. They raped and murdered men and women. This is something that even animals don’t do. There must be only one outcome for them – the punishment of death. Then there will be no problem of space and there will be no false accusations against IDF soldiers."

"Our children are hostages in Gaza, who cares about their conditions? Who cares about Kfir Bibas?" the outraged families shouted at the Supreme Court judges, “You should be ashamed of yourselves.”

Acting Supreme Court President, Uzi Vogelman responded: "Ladies and gentlemen, we are in the State of Israel. Whether you like it or not Israel is a state of law. Court hearings must be held quietly."

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