such a strange case as the frum/ yeshivish side wants secular court and the less yeshivish side wants beis din? my hunch is that the father must have proof that the mother is really not mentally stable or dangerous to get any custody and hes fighting to get full custody or who in their right mind what prefer beis din over any secular court.? obviously the mother is afraid of something that secular court would rule against her. Its very rare that secular court wouldnt give custody to the mother or worse case for mother is split the custody, we all know that whatever beisdin rules they have no teeth no enforcement so whoever is fearful of a not favorable decision of course wants beis din because who listens to beisdin nowadays. I mean cmon flatbushgirl are so such a frumock? that u want us to believe that u never go to secular court ?most frum people unless they are scared of a secular court would fight to hide behind beisdin with NO TEETH
something makes no sense here as any divorced mother would prefer secular courts over bais din, my hunch is the father has proof that the mother is not mentally stable or has done reckless behavior and that would give her no custody and thats why they fighting so hard to go to beis din, what a strange case as the less frum /yeshivish side wants beis din and the frum/ yeshivish side wants secular court lol
You gotta love how Flatbush Gargoyle is suddenly on the side of Torah when she can use it as a cudgel. I'm all for standing up for the yesoma if she's being wronged but tell that big mouth with her kids in public school to take a hike until she cuts it out with her LBGQT+ advocacy, mamzerus advocacy & the rest of her in your face kefirah
ben She doesn't want secular court because she cannot afford it! Her ex hired a top lawyer a tiger and paid him a $100,000 retainer according to court documents! Your hunch is that she is mentally unstable, that makes absolutely no sense, because he was a get refuser for a very long time, so why would he want to stay married to someone who us mentally unstable?
To Spare Us Yes "she is on the side of Torah when she can use it as a cudgel" but so is the Kalmonowitz tzaddikim until their luck ran out!
100k tiger lawyer PERRY MASON LOL who cares ? no american judge is taking away a baby from her mother no matter what lawyer the father has, again my hunch is she must be scared of something in secular court because secular court has teeth meaning enforcement where everyone knows at the end of day beis din can rule but cant enforce.mOST OF BEIS DINS RULINGS the other side simply finds a reason why the beis din ruled against them and dosent listen.Its a known fact that people who rather beis din over secular court simply have no intention on listening to the ruling.Again N.YJudges are if anything very liberal and will never take a baby from a mother unless she is dangerous to herself and baby.
such a strange case as the frum/ yeshivish side wants secular court and the less yeshivish side wants beis din? my hunch is that the father must have proof that the mother is really not mentally stable or dangerous to get any custody and hes fighting to get full custody or who in their right mind what prefer beis din over any secular court.? obviously the mother is afraid of something that secular court would rule against her. Its very rare that secular court wouldnt give custody to the mother or worse case for mother is split the custody, we all know that whatever beisdin rules they have no teeth no enforcement so whoever is fearful of a not favorable decision of course wants beis din because who listens to beisdin nowadays. I mean cmon flatbushgirl are so such a frumock? that u want us to believe that u never go to secular court ?most frum people unless they are scared of a secular court would fight to hide behind beisdin with NO TEETH
something makes no sense here as any divorced mother would prefer secular courts over bais din, my hunch is the father has proof that the mother is not mentally stable or has done reckless behavior and that would give her no custody and thats why they fighting so hard to go to beis din, what a strange case as the less frum /yeshivish side wants beis din and the frum/ yeshivish side wants secular court lol
You gotta love how Flatbush Gargoyle is suddenly on the side of Torah when she can use it as a cudgel. I'm all for standing up for the yesoma if she's being wronged but tell that big mouth with her kids in public school to take a hike until she cuts it out with her LBGQT+ advocacy, mamzerus advocacy & the rest of her in your face kefirah
She doesn't want secular court because she cannot afford it! Her ex hired a top lawyer a tiger and paid him a $100,000 retainer according to court documents!
Your hunch is that she is mentally unstable, that makes absolutely no sense, because he was a get refuser for a very long time, so why would he want to stay married to someone who us mentally unstable?
To Spare Us
Yes "she is on the side of Torah when she can use it as a cudgel" but so is the Kalmonowitz tzaddikim until their luck ran out!
Whatever the merit,She is never on the side of decency
100k tiger lawyer PERRY MASON LOL who cares ? no american judge is taking away a baby from her mother no matter what lawyer the father has, again my hunch is she must be scared of something in secular court because secular court has teeth meaning enforcement where everyone knows at the end of day beis din can rule but cant enforce.mOST OF BEIS DINS RULINGS the other side simply finds a reason why the beis din ruled against them and dosent listen.Its a known fact that people who rather beis din over secular court simply have no intention on listening to the ruling.Again N.YJudges are if anything very liberal and will never take a baby from a mother unless she is dangerous to herself and baby.
if she doesn't have money how can she pay for flatbush girl to protest that cost 30k
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